by Gianbattista Varesco (1735 - 1805)
Translation by Anonymous / Unidentified Author
Placido è il mar, andiamo
Language: Italian (Italiano)
Our translations: FRE
CORO: Placido è il mar, andiamo; Tutto ci rassicura. Felice avrem ventura, Sù,sù, partiamo or or'. ELETTRA: Soavi zeffiri Soli spirate, Del freddo borea L'ira calmate. D'aura piacevole Cortesi siate, Se da voi spargesi Per tutto amor.
Text Authorship:
- by Gianbattista Varesco (1735 - 1805) [author's text not yet checked against a primary source]
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
- by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791), "Placido è il mar, andiamo", K 366 no. 15 (1781), first performed 1781, from opera Idomeneo, no. 15 [sung text checked 1 time]
Settings in other languages, adaptations, or excerpts:
- Also set in German (Deutsch), a translation by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist ; composed by Franz Wilhelm Abt.
Other available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- ENG English (Collet Dobson Collet)
- FRE French (Français) (Guy Laffaille) , "La mer est paisible, allons", copyright © 2018, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
Research team for this page: Emily Ezust [Administrator] , Guy Laffaille [Guest Editor] , Andrew Schneider [Guest Editor]
This text was added to the website: 2017-12-30
Line count: 14
Word count: 35
Still ist im Meer die Welle
Language: German (Deutsch)  after the Italian (Italiano)
Still ist im Meer die Welle, Alles giebt Muth dem Herzen, lasst uns die Anker lichten, die Fahrt wird glücklich sein. Ihr lauen Weste füllet die Segel mildert das Tosen der der Tobenden Stürme durch euer Fittige wonniges Fächeln und Alles athme dann Freude und Scherz.
About the headline (FAQ)
Text Authorship:
- by Anonymous / Unidentified Author [author's text not yet checked against a primary source]
Based on:
- a text in Italian (Italiano) by Gianbattista Varesco (1735 - 1805)
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
- by Franz Wilhelm Abt (1819 - 1885), "Chor aus Idomeneo", alternate title: "Schifferlied aus Idomeneo", op. 186 (Lieder und Chöre für 3 Frauenstimmen mit Pianoforte), Heft 1 no. 4, published 1862 [ vocal trio of female voices or three-part women's chorus and piano ], Offenbach, André ; an arrangement of Mozart's work [sung text checked 1 time]
Researcher for this page: Andrew Schneider [Guest Editor]
This text was added to the website: 2018-01-02
Line count: 8
Word count: 46