Contact Information
This website is owned by the LiederNet Corporation, a private Ontario (Canada) corporation founded to preserve and protect the Archive.Permission to Reprint
To obtain permission to reprint and distribute copyright-protected translations, please write to Emily Ezust at the following address and tell us the name(s) of the translator(s) whose work you wish to reproduce, and whether it is for commercial use (non-free-admission concert, CD booklet, etc.):
When reprinting copyright-protected translations, you must include the copyright symbol © beside the name of the translator(s) and indicate the LiederNet Archive as the source, for example:
Translation copyright © by Jane Doe,
reprinted with permission from the LiederNet Archive,
Submitting new material
To submit art song texts or your own translations, please write to Emily Ezust at the following address:
When submitting material, please provide as much information as possible, such as:
- Source of the text (music score, book, CD booklet, internet poetry site, concert program, etc.). If the source is a score or a book, include bibliographical information
- Setting instrumentation
- Dates of composition and publication, for the setting and for the text if possible.
- Textual changes that might have been made from the original text
- Composer and Text Author information if missing from the website
Please do not submit copyright-protected translations (e.g., from CD booklets or published books) unless you can provide documentation showing you have obtained permission for them to be reproduced on this website.
Other inquiries
To send a direct message to Emily Ezust, the Founder of the Archive and owner of this website, please write to: