Translators, Researchers, and Other Volunteers
Listed below are the Archive's 1,107 generous and devoted volunteers, who have submitted and/or provided textual changes for 52,790 texts. Hundreds of them have also permitted the Archive to reprint 34,368 of their own translations for your perusal.
Volunteers with the most prolific contributions appear at the top of the list.
To become a guest editor, please write to Emily Ezust at the following address:
- Albeggiani, Ferdinando [ 3176 items : 1942 texts and 1234 translations ]
- Auditorium du Louvre [ 123 texts ]
- Aue, Walter A. [ 145 items : 2 texts and 143 translations ]
- Bellenberg, Karl [ 297 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Botero Restrepo, Saúl [ 156 items : 27 texts and 129 translations ]
- Campbell, John H. [ 214 items : 106 texts and 108 translations ]
- Cormier, Faith J. [ 246 items : 2 texts and 244 translations ]
- Corness, Patrick John [ 159 items : 40 texts and 119 translations ]
- de Rosamel, Pierre [ 124 translations ]
- Diehl, Caroline [ 109 texts ]
- Donderwinkel, Peter [ 245 texts ]
- Ezust, Emily [ 35,000+ texts and 1470 translations ] [Administrator]
- Godry, Linda [ 283 items : 117 texts and 166 translations ]
- Goldet, Stéphane [ 124 translations ]
- Granger, Jean-Pierre [ 103 items : 46 texts and 57 translations ]
- Imbarrato, Amelia Maria [ 485 items : 24 texts and 461 translations ]
- Ismail, Ahmed E. [ 187 items : 130 texts and 57 translations ]
- Joelson, Harry [ 1344 items : 1342 texts and 2 translations ]
- Kanen, Lau [ 2259 items : 158 texts and 2101 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Kellner, Jakob [ 116 items : 91 texts and 25 translations ]
- Kielland, Marianne Beate [ 134 items : 6 texts and 128 translations ]
- Knight, Virginia [ 154 texts ]
- Kottmann, Bertram [ 2467 items : 1068 texts and 1399 translations ]
- Krebs, Sharon [ 10293 items : 6072 texts and 4221 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Laffaille, Guy [ 5887 items : 1939 texts and 3948 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Low, Peter [ 416 items : 23 texts and 393 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Mathé, Pierre [ 3593 items : 242 texts and 3351 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Medlock, Garrett [ 880 items : 543 texts and 337 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Miller, Barbara [ 350 items : 283 texts and 67 translations ]
- Møller, Leif [ 255 texts ]
- Morris, Richard [ 172 items : 166 texts and 6 translations ]
- Palmer, Peter [ 156 items : 90 texts and 66 translations ]
- Paton, John Glenn [ 381 items : 206 texts and 175 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Pearson, Mike [ 313 texts ]
- Pedrotti, Alberto [ 361 texts ]
- Peeters, Hanne-Joost [ 122 texts ]
- Perry, Ted [ 640 texts ]
- Pfrimmer, Amy [ 105 items : 8 texts and 97 translations ]
- Pila, Salvador [ 3559 items : 77 texts and 3482 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Pipatjarasgit, Poom Andrew [ 409 items : 388 texts and 21 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Prichard, Laura [ 1353 items : 499 texts and 854 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Prunskus, Giedrius [ 301 items : 40 texts and 261 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Pullinen, Erkki [ 808 items : 134 texts and 674 translations ]
- Rapado, Elisa [ 1 text and 132 translations ]
- Rastl, Peter [ 1073 items : 1066 texts and 7 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Rosenstock, Gabriel [ 149 items : 6 texts and 143 translations ]
- Rosewall, Michael P [ 441 items : 26 texts and 415 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Schall, Robert [ 114 items : 5 texts and 109 translations ]
- Schneider, Andrew [ 3358 items : 2802 texts and 556 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Scholten, Jeroen [ 135 texts ]
- Sneddon, Iain [ 332 items : 266 texts and 66 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Trumbull, Melanie [ 4043 texts ]
- van der Linden, Joost [ 5040 items : 4993 texts and 47 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- van Noordenburg, Lidy [ 214 items : 108 texts and 106 translations ]
- Versmoren, John [ 965 texts ]
- Wang, Dr Huaixing [ 400 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Winkler, Johann [ 7074 items : 7016 texts and 58 translations ]
- Wren, Malcolm [ 2782 items : 2451 texts and 331 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Wyatt, David [ 1072 items : 365 texts and 707 translations ]
- Abel, Mark [ 14 texts ]
- Abrahamsson, Anna [ 1 text ]
- Accinelli, Elena María [ 61 items : 8 texts and 53 translations ]
- Achey, Meredith [ 1 translation ]
- Ackermann, Peter [ 1 text ]
- Adamson, John [ 1 text ]
- Adès, Timothy [ 1 text and 6 translations ]
- Aguilar, César [ 10 items : 5 texts and 5 translations ]
- Alamillo Fernández, Abel [ 13 translations ]
- Albeggiani, Giorgio [ 1 translation ]
- Albuquerque de Noronha, Paulo [ 24 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Alcácer, Enric [ 1 translation ]
- Allen, Kathleen [ 2 translations ]
- Ammerlaan, Bas [ 2 translations ]
- Andersen, Kevin Robert [ 1 text ]
- Anders, Frieder [ 29 items : 16 texts and 13 translations ]
- Anderson, Christian [ 19 items : 7 texts and 12 translations ]
- Anderson, John H. [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Anderson, Markham [ 1 translation ]
- Angell, David [ 5 translations ]
- Ang 洪光宇, Steven [ 1 translation ]
- Ang, Mei Foong [ 12 translations ]
- Ang, Thomas [ 1 text and 5 translations ]
- Aquite, Oscar [ 2 translations ]
- Arditti, David [ 3 texts ]
- Ariel, Ido [ ] [Guest Editor]
- Arizmendi, Héctor [ 1 text ]
- Arkell, David [ 30 items : 13 texts and 17 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Armacost, Gretchen [ 32 translations ]
