The LiederNet Archive is the world’s largest reference archive of texts and translations of art songs and choral works.
We have been online since May 24, 1995.
205,841 vocal pieces have been catalogued.
43,783 translations are available.
The collection has frequent additions and updates (this month: 189 song texts, 304 settings, and 26 translations).
Getting Started
- Start with the Introduction and the Frequently Asked Questions.
- Browse by using the indexes of composers and text authors.
- Search for words or phrases, a surname, or a title or first line.
Examples of what you can find
- Some composer pages: Schubert | Coleridge-Taylor | Tchaikovsky (Чайковский) | Viardot
- Some author pages: Goethe | Hugo | Petrarca | Rilke | Whitman
- Some text pages: Ich hab' im Traume geweinet (Heine) | Заклинание (Pushkin, set also in German and French) | Speak to me, my love! (Tagore) | L'invitation au Voyage (Baudelaire)
- A song cycle: Schubert's Die schöne Müllerin (Müller)
- A text collection: Heine's Lyrisches Intermezzo (in Buch der Lieder)
How to tell if you are looking at a composer's version of the text, the author's version, or both.