Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by W. Bolcom
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Briefly It Enters
- no. 1. Who (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- no. 2. The clearing (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- no. 3. Otherwise (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- no. 4. February: Thinking of flowers (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- no. 5. Twilight: After haying (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- no. 6. Man eating (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- no. 7. The sick wife (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- no. 8. Peonies at dusk (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- no. 9. Briefly it enters, and briefly speaks (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- Cabaret songs
- no. ?. Oh close the curtain (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- no. ?. George (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- no. ?. Over the Piano (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- no. 1. Amor (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- no. 3. Fur (Murray the Furrier) (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- I Will Breath a Mountain: A Song Cycle from American Women Poets
- no. 1. Pity me not because the light of day (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 2. How to swing those obbligatos around (Text: Alice Fulton) *
- no. 3. The crazy woman (Text: Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks) *
- no. 4. Just once (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 5. Never more will the wind (Text: Hilda Doolittle)
- no. 6. The sage (Text: Denise Levertov) *
- no. 7. O to be a dragon (Text: Marianne Moore) *
- no. 8. The bustle in a house (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- no. 9. I saw Eternity (Text: Louise Bogan)
- no. 10. Night practice (Text: Anna Thilda May "May" Swenson) *
- no. 11. The fish (Text: Elizabeth Bishop) *
- Let Evening Come
- no. 1. Ailey, Baldwin, Floyd, Killens, and Mayfield (Text: Maya Angelou) *
- no. 2. 'Tis not that Dying hurts us so (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- no. 3. Interlude (viola and piano)
- no. 4. Let evening come (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- Morning and Evening Poems
- no. 1. To Morning (Text: William Blake) CZE
- no. 2. I heard an angel singing (Text: William Blake)
- no. 3. I fear'd the fury of my wind (Text: William Blake)
- no. 4. I thought love lived in the hot sunshine (Text: William Blake)
- Old Addresses
- no. 1. Lady Death (Text: Allan Davis Winans) *
- no. 2. The next table (Text: Avi Sharon after Constantine P. Cavafy) * FRE
- no. 3. Histrion (Text: Ezra Pound) *
- no. 4. Ballad of the Landlord (Text: Langston Hughes)
- no. 5. The embrace (Text: Mark Doty) *
- no. 6. Africa (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- no. 7. To my old addresses (Text: Kenneth Koch) *
- Open House
- no. 1. Open house (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- no. 2. Give way, ye gates (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- no. 3. The waking (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- no. 4. The serpent (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- no. 5. I knew a woman (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- no. 6. First meditation (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- no. 7. The right thing (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- Songs of Experience, Volume One
- no. 1. Introduction
- no. 2. Hear the voice of the Bard (Text: William Blake)
- no. 3. Interlude
- no. 4. Earth's answer (Text: William Blake)
- no. 5. Nurse's song (Text: William Blake) CAT
- no. 6. The fly (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE RUS
- no. 7. The Tyger (Text: William Blake) CAT CHI FRE GER GER RUS
- no. 8. The little girl lost (Text: William Blake)
- no. 9. In the Southern Clime (Text: William Blake)
- no. 10. The little girl found (Text: William Blake)
- no. 11. The clod and the pebble (Text: William Blake) RUS
- no. 12. The Little Vagabond (Text: William Blake)
- no. 13. Holy Thursday (Text: William Blake)
- no. 14. A poison tree (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE GER
- no. 15. The angel (Text: William Blake)
- no. 16. The sick rose (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE GER GER IRI NYN RUS SPA
- no. 17. To Tirzah (Text: William Blake)
- Songs of Experience, Volume Two
- no. 1. The Voice of the Ancient Bard (Text: William Blake)
- no. 2. My pretty rose tree (Text: William Blake)
- no. 3. Ah! Sun-flower! (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE SPA
- no. 4. The lily (Text: William Blake)
- no. 5. Introduction to Part 5
- no. 6. The Garden of Love (Text: William Blake) GER
- no. 7. A little boy lost (Text: William Blake)
- no. 8. A little girl lost (Text: William Blake)
- no. 9. Infant sorrow (Text: William Blake)
- no. 10. Vocalise
- no. 11. London (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE
- no. 12. The school boy (Text: William Blake)
- no. 13. The chimney sweeper (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE
- no. 14. The Human Abstract (Text: William Blake)
- no. 15. Interlude -- Voces