- Arnar, Margrét [ 4 translations ]
- Arne, Lory [ 1 translation ]
- Arnold, Hubert [ 2 texts ]
- Atariah, Hamutal [ 33 translations ]
- Ayau, Joel [ 1 text and 16 translations ]
- Babbage, James [ 1 text ]
- Bakke, Arild [ 1 text and 4 translations ]
- Baksa, Robert [ 9 texts ]
- Bamberger, David [ 2 translations ]
- Bandinelli, Massimo [ 2 translations ]
- Barbasa, Jose [ 1 text ]
- Barcza, Tibor [ 1 text ]
- Barde, Knut W. [ 67 items : 6 texts and 61 translations ]
- Barnes, Philip [ 1 text ]
- Barnes, Vincent [ 1 text ]
- Barozzi, Giulio Cesare [ 9 translations ]
- Barrett, Emerson [ 4 translations ]
- Bartlett, John [ 13 texts ]
- Bataszeki, Ildykó [ 1 translation ]
- Bateman, Emily [ 10 texts ]
- Bates, Stephen [ 2 texts ]
- Batista, Débora Letícia [ 31 items : 3 texts and 28 translations ]
- Bauer, Eric [ 24 texts ]
- Baur, Christian [ 3 texts ]
- Baxter, Garth [ 31 texts ]
- Beam, Jeffery [ 3 texts ]
- Beattie, Alec [ 5 texts ]
- Beaudoin, Tamara [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Becker, Johannes [ 13 items : 7 texts and 6 translations and many typo-corrections ]
- Becker, Michael [ 1 text ]
- Beckwith, Hubert [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Bede, Ryan [ 2 translations ]
- Beems, Frans [ 1 translation ]
- Beer, Heidrun [ 39 items : 15 texts and 24 translations ]
- Beerling, Marie-Louise [ ] [Guest Editor]
- Belcher, Robin [ 2 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Belflower, Alisa [ 1 translation ]
- Bellhouse, Andrea [ 1 text ]
- Bellini, Carla [ 6 translations ]
- Beloin, Catherine [ 4 translations ]
- Bénassy, Odile [ 3 translations ]
- Bendick, Christoph [ 3 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Benson, Dave [ 1 text ]
- Beranek, Jordyn Elizabeth [ 8 items : 2 texts and 6 translations ]
- Berg, Aleksey [ 29 translations ]
- Bergstedt, Axel [ 9 translations ]
- Berlinghof, Regina [ 5 items : 4 texts and 1 translation ]
- Berridge, Michael [ 27 items : 3 texts and 24 translations ]
- Bespalov, Anton [ 16 translations ]
- Bianco, Bruno [ 5 texts ]
- Binnig, Beate [ 22 translations ]
- Binns, Hetty [ 2 texts ]
- Bittar, Eric [ 1 translation ]
- Blackwell, Jennifer [ 7 texts ]
- Bocelli, Davide [ 1 translation ]
- Bonati, Alberto [ 9 translations ]
- Borja Illescas, Eduardo [ 4 translations ]
- Βουτσινά, Κατερίνα [ 1 text and 3 translations ]
- Bozón, David Rivera [ ] [Guest Editor]
- Bradley, Christina [ 1 text ]
- Brago, Victoria [ 72 texts ]
- Branch, Jean [ 7 texts ]
- Breitzer, Donna (Bareket) [ 52 items : 3 texts and 49 translations ]
- Breitzer, Joshua [ 9 translations ]
- Breuninger, Klaus [ 1 text ]
- Brewster, Bea [ 1 text ]
- Briessinck, Margo [ 36 texts ]
- Briggs, A. D. P. [ 5 translations ]
- Briggs, Gordon P. [ 1 text ]
- Bright, Vanessa [ 3 translations ]
- Briscoe, Doug [ 4 texts ]
- Brixius, Peter [ 33 texts ]
- Brobert, Rebecca [ 1 text ]
- Bronstein, Rose [ 4 texts ]
- Brookman, David [ ]
- Browne, Rowcliffe [ 2 translations ]
- Brown, Jane K. [ 1 text and 6 translations ]
- Brownless, Edmund Philip [ 1 text ]
- Bruck, Rafael [ 1 translation ]
- Bruhn, Dr Siglind [ 12 texts ]
- Brull Piñol, Anna [ 6 translations ]
- Brumby, Colin [ 5 texts ]
- Brütsch, Tino [ 27 texts ]
- Buchhorn, Jörg [ 37 texts ]
- Bugge, Camilla [ 26 items : 9 texts and 17 translations ]
- Bulla, Wolfgang [ 6 texts ]
- Bulli, Marilyn [ 1 translation ]
- Bunzel, Anja [ 46 items : 10 texts and 36 translations ]
- Buonafede, Mario [ 5 texts ]
- Burch, Mike [ 1 text ]
- Burke, John [ 14 texts ]
- Burritt, Lloyd [ 26 texts ]
- Burton, Athony [ 19 texts ]
- Butler, Steve [ 1 translation ]
- Butu, Ionela [ 2 texts ]
- Cadena, Marta Garcia [ 25 translations ]
- Cadrin, Paul [ 1 text ]
- Calis, Hein [ 12 texts ]
- Campanella, Francesco [ 22 translations ]
- Campbell-Dick, Alistair [ 2 texts ]
- Cannon, Gary D. [ 2 translations ]
- Cao, Pierre [ 9 items : 4 texts and 5 translations ]
- Capaldo, Jennifer [ 7 translations ]
- Cardy, Patrick [ 5 translations ]
- Casalaina, Loretta [ 1 text ]
- Casasbellas, Juan [ 1 translation ]
- Cassel, Thomas [ 1 text ]
- Cecchini, Isabelle [ 9 translations ]
- Certenais, Nicolas [ 1 translation ]
- Chaing, YiLing [ 1 text and 6 translations ]
- Chaldezos, George [ 14 items : 6 texts and 8 translations ]
- Chalifoux, Simon [ 8 translations ]
- Champod, P. G. [ 1 text ]
- Chan, Evelyn Chih-Yih [ 1 translation ]
- Chapin, Melody [ 1 translation ]
- Chartier, Yves [ 1 text ]
- Chen, Kendree [ 20 translations ]
- Chenrui (薛辰瑞), Xue [ 1 translation ]
- Chen, Zhanwen [ ]
- Che, Yen-Chiang [ 1 text and 57 translations ]
- Childs, Maranda [ 2 texts ]
- Chin, Carol [ 1 translation ]
- Clarke, David H. [ 2 texts ]
- Clausen, Heather [ 2 texts ]
- Claycomb, Laura [ 47 items : 6 texts and 41 translations ]
- Cleary, Farrell [ 2 translations ]
- Clelland, Stuart [ 1 text ]
- Cloud, Judith [ 23 texts ]
- Cody, Claudia Landivar [ 5 translations ]
- Cole, Amanda [ 18 items : 8 texts and 10 translations ]
- Colomer, Núria [ 16 translations ]
- Combs, Ronald [ 1 translation ]
- Company, Joan [ 1 translation ]
- Connelly, James [ 1 text ]
- Conte-Grand, Javier [ 1 text and 9 translations ]
- Cooper, Geoffrey [ 2 translations ]
- Cortez, Xochimilco [ 3 translations ]
- Cox, Steven [ 46 texts ]
- Crabtree, Leslie [ 2 texts ]
- Crespo, Sol [ 5 translations ]
- Cronin, Laurie [ 1 text and 3 translations ]
- Crosetto, Marco [ 1 text and 7 translations ]
- Cruz, Rose [ 1 text ]
- Csűry, Tamás Dániel [ 8 translations ]
- Culos, Ermes [ 11 translations ]
- Curtis, Liane [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Cuypers, Geert [ 1 text ]
- Czaposki, Michał [ 10 items : 5 texts and 5 translations ]
- Dangel, Gerhard [ 39 texts ]
- D'Angelo, Francesco [ 5 texts ]
- Danieli, Diana [ 9 items : 6 texts and 3 translations ]
- Danilova, Elena [ 5 translations ]
