Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by J. Cage
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- 5 Songs for Contralto
- no. 1. Little Four Paws (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- no. 2. Little Christmas Tree (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- no. 3. In Just- (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- no. 4. hist whist (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- no. 5. Another Comes (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Eight Wiskus
- no. 1. time reality Worked (Text: Chris Mann) *
- no. 2. Wz sittin n (Text: Chris Mann) *
- no. 3. queue for tWo (Text: Chris Mann) *
- no. 4. Wipe (Text: Chris Mann) *
- no. 5. he Went t (Text: Chris Mann) *
- no. 6. We say a crust of bread (Text: Chris Mann) *
- no. 7. kneW (Text: Chris Mann) *
- no. 8. Wz (Text: Chris Mann) *
- Mirakus2
- no. 1. dynaMo (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- no. 2. on frappe bien propreMent sur (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- no. 3. poids forMe (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- no. 4. dynaMo (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- no. 5. instruMent (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- no. 6. uniforMe (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- no. 7. par ex./ apercoIt (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- no. 8. 3e (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- no. 9. fuMée de tabac la poussée des cheveux (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- no. 10. petite Méchanceté (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- no. 11. oeuvre d'art poëMe (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- no. 12. vide éManente (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- Songbooks
- Solo for Voice 49 (relevant) - The Year Begins To Be Ripe (Text: Henry David Thoreau)
- Sonnekus2
- no. 1. Sarai (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 2. and Said (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 3. to jacob there iS this heap and here is this pillar (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 4. diScerning and wise as (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 5. fatherS (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 6. he Set him (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 7. brotherS (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 8. hiS feet and the feet (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- no. 9. and daughterS (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- 3e (in Mirakus2) (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- A flower
- and daughterS (in Sonnekus2) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- and Said (in Sonnekus2) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- Another Comes (in 5 Songs for Contralto) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Aria [x]
- brotherS (in Sonnekus2) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- diScerning and wise as (in Sonnekus2) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- dynaMo (in Mirakus2) (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- dynaMo (in Mirakus2) (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- fatherS (in Sonnekus2) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- Forever And Sunsmell (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- fuMée de tabac la poussée des cheveux (in Mirakus2) (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- he Set him (in Sonnekus2) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- he Went t (in Eight Wiskus) (Text: Chris Mann) *
- hiS feet and the feet (in Sonnekus2) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- hist whist (in 5 Songs for Contralto) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- In Just- (in 5 Songs for Contralto) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- instruMent (in Mirakus2) (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- kneW (in Eight Wiskus) (Text: Chris Mann) *
- Little Christmas Tree (in 5 Songs for Contralto) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Little Four Paws (in 5 Songs for Contralto) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Nowth Upon Nacht (Text: James Joyce)
- oeuvre d'art poëMe (in Mirakus2) (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- on frappe bien propreMent sur (in Mirakus2) (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- par ex./ apercoIt (in Mirakus2) (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- petite Méchanceté (in Mirakus2) (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- poids forMe (in Mirakus2) (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- queue for tWo (in Eight Wiskus) (Text: Chris Mann) *
- Sarai (in Sonnekus2) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- Solo for Voice 49 (relevant) - The Year Begins To Be Ripe (in Songbooks) (Text: Henry David Thoreau)
- Solo for Voice 52 (Aria No. 2) (relevant) (Text: Anonymous)
- Solo for Voice 67 (irrelevant) - A Glossary of English and Foreign Geographical terms
- The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs (Text: James Joyce)
- time reality Worked (in Eight Wiskus) (Text: Chris Mann) *
- to jacob there iS this heap and here is this pillar (in Sonnekus2) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- uniforMe (in Mirakus2) (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- vide éManente (in Mirakus2) (Text: Alexina Duchamps; Paul Matisse) *
- We say a crust of bread (in Eight Wiskus) (Text: Chris Mann) *
- Wipe (in Eight Wiskus) (Text: Chris Mann) *
- Wz (in Eight Wiskus) (Text: Chris Mann) *
- Wz sittin n (in Eight Wiskus) (Text: Chris Mann) *
Last update: 2023-05-11 10:56:46