Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by A. Pärt
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A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Sieben Magnificat Antiphonen
- no. 1. O Weisheit, hervorgegangen aus dem Munde des Höchsten (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 2. O Adonai, der Herr und Führer des Hauses Israel (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 3. O Sproß aus Isais Wurzel (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE
- no. 4. O Schlüssel Davids (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 5. O Morgenstern (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 6. O König aller Völker, ihre Erwartung und Sehnsucht (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 7. O Immanuel, unser König und Lehrer (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts)
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- De Profundis (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) DUT ENG ENG ENG FRE FRE FRE FRE GER GER GER GER
- Es sang vor langen Jahren (Text: Clemens Maria Wenzeslaus von Brentano) ENG FRE
- Magnificat anima mea dominum (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) DUT ENG ENG ENG FRE GER SPA
- My Heart's in the Highlands (Text: Robert Burns) CZE GER GER GER POL
- O Adonai, der Herr und Führer des Hauses Israel (in Sieben Magnificat Antiphonen) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- O Immanuel, unser König und Lehrer (in Sieben Magnificat Antiphonen) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- O König aller Völker, ihre Erwartung und Sehnsucht (in Sieben Magnificat Antiphonen) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- O Morgenstern (in Sieben Magnificat Antiphonen) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- O Schlüssel Davids (in Sieben Magnificat Antiphonen) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- O Sproß aus Isais Wurzel (in Sieben Magnificat Antiphonen) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE
- O Weisheit, hervorgegangen aus dem Munde des Höchsten (in Sieben Magnificat Antiphonen) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- The Beatitudes (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts) DUT
Last update: 2024-07-25 22:12:08