- Daughtrey, Sarah [ 25 items : 8 texts and 17 translations ]
- Davies, Rob [ 1 text ]
- Davin, François [ 1 text ]
- Davis, Ian [ 3 texts ]
- Davis, Marcia [ ]
- Dawkins, Thomas [ 1 text and 3 translations ]
- de Andrade, Napoleão Laureano [ 2 translations ]
- Deane, Tony [ 1 text ]
- Deaton, Tyson [ 1 text and 1 translation ] [Guest Editor]
- De Benedictis, Bruce [ some notes ]
- de Brún, Sorcha [ 2 translations ]
- DeGarmeaux, Mark [ 7 translations ]
- De Jesús, Raedcavid [ 2 translations ]
- de Jong, Marijke [ 1 text ]
- de Kup, Evianne [ 1 text ]
- De la Cruz, Alvaro [ 6 translations ]
- Delay, Marie-Claire [ 1 text and 2 translations ]
- De Matteis, Maria Rita [ 7 translations ]
- De Pue, Wallace Earl [ 8 texts ]
- de Villiers, Nico [ 1 text ]
- De Vos, Raphael [ 1 text ]
- de Vries, Mark [ 1 translation ]
- Dienes, Andrew [ 1 translation ]
- Dillon, Kathleen Comalli [ 1 translation ]
- Dixon, Wendy [ 2 texts ]
- Djurhuus, Leivur [ 2 translations ]
- Dody, Teresa [ 2 texts ]
- Doveton, Robin [ 1 text ]
- Downes, Alan [ 1 text ]
- Dra, Madison [ 1 text ]
- Dubberly, Stephen [ 1 translation ]
- Duci, Giovanni [ 7 translations ]
- Duclos, Marie-France [ 1 translation ]
- Dudoignon, Susana Martin [ 57 items : 14 texts and 43 translations ]
- Dünnebach, Ulrich [ 1 text ]
- Dupraz, Henri [ 5 translations ]
- Durand, Jana [ 1 text ]
- Duyster, Peter [ 3 texts ]
- Dymit, Thomas [ 8 texts ]
- Eby, Stan [ 1 translation ]
- Edensor, Ken [ 18 texts ]
- Eggleston, Dan [ 40 texts ]
- Eguchi, Patricia Dillard [ 6 translations ]
- Eichenseher, Peter [ 11 texts ]
- Eisenlohr, Ulrich [ 2 texts ]
- Elam, Rebecca S [ 1 translation ]
- Elliott, Martha [ 3 translations ]
- Enk, Fred van den [ 1 text ]
- Eriksson, Sara [ 1 text ]
- Estrada, Rosa Marie [ 1 text ]
- Evans, Anne [ 89 items : 37 texts and 52 translations ]
- Evans, Ashly [ 6 texts ]
- Evans, Maggie [ 4 translations ]
- Ewing, Adam [ 9 items : 4 texts and 5 translations ]
- Exelby, Richard M. [ 1 translation ]
- Ezust, Joseph [ 3 translations ]
- Ezust, Mimi [ 13 texts ]
- Ezust, Paul [ 87 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Falsled, Fjodor [ 1 text ]
- Fan, Ethan [ 1 text and 2 translations ]
- Farrell, Diana [ 1 translation ]
- Farrell, Jennifer [ 6 texts ]
- Faure, Daniel [ 6 translations ]
- Fein, Evan [ 1 translation ]
- Feledichuk, MeLisa [ 1 text ]
- Ferrando, Adriana [ 1 translation ]
- Fetter, David [ 1 text and 3 translations ]
- Fill, Karin [ 1 text and 2 translations ]
- Findlan, Kevin [ 1 text ]
- Fischer, Joachim [ 11 texts ]
- Fisk, Terry [ 42 texts ]
- Fitz Gibbon, Lucy [ 16 items : 11 texts and 5 translations ]
- Flechter, Guy [ 1 text ]
- Fleischmann, Ruth [ ] [Guest Editor]
- Fletzberger, Matthias [ 21 texts ]
- Florig-Rowland, Irmela [ 1 translation ]
- Flynn, Anthony [ 1 text ]
- Fontenoy, Paul [ 1 text ]
- Forte, Lucio [ 2 translations ]
- Fowler, John [ 21 texts ]
- Fox-Gal, Eva [ 32 texts ]
- Fox, Greg [ 21 texts ]
- Franceschi, Gianni [ 1 text and 19 translations ]
- Francisco, Eder [ 1 text ]
- Frank, Gabriel [ 2 texts ]
- Franklin, Erin [ 5 translations ]
- Freeman, Mary [ 1 text ]
- Frenzel, Angelika [ 15 translations ]
- Frühbeis, Xaver [ 1 text ]
- Füllemann, Christine [ 3 texts ]
- Fulmer, Mimmi [ 21 translations ]
- Gädker, Georg [ 14 items : 6 texts and 8 translations ]
- Gain, Malcolm [ 3 items : 2 texts and 1 translation ]
- Gaiser, Christoph [ 5 texts ]
- Gaitzsch, Johann [ 35 items : 28 texts and 7 translations ]
- Gambino, Benny [ 3 texts ]
- Gandia, Josep [ 9 texts ]
- Gantenberg, Birgit [ 1 text ]
- Ganz, Isabelle [ 1 translation ]
- Gao, Dr Chao [ 1 text ]
- García, Alfredo [ 47 items : 8 texts and 39 translations ]
- Garciacano Hinojosa, Gerardo [ 12 translations ]
- Garcia, Priscila [ 1 text ]
- Gardner, Avril [ 1 text ]
- Gard, Richard [ 7 translations ]
- Garoux, Christiane [ 3 texts ]
- Garrigós, Robert [ 13 translations ]
- Gee, Kyle [ 32 items : 4 texts and 28 translations ]
- Géliot, Christine [ 8 texts ]
- Genesi, Mario Giuseppe [ 94 items : 69 texts and 25 translations ]
- Genovesi, Margaret Baker [ 1 translation ]
- George, Donald [ 1 text and 2 translations ]
- Gerber, Steven K. [ 6 texts ]
- Gereben, Janos [ 9 texts ]
- Giacona, Ignazio [ 1 translation ]
- Gianniou, Effimia [ 22 translations ]
- Gibeau, Sophia [ 1 translation ]
- Gillespie, Janet [ 1 text ]
- Gillis, Iain S. [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Giné, Iago [ 2 translations ]
- Giuliano, Antonio [ 19 items : 6 texts and 13 translations ]
- Giurleo, Andrew [ ]
- Giustini, Marco [ 1 text and 4 translations ]
- Givens, Dr Melissa [ 16 items : 8 texts and 8 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Gliere, Jennifer [ 68 items : 33 texts and 35 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Glynn, Alexandra [ 16 items : 5 texts and 11 translations ]
- Godwin, Chris D. [ 8 translations ]
- Goldim, José Roberto [ 1 translation ]
- Goldthorpe, Siân [ 21 items : 12 texts and 9 translations ]
- Gomon, Konstantin [ 12 texts ]
- Gonçalves, Leonardo [ 1 translation ]
- Gonzales, Diego [ 2 translations ]
- González Bernardo, Covadonga [ 10 translations ]
- Gonzalo Bermejo, M. [ 2 translations ]
- Goode, Catherine [ ]
- Gordon, David [ 22 items : 11 texts and 11 translations ]
- Gorny, Konstantin [ 7 texts ]
- Gotkowski, Dennis [ 5 items : 2 texts and 3 translations ]
- Gotschlich, Madeleine [ 1 translation ]
- Goulart, Sarah [ 2 texts ]
- Gounin, Nicolas [ 18 items : 14 texts and 4 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Grady, Robert [ 19 texts ]
- Gräff-Schestag, Matthias [ 22 texts ]
- Gramß, Nele [ 23 translations ]
- Gratzer, Olivier [ 17 texts several corrections ]
- Green, Chelsea [ 4 translations ]
- Gregg, Thomas A. [ 33 items : 12 texts and 21 translations ]
- Grenville, Lewis [ 13 translations ]
- Griffin, Fred [ 1 text ]
- Grogan, David [ 1 text ]
- Grotenhuis, Martin [ 1 text ]
- Grubbs, John W. [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Grünbauer, Brigitta [ 19 texts ]
- Grunberg, Peter [ 8 translations ]
- Guardia, Aliana de la [ 1 translation ]
- Guess, David [ 2 translations ]
- Guimarães, Maria [ 1 translation ]
- Gulchin, Leonid [ 4 translations ]
- Gunnarson, Eike [ 1 translation ]
- Gutvill, Sára [ 1 translation ]
- Haab, Vinzenz [ 9 texts ]
- Hacquard, Mario [ 1 text ]
- Halaburt, Gene [ 1 text ]
- Halffter, Manuel [ 2 translations ]
- Halliday, Malcolm [ 2 translations ]
- Hallmark, Rufus [ 7 translations ]
- Hall, Sarah [ 2 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Halverson, Peter [ 1 text ]
- Hamann, Julia [ 1 text and 13 translations ]
- Hansen, Kelly Dean [ 12 translations ]
- Hansen, Poul Einer [ 3 translations ]
- Han, Victor [ 8 translations ]
- Haralambous, Yannis [ 2 translations ]
- Hartmann, Linus [ 1 text ]
- Hartogh, Dr. Gerrit den [ 68 texts ]
- Haskale, Hadassah [ 7 translations ]
- Hasnes, Geir [ information about G. K. Chesterton settings ]
- Hasselt, Luc van [ 1 translation ]
- Häuptli, Bruno W. [ 11 texts ]
- Hayes, Mike [ 1 translation ]
- Heckel, Barbara [ 3 texts ]
- Heck, Thomas [ 1 text and 3 translations ]
- Heer, Marieke T. de [ 4 texts ]
- He, Fengrui (Sophia) [ 1 translation ]
- Heinzen, Franziska [ 1 text and 8 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Helander, Yvonne [ 7 items : 2 texts and 5 translations ]
- Hempfling, Hendrik [ 1 translation ]
- Henning, Julia [ 1 text and 15 translations ]
- Henríquez Concepción, Juan [ 72 items : 12 texts and 60 translations ]
- Henry, François [ information about a great many settings of Gautier ]
- Henschel, Volkmar [ 61 texts ]
- Herman, Marie-Claire [ 5 texts ]
- Hernandez, Andrea [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Hersey, Anna [ 38 items : 12 texts and 26 translations ]
- Heurtematte, François [ 1 text ]
- Heuser, Gayle Royko [ 7 translations ]
- Hicks, Grant [ 28 items : 16 texts and 12 translations ]
- Hidalgo, Wilson [ 22 translations ]
- Hilton, Ellis [ 3 texts ]
- Hindemith, Paul [ 41 items : 11 texts and 30 translations ]
- Hjort, Nils Lid [ 19 items : 18 texts and 1 translation and many typo corrections ]
- Hladik, Dan [ 2 texts ]
- Hodges, Edmund [ 1 translation ]
- Hodges, Maurice [ 1 text ]
- Hoekman, Timothy [ 3 translations ]
- Hoelker, Thomas [ 1 text ]
- Hoffman, Joanna [ 1 translation ]
- Hoffman, Sarah [ 2 translations ]
- Holden, Poppy [ 94 items : 47 texts and 47 translations ]
- Holmes, Brian [ 20 texts ]
- Hong, Helios [ 3 translations ]
- Hoppe, Lena [ 1 text ]
- Hourula, Sari [ 1 text ]
- Howell, Christopher [ 16 texts ]
- Howells, Nancy Leinonen [ 4 texts ]
- Hrdlicka, Teresa [ 1 text ]
- Hübner, Dr. Alfred [ 1 text ]
- Hudson, Andrew [ 2 translations ]
- Huet, Sophie [ 5 translations ]
- Hughes, Dylan [ 5 items : 2 texts and 3 translations ]
- Hummel, Martin [ 5 texts ]
- Hunt, Tara Melia [ 1 translation ]
- Hurley, Richard [ 1 translation ]
- Huth, Andrew [ 5 translations ]
- Ianchis, Linda [ 1 text ]
- Imhof, Abigail [ 21 texts ]
- Iriarte, Aminta [ 1 text and 12 translations ]
- Ismail, Samer T. [ 1 text ]
- Istigniejew, Alicja [ 9 translations ]
- Jackson, Stephen [ 10 items : 3 texts and 7 translations ]
- Jaenicke, Thomas [ 35 texts ]
- Jahn, Martin [ 27 texts ]
- Jaspers, Nicolaas (Koos) [ 32 items : 5 texts and 27 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Jehle, Dr. Volker [ ]
- Jermolajeva, Jelena [ 6 items : 2 texts and 4 translations ]
- Jobard, Jacques [ 5 translations ]
- Johannsen, Daniel [ 9 translations ]
- Johengen, Carl [ 1 text and 13 translations ]
- Johnson, Amy [ 12 items : 6 texts and 6 translations ]
- Johnson, Penny [ 1 translation ]
- Jones, Nick [ 1 text ]
- Jonk, Jan [ 1 translation ]
- Jorgensen, Michael [ 3 texts ]
- Jost-Weyer, Helga [ 4 translations ]
- Jové, Jordi López [ 6 translations ]
- Justman, David Jonathan [ 21 items : 3 texts and 18 translations ]
- Kalinina, Elena [ 12 translations ]
- Kamil, Barry [ 7 texts ]
- Kanakis, Karen [ 1 translation ]
- Kanda, Fumiko [ 3 texts ]
- Kassap-Riefenstahl, Roseline [ 5 translations ]
- Kayser, Roland [ 8 texts ]
- Keates, Louis-Henri [ 1 text and 2 translations ]
- Keillor, Ron [ 1 text ]
- Keller, Shula [ 1 text and 42 translations ]
- Kellock, Judith [ 19 items : 4 texts and 15 translations ]
- Kennedy, Baxter [ 1 text ]
- Kennedy, Tom [ 18 items : 7 texts and 11 translations ]
- Kepeklian, Gabriel [ 1 text ]
- Kerry, Gordon [ 7 texts ]
- Kets, Gijs [ 1 text ]
- Kho, Alvin [ 2 texts ]
- Kimble, Jami [ 1 text ]
- Kinderman, Laura [ 2 translations ]
- King, C. Ersel [ 4 items : 2 texts and 2 translations ]
- Kirsch, Gerald [ 1 text ]
- Klatte, Ross [ 25 texts ]
- Klauser, Gerold [ 1 text ]
- Kline, A. S. [ 47 translations ]
- Kobussen, Sander [ 1 translation ]
- Koivisto, Juhani [ some corrections ]
- Komma, Michael [ 9 texts ]
- Kommer, W. [ 1 text and 13 translations ]
- Koopman, John [ some notes on textual variants in Mörike ]
- Kopp, Jan [ 4 texts ]
- Korina, Tamara [ 1 text many typo fixes ]
- Kormick, Korin [ 30 translations ]
- Kovacs, Cecilia [ 1 translation ]
- Kožar, Nika [ 1 text and 3 translations ]
- Krebs, Harald [ 43 translations ]
- Krijgsman, Hansa [ 1 text and 6 translations ]
- Krijgsveld, Karen [ 7 texts ]
- Kroger, Pauline [ 32 items : 4 texts and 28 translations ]
- Kroll, Fredric [ 1 text and 4 translations ]
- Kröncke, Dietrich [ 1 text ]
- Krupp, Dr. Anthony [ 7 translations ]
- Krysty, Ernest [ a magnificent subject index ]
- Kuhn, Alfred [ 1 text ]
- Kupper, Roland [ 3 texts ]
- Kuti, Eva [ 1 translation ]
- Küttner, Fred [ 1 text ]
- Kwack, 곽명규 Myung-Kew [ 1 text and 58 translations ]
- Labartette, Sylvain [ 36 items : 20 texts and 16 translations ]
- LaBonte, Hillary [ 6 texts ]
- Laerenbergh, Luk [ 31 items : 15 texts and 16 translations ]
- Lahme, Christoph [ 1 text ]
- Laloy, Érik [ 1 translation ]
- Lamoreaux, Rosa [ 1 text ]
- Lang, Andy [ 1 text ]
- Langsch, Maria Th. [ 5 translations ]
- Lapkowski, Christopher [ 3 translations ]
- Lappo, Giuletta [ 3 translations ]
- Lara, Ava De [ 2 translations ]
- Larcher, Sylvia Bendel [ 1 translation ]
- Larsen, Kenny [ 1 text ]
- Lauenstein, Michael [ 1 text ]
- Lauer, Helga [ 1 text ]
- Laurent, Jean [ 2 translations ]
- Lawrence, Steven [ 1 text ]
- Lebourg, Philippe [ 1 translation ]
- Lee, Michael [ 2 texts ]
- Lee, Sim [ 1 text many textual corrections ]
- Lehrman, Emily [ 3 translations ]
- Lehrman, Leonard [ 57 items : 43 texts and 14 translations ]
- Leinert, Michael [ 54 texts ]
- Leistra, Jelle [ 6 translations ]
- Le Marrec, David [ 1 text and 10 translations ]
- Lemmens, Philip [ 1 text ]
- Leone, Sergio [ 7 texts ]
- Leon, Lourdes [ 9 translations ]
- Lerique-Koechlin, Marc [ 15 items : 14 texts and 1 translation ] [Guest Editor]
- Lerner, Douglas [ ]
- Le Roux, François [ 48 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Letort, Alain [ 1 translation ]
- Levias, Dina [ 3 translations ]
- Levin, Ruth [ 7 texts ]
- Levitin, Assaf [ 16 translations ]
- Levitin, Michal [ 16 translations ]
- Lewinsky, Ada [ 1 translation ]
- Lewis, Grant A. [ 5 translations ]
- Liang (梁 亦为), David [ 3 translations ]
- Libardi, Fausta [ 1 translation ]
- Lichtenstein, Sabine [ 2 texts ]
- Liebrecht, Uri [ 10 translations ]
- Lin, Calvin [ 1 translation ]
- Lindhout, Marike [ 1 text and 21 translations ]
- Lindqvist, Hélène [ 3 texts ]
- Lin, Fang-Yu [ 6 texts ]
- Linstow, Dr. Bernhard von [ 1 text ]
- Lin, Wilbur [ 4 translations ]
- Lirio, Pilar [ 29 items : 24 texts and 5 translations ]
- Llata, José Miguel [ 68 items : 2 texts and 66 translations ]
- Locke, Brian [ 1 text ]
- Löfström, Filippa [ 1 translation ]
- Lohmiller, Sonja [ 8 translations ]
- Lohnes, Rebecca [ 1 translation ]
- Loiseleur des Longchamps, Christophe [ 1 translation ]
- L'oiseleur des Longchamps, Jacques [ 48 items : 45 texts and 3 translations ]
- Lombardi, Paul [ ] [Guest Editor]
- Lonergan, Joanna [ 19 texts ]
- Long, Nathan [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Lopez Diaz, Victor [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Lorenzi, Sergio [ 2 translations ]
- Losier, Emili [ 1 translation ]
- Lossner, Kevin [ 1 translation ]
- Loyola, Diego S. [ 1 text and 22 translations ]
- Lucas, Marty [ 7 translations ]
- Lugtenberg, Hanna [ 1 text ]
- Luis, Corey [ 7 texts ]
- Luo, Grace [ 1 text and 4 translations ]
- Luz Alvarez Jiménez, Mónica [ 4 translations ]
- Mabrey, Sean Phillip [ 10 items : 2 texts and 8 translations ]
- Mac Cóil, Liam [ ]
- Mach, Edmond [ 1 translation ]
- Madden, John [ 1 translation ]
- Mader, Max [ 65 translations ]
- Magdon, Klaudia [ 1 translation ]
- Magnani, Enrico [ 30 items : 3 texts and 27 translations ]
- Malde, Melissa [ 3 translations ]
- Małek, Weronika [ 1 translation ]
- Malinofsky, Leon [ 10 translations ]
- Malone, Eleanor Crossey [ 1 text ]
- Manara, Claretta [ 11 translations ]
- Mander, Jenny [ 1 translation ]
- Manifold, Lorraine [ 1 text ]
- Manley, Jeffrey [ 1 text ]
- Manno, Robert [ 7 texts ]
- Mansikkaniemi, Sanna [ 15 texts ]
- Manternach, LaDonna [ 3 texts ]
- Mariani, Elena [ 2 translations ]
- Markeloff, Nancy [ 1 text ]
- Marks, Robert [ 1 text ]
- Marriott, Katherine [ ] [Guest Editor]
- Marshall, Laura Kate [ 1 translation ]
- Marti, Andreas [ 1 text ]
- Martner, Knud [ 1 text ]
- Massa, Laura [ 3 texts ]
- Matikainen, Aleksi [ 2 texts ]
- Matikainen, Aleksi [ 2 texts ]
- Mauro, Italo [ 1 translation ]
- Maxim, Emilia [ 4 texts ]
- McCleery, David [ 15 translations ]
- McClure, Mac [ 1 text and 4 translations ]
- McDonald, Chris [ 3 texts ]
- McEwen, Leslie [ 7 texts ]
- McGuire, Katherine [ 3 translations ]
- McKenna, Sallie [ 1 text ]
- McLamore, Alyson [ 1 text ]
- McOmber, Erin [ 2 texts ]
- McTee, Cindy [ 7 texts ]
- McTyre, George [ 1 text ]
- Meher, Dr. Harekrishna [ 10 items : 5 texts and 5 translations ]
- Meier, Martin-Beatus [ 14 texts ]
- Mello, Scott [ 6 texts ]
- Mendoza Mendoza, Alfredo [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Menil, Victoria de [ 12 translations ]
- Menzies, David [ 1 translation ]
- Merritt, Ric [ 21 translations ]
- Métayer, Guillaume [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Meyer, Bertrand [ 1 translation ]
- Meyer, Walter [ 15 translations ]
- Miehling, Dr. Klaus [ 6 texts ]
- Miller, Gary L. [ 7 items : 3 texts and 4 translations ]
- Miller, Philip Lieson [ 1 translation ]
- Miller, Ron [ 1 text ]
- Mills, Jane Spencer Mills [ 1 text ]
- Mitelman, Yuri [ 8 texts ]
- Mitton, Dann [ 4 translations some corrections ]
- Mix, Richard [ 2 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Modée, Anna Maria [ 1 text ]
- Modiri, Lacin [ 1 translation ]
- Moffett, Caren [ 4 items : 2 texts and 2 translations ]
- Molendowska, Magdalena [ 15 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Molnár, Péter [ 1 translation ]
- Mondrup, Christian [ 2 texts ]
- Montanari, Paolo [ 67 items : 6 texts and 61 translations ]
- Montanus, John [ 1 translation ]
- Moon, Eugene [ 1 text ]
- Moore, Christine [ 2 texts ]
- Mordasiewicz, Janusz [ 7 translations ]
- Moreau, Marc [ 25 items : 4 texts and 21 translations ]
- Morel, Charlotte [ 2 translations ]
- Moreno, Margarida [ 40 translations ]
- Morice, Thierry [ 8 texts ]
- Morris, David [ 1 translation ]
- Morthensen, Maryanna [ 19 items : 2 texts and 17 translations ]
- Mosteller, Paul and Darla [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Mucci, John [ 1 text ]
- Muhl, Hayden [ 16 items : 6 texts and 10 translations ]
- Muhr, Reinhard [ 5 texts ]
- Mussert, Alfred [ 2 texts ]
- Musto, Graham [ 5 texts ]
- Musto, John [ 18 texts ]
- Muszynski, Lech [ 1 translation ]
- Muuse, Robbert [ 16 items : 12 texts and 4 translations ]
- Nagle, Laura L. [ 34 items : 12 texts and 22 translations ]
- Nandi, Jean [ 29 texts ]
- Narbona Jerez, Pamela [ 1 text and 6 translations ]
- Nauta, Noks [ 3 texts ]
- Nauwerck, Gerolf [ ] [Guest Editor]
- Navarro, Katrina [ 15 translations ]
- Nawrocki, Georges [ 2 texts ]
- Neff, Lyle [ 28 items : 5 texts and 23 translations ]
- Nelson, Marian [ 8 translations ]
- Neri, Giovanni [ 1 translation ]
- Nesic, Djordje [ 8 translations ]
- Neuerburg, Beth [ 4 items : 2 texts and 2 translations ]
- Neumann, Hans [ 1 text ]
- Newman-Cohen, Dr. Esther [ 1 translation ]
- Newman, David [ 1 text ]
- Nezami-Tavi, Julie [ 1 translation ]
- Nielsen, Sven [ 1 text ]
- Nienhuys, Han-Kwang [ 2 texts ]
- Nimmerfall, Maria [ 48 texts ]
- Norberg-Schulz, Anna Maria [ 9 translations ]
- Nummela, Eric [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Nunes, Ivan [ 2 texts ]
- Nurmi, Erkki [ 1 text ]
- Nuß, Wolfgang [ 1 text ]
- Oblitas Mollinedo, Benjamin [ 6 translations ]
- O'Brien, Bart [ 16 texts ]
- O'Connell, Rachel [ 5 items : 2 texts and 3 translations ]
- Ograjensek, Fenna [ 2 translations ]
- Okada, Naoyuki [ 15 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Ólafsdóttir, Hulda Sif [ 1 translation ]
- Olsen, Caroline R. [ 2 texts ]
- O'Neill, Elfrieda Langemann [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- O'Neill, Patricia [ 1 translation ]
- Onishi, Yoshiaki [ 1 text ]
- Orde, Corinne [ 47 items : 13 texts and 34 translations ]
- Ortiz-Arandes, Elaine Marie [ 60 items : 12 texts and 48 translations ]
- Ostrzyga, Michael [ 3 texts ]
- Ouwehand, William [ 1 translation ]
- Ozorio, Anne [ 16 items : 11 texts and 5 translations ]
- Paley, David [ 1 text and 47 translations ]
- Palmer, Tim [ 6 translations ]
- Panteleev, Stanislav [ 2 texts ]
- Papaisiou, Athanasios [ 52 items : 15 texts and 37 translations ]
- Paparotti, Cyrene [ 1 translation ]
- Papillard, Anne [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Pardo, Marina [ 1 text ]
- Park, Christopher [ 8 translations ]
- Parker, Nigel [ 23 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Pasquel, Léa [ 4 texts ]
- Paterson, Robert [ ] [Guest Editor]
- Pauchon, Simone [ 1 translation ]
- Paulin, Nathalie [ 1 translation ]
- Pavelka, Béla [ 1 translation ]
- Pearse, Elizabeth [ ]
- Pearson, Charles James [ 25 items : 12 texts and 13 translations ]
- Peccei, Jean [ 1 text ]
- Pech, Matthias [ 2 texts ]
- Pedersen, Erik [ 1 text ]
- Pelat, Didier [ 23 texts ]
- Pellinen, Seppo [ 1 translation ]
- Penn, Hannah Sharene [ 8 translations ]
- Pereli, George [ 1 translation ]
- Peros, Nick [ 28 texts ]
- Perrin, Aline [ 4 translations ]
- Perrin, T. P. (Peter) [ 89 items : 53 texts and 36 translations ]
- Perrotte, Alice [ 2 texts ]
- Peter, Ramona Gabriela [ 2 translations ]
- Peters, Wanda [ 1 translation ]
- Petkovic, Milan [ 1 translation ]
- Petrus , Juliet [ ] [Guest Editor]
- Pettitt, Faizaan [ 5 translations ]
- Peycheva, Sofia [ 5 translations ]
- Pfohl, Rudolf [ 1 text ]
- Phinney, Scott [ 2 texts ]
- Picol, Alan [ 4 texts ]
- Pierre, Marc [ 1 translation ]
- Pilczek, Stefan [ 2 texts ]
- Pininski, Piotr [ 4 translations ]
- Pittas, Dimitri [ 1 translation ]
- Pixley, Benjamin Kasiel [ 7 translations ]
- Plack, Rebecca [ 17 translations ]
- Platt, Daniel [ 1 text and 20 translations ]
- Platt, Lena [ 1 text and 3 translations ]
- Plut, Theresa [ 1 translation ]
- Poirier, David A. [ 5 items : 3 texts and 2 translations ]
- Pomfret, Bonnie [ 3 translations ]
- Poon, Hugo [ 1 translation ]
- Post, Alison M. [ 1 text ]
- Poumbouris, Christakis [ 92 items : 14 texts and 78 translations ]
- Praefcke, Andreas [ 11 texts ]
- Prelli, Lorenzo [ 1 translation ]
- Presti, Karenn Chutjian [ 1 text and 2 translations ]
- Preuss, Henny [ 2 translations ]
- Price, Stuart [ 59 texts ]
- Puhlmann, Werner [ 1 text ]
- Puhrer, Alexander K. [ 8 translations ]
- Pujalte Piñán, Sílvia [ 14 translations ]
- Pupillo, Paolo [ 18 translations ]
- Rademacher, Jörg W. Dr. [ 1 translation ]
- Rainero, Ruth [ 2 translations ]
- Ramos, Ariel E. [ 3 translations ]
- Rapke, Michael [ 4 translations ]
- Rasmussen, Carol [ 5 texts ]
- Ratner, Carl [ 5 translations ]
- Rauchenecker, Frank [ 5 texts ]
- Raurell, Aïda [ 4 translations ]
- Redbond, Maureen [ 1 text ]
- Rédey, Tamás [ 54 items : 4 texts and 50 translations ]
- Reedijk, Wim [ 17 translations ]
- Reilly, Jim [ 8 items : 3 texts and 5 translations ]
- Reinhuber, Joachim [ 1 translation ]
- Renson, Martine [ 1 translation ]
- Resende, Acacio [ 1 translation ]
- Retkes, Zoltán [ 3 translations ]
- Retzlaff, Manfred [ 1 translation ]
- Reunanen, Aleksi [ 2 translations ]
- Rezaie, Marjan [ 3 translations ]
- Riccardi, J. Lee [ 2 translations ]
- Richardson, Dwain [ 4 translations some corrections ]
- Richardson, Lindsay [ 3 texts ]
- Rickenbacher, Rolf [ 2 texts ]
- Rico, Jason [ 4 texts ]
- Riedel, Elke Beatriz [ 25 translations ]
- Riemer, Walter [ 21 items : 15 texts and 6 translations ]
- Ringel, Gustav [ 15 texts ]
- Rishi, Arthur [ 31 items : 7 texts and 24 translations ]
- Ristow, Gregory [ 1 text and 2 translations ]
- Ritter Bernardini, Denise [ 3 translations ]
- Rivera, Xavier [ 10 items : 2 texts and 8 translations ]
- Rivillon, Benoît [ 4 translations ]
- Rivillon, Léone [ 1 translation ]
- Robbins, Elaina [ 1 translation ]
- Robinson, Clive [ 5 texts ]
- Robinson, James B. [ 14 items : 5 texts and 9 translations ]
- Rodenburg, Wijtse [ 13 items : 4 texts and 9 translations ]
- Rodger, John [ 2 texts ]
- Rodier, Anne [ 3 texts ]
- Rodini, Dr. Robert J. [ 1 translation ]
- Rodriguez, Carlos [ 1 translation ]
- Roeder, Torsten [ 3 texts ]
- Roe, Graham [ 2 texts ]
- Roehler, Nich [ 67 texts ]
- Rogers-Mendoza, Alice [ 4 translations ]
- Rolland, Lisa [ 1 text ]
- Romero, Jonás [ 1 translation ]
- Romney, Emily [ 2 translations ]
- Rooijmans, Ton [ 14 translations ]
- Rootham, Dan [ 3 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Rose, Dr Alissa [ 1 text ]
- Rose, Michael Alec Rose [ 10 texts ]
- Rosenbaum, Earl [ 16 texts ]
- Rosenberg, Donald K. [ 1 text ]
- Rossi, Arnaldo [ 2 translations ]
- Ross, JoAnn [ 2 texts ]
- Ross, Joshua [ 2 translations ]
- Rostovskaya, Aliona [ 2 translations ]
- Rot, Jan [ 16 translations ]
- Rowe, Paul [ 2 texts ]
- Royko, Anna Majtas [ 7 translations ]
- Rubenstein, Neal [ 1 text ]
- Rubim, Mirna [ 49 items : 32 texts and 17 translations ]
- Rudén, Jan Olof [ 1 text ]
- Rufer, Barbara [ 4 items : 3 texts and 1 translation ]
- Ruiz, Rodrigo [ 10 items : 2 texts and 8 translations ]
- Rushton, Edward [ 35 texts ]
- Russell, Adam [ 1 text ]
- Ryan, Harold [ 17 texts ]
- Rybin, Sergey [ 1 text and 96 translations ]
- Sabar, Gül [ 25 translations ]
- Sabat, Pablo [ 10 translations ]
- Sagnier, Jeremy [ 11 translations ]
- Salvemini, Matteo [ 6 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Samberg, Tsippora [ 10 translations ]
- Sampietro Crespo, Víctor [ 6 translations ]
- Santos Bastos, Priscila dos [ 1 text ] [Guest Editor]
- Sanz, José Ignacio [ 1 text ]
- Sarano, Sergio [ 1 translation ]
- Saroian, Eric [ 67 texts ]
- Sauerteig, Uwe [ 3 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Saunders, Mark [ 1 text ]
- Schäfer, Philip [ 16 items : 10 texts and 6 translations ]
- Scharff, Mark [ 1 text ]
- Schelb, Dr. Albert [ 14 texts ]
- Schild, Johannes [ 1 text ]
- Schiltz, Lieven [ 3 texts ]
- Schindler, Richard [ 1 text ]
- Schledermann, Jan [ 1 translation ]
- Schleicher, Uwe [ 1 text ]
- Schmid, Hubert [ 18 texts ]
- Schmidt, Siegmund [ 5 texts ]
- Schmithüsen, Ingrid [ 51 items : 15 texts and 36 translations ]
- Schnatz, Benno [ 4 texts ]
- Schnepp, Maria M. [ 6 items : 3 texts and 3 translations ]
- Schoene, Peter [ 27 texts ]
- Schöffler, Otmar [ 1 text ]
- Scholl, Hendrikje [ 7 texts ]
- Schöne, Peter [ 1 text ]
- Schreiter, Winfried [ 13 texts ]
- Schumacher, Cees [ 4 texts ]
- Schuster, Claus-Christian [ 78 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Schwalb, Michael [ 1 text ]
- Schwarm, Betsy [ 3 translations ]
- Schwartz, Julia [ ] [Guest Editor]
- Seay, David [ 3 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Sebastián, Alfonso [ 52 translations ]
- Secci, Ivan [ 1 translation ]
- Sells, Jonathan [ 1 translation ]
- Semlitsch, Gabriela [ 9 texts ]
- Senf, Nathalie [ 4 translations ]
- Serebrjanik, David [ 1 translation ]
- Serpa, Steven [ 2 texts ]
- Serrano, Danilo [ 24 items : 2 texts and 22 translations ]
- Seyboldt, Thomas [ 1 text ]
- Sfredda, Nicola [ 3 translations ]
- Shackleton, Andrew [ 9 texts ]
- Shapiro, Ehud [ 18 items : 2 texts and 16 translations ]
- Sharma, Anyi [ 19 translations ]
- Shaw, Richard [ 17 items : 11 texts and 6 translations ]
- Shearer, Allen [ 1 text and 16 translations ]
- Shea, Stephen [ 1 translation ] [Guest Editor]
- Sheinberg, Ofer [ 26 texts ]
- Shen, Dan [ 5 items : 2 texts and 3 translations ]
- Shields, Sky [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Shirley-Quirk, John [ 1 text ]
- Shum, Lucas [ 4 texts ]
- Sicoli, Dulce [ 1 text ]
- Siddall, Alex [ 1 text ]
- Siddall, Alex [ ] [Guest Editor]
- Siekhaus, Daria [ 2 translations ]
- Siekhaus, Elisabeth [ 1 text and 23 translations ]
- Sigurjónsson, Stefán [ 1 translation ]
- Silberstern, George [ 1 text and 2 translations ]
- Simon, Barbara [ 3 texts ]
- Sims, David [ 25 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Sinclair, Danielle [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Sirena, Pietro [ 3 translations ]
- Sisk, Lawrence [ 11 items : 4 texts and 7 translations ]
- Sleeswijk, Corien [ 30 items : 7 texts and 23 translations ]
- Slot, René [ 19 texts ]
- Smirnov, Dmitri [ 84 items : 72 texts and 12 translations ]
- Smith, Alan Louis [ 15 texts ]
- Smith, Dan [ 1 text ]
- Smith, David Kenneth [ 38 items : 9 texts and 29 translations ]
- Smit, Marjan [ 2 translations ]
- Smolov, Inna [ 4 texts ]
- Smythe, David K. [ 69 items : 46 texts and 23 translations ]
- Smythe, Margaret [ 5 translations ]
- Snapper, Gerda [ 1 translation ]
- Snavely, Deborah [ 1 text ]
- Snider, Jeffrey [ 1 text ] [Guest Editor]
- Snyder, Lawrence [ 59 items : 25 texts and 34 translations ]
- Søholt, Are Frode [ 35 translations ]
- Sones, Rodney [ 1 translation ]
- Sotelo, Javier Pablo [ 20 translations ]
- Spears, Steven Paul [ 4 items : 2 texts and 2 translations ]
- Spring, Rudi [ 41 texts ]
- Srinivasan, Rohan [ 14 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Stam, Rianne [ 1 text and 27 translations ]
- Stasch, Irena [ 1 text ]
- State-Ezust, Ariel [ 4 texts Quality Assurance (QA) and graphic design work ] [Guest Editor]
- Staudinger, Susanne [ 1 translation ]
- St. Claire, Vivian [ 1 translation ]
- Steele, Lynn [ 16 texts ]
- Stein, Christian [ 8 translations ]
- Stevens, Julie [ 1 text ]
- Stevenson, Robert [ 1 text ]
- Stewart, Andrew [ 4 translations ]
- Stock, Martin [ 40 items : 11 texts and 29 translations ]
- Stolz, Otto [ 1 translation ]
- Stoutenburg, Noel [ 1 text ]
- Streets, John [ 2 texts ]
- Stroncek, Regina [ ]
- Subotin, Michael [ 2 translations ]
- Suddaby, Lindsay [ 9 texts ]
- Summerville, Suzanne [ 1 translation ]
- Sviridov, Ruslan [ 2 translations ]
- Swalin, Paula Corbin [ 2 translations ]
- Swanson, Christopher [ 3 translations ]
- Swienty, Claus [ 8 texts ]
- Swithinbank, Mick [ 1 translation ]
- Sylvis, Laura (Pranada) [ 9 translations ]
- Szabó, Ferenc János [ 2 texts ]
- Tang, Jeffrey [ 22 translations ]
- Taschini, Gino [ 1 translation ]
- Tauring, Kari [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Taylor, Adam [ 3 texts ]
- Taylor, Darryl [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Taylor, Don [ 2 texts ]
- Taylor, Dr. Kristín Jónína [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Taylor, M. Ryan [ 5 items : 4 texts and 1 translation ]
- Taylor, Philip [ 10 texts ]
- Teipel-Jahr, Holger Christian [ 24 items : 7 texts and 17 translations ]
- Teixeira, Joana Albergaria [ 2 translations ]
- Teixeira, Leonardo [ 1 text ]
- Temps, Claus [ 4 texts ]
- Θεοδωριδου, Ελενη [ 1 translation ]
- Thomas, David Evan [ 35 texts ]
- Thomas, Gérard [ 1 translation ]
- Thompson, Lynn [ 10 translations ]
- Thuris, Shawn [ 29 items : 4 texts and 25 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Tielen, Paul [ 1 text ]
- Tiplady, Brian [ 10 texts ]
- Todd, Zoe [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- Toma, Ioana-Noemy [ 1 translation ]
- Tomaszewski, Marek [ 3 translations ]
- Tops, Guy [ 6 items : 2 texts and 4 translations ]
- Torre, Millán [ 1 text ]
- Torres, Marina [ 1 translation ]
- Torres, Victor [ 1 text and 6 translations ]
- Transtrom, Cara [ 1 text ]
- Treacy, Susan [ 1 text ]
- Trovato, Michelle [ 4 translations ]
- Trovon, Alexandre [ 6 translations ]
- Turner, Christie Turnage [ 1 text and 3 translations ]
- Turner, Todd J. [ 1 text ]
- Twietmeyer, Heiner [ 14 texts ]
- Umberger, Eugene [ 1 text ]
- Uomini, Robert [ 5 texts ]
- Usher, Geneviève [ 4 translations ]
- Valkeasuo, Milla [ 12 translations ]
- Vallejo López, César [ 1 translation ]
- Van Aken, Johan [ 1 text ]
- VanderHart, Chanda [ 1 text ]
- Van Der Mast, Linda [ 1 translation ]
- van der Meer, Geart [ 67 items : 2 texts and 65 translations ]
- van der Sluijs, Liesbeth [ 1 text and 1 translation ]
- van der Steenhoven, Ton [ 43 texts ]
- van der Woel, Pieter [ 19 translations ]
- van Duijkeren-Hrabova, M. [ 1 text ]
- van Hamersveld, Hugo [ 2 texts ]
- van Hengel, Eduard [ 4 texts ]
- Van Lier, Sonja [ 8 translations ]
- van Raemdonck, Daphné [ 2 translations ]
- Vargas, Ana [ 5 translations ]
- Vega Roca Carlinhos, Carlos Andrés [ 1 translation ]
- Vereycken, Karel [ 4 translations ]
- Vervoort, Els [ 4 items : 2 texts and 2 translations ]
- Vicencio, Héctor [ 1 text ]
- Vicente, Carlos [ 7 texts ]
- Vicentini, Aurelien [ 1 translation ]
- Viebahn, Sebastian [ 6 items : 4 texts and 2 translations ]
- Vieira, Caê [ 28 translations ]
- Viggiano, Nichola [ 1 translation ]
- Vila, Albert [ 9 texts ]
- Villamizar C., Ana María [ 1 translation ]
- Villar, Alberto [ 4 items : 3 texts and 1 translation ]
- Vitali, Carlo [ 2 texts ]
- Vivas, Mercedes [ 25 translations ]
- von Büren, Simone [ 12 translations ]
- Voss, Hans-Heiko [ 1 translation ]
- Vyshynska, Natalia [ 11 translations ]
- Wagstaff, John [ 15 items : 6 texts and 9 translations ]
- Wallach, Joelle [ 3 translations ]
- Walters, James [ 8 items : 4 texts and 4 translations ]
- Wang, M.W. [ 1 translation ]
- Wang, Ting Chung [ 1 translation ]
- Ward, Marvin J. [ 26 items : 12 texts and 14 translations ]
- Watson, Bob [ 1 translation ]
- Watts, Dr Catherine [ 5 translations ]
- Weaver, Elizabeth Baber [ 1 text and 2 translations ]
- Weber, Per [ 5 texts ]
- Weidner, Cornelia [ 4 texts ]
- Wein, Tom [ 1 translation ]
- Weiss, Joel [ 19 texts ]
- Welcher, Louis [ 1 translation ]
- Weller, Matthew P. [ 1 text ]
- Weller, Sarah L. [ 1 translation ]
- Welton, Derek [ 5 translations ]
- Westermark, Sara [ 1 text ]
- Weston, Trevor [ 25 texts ]
- White, Tom [ 16 texts ]
- Whitman, Thomas [ 2 translations ]
- Whitney, Kathryn [ 1 translation ]
- Wiersma, Pieter [ 26 items : 2 texts and 24 translations ]
- Wiese, Jasmine [ 3 translations ]
- Wiesner, Heide [ 8 translations ]
- Wieting, Geoffrey [ 97 items : 96 texts and 1 translation and many attribution corrections ]
- Wifstrand, Sven [ 1 text and 2 translations ]
- Wilcox-Daehn, Ann Marie [ 3 translations ]
- Wilde, Jacob [ 57 items : 13 texts and 44 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Wiles, Elizabeth [ 1 translation ]
- Williams, Jeffrey [ 28 items : 14 texts and 14 translations ] [Guest Editor]
- Wimmenhove, Aart [ 1 text ]
- Witkowski, Brian Charles [ 25 items : 21 texts and 4 translations ]
- Wittermans, Tinelot [ 58 items : 33 texts and 25 translations ]
- Witterschein, George [ 2 translations ]
- Woerner, Danielle [ 3 items : 2 texts and 1 translation ]
- Wojcik, Anna [ 1 text and 1 translation ] [Guest Editor]
- Wong, Yong-En [ 1 translation ]
- Woolf, Peter Grahame [ 19 texts mailed-in materials ]
- Woo, Wilson [ 1 text ]
- Wu, Qi Feng [ 45 translations ]
- Wu, Zongshu [ 2 translations ]
- Wyatt, Emily [ 10 translations ]
- Xie, Ryan [ 5 translations ]
- Xin (刘昕), Liu [ 1 translation ]
- Xu, Phoebe [ 1 translation ]
- Yang, Fan [ 28 items : 27 texts and 1 translation ]
- Yang, Mo [ 1 translation ]
- Yan, Shun [ 10 items : 6 texts and 4 translations ]
- Yerokhin, Valery [ 1 translation ]
- Yin, Victor [ 2 translations ]
- Yoder, Daryl [ 3 texts ]
- Yuan, Yaoyao [ 6 translations ]
- Zandhuis, Ivo [ 39 texts ]
- Zanettin, Marianne [ 24 items : 13 texts and 11 translations ]
- Zavala Gironés, Mercedes [ 12 texts ]
- Zencovich, Antonio [ 45 items : 3 texts and 42 translations ]
- Zenobi, Dana [ 1 translation ]
- Zhang, Yuxin (Sheila) [ 2 translations ]
- Zhong, Chloe [ 4 translations ]
- Zhou, Kairui (Kerry) [ 38 items : 9 texts and 29 translations ]
- Zhu, Yuan Yi [ 1 text ]
- Ziegler, Janet [ 1 text ]
- Zieliński, Filip Adam [ 21 items : 10 texts and 11 translations ]
- Zisa, Alberto [ 1 text ]
- Zoller, Thomas [ 10 texts ]
- Zollner, Lucy [ 9 translations ]
- Zubiria, Martin [ 8 translations ]
- Zubkovsky, Igor [ 3 texts ] [Guest Editor]
- Zyczenko, Sylvia [ 1 text ]
Last update: 2025-03-24 04:03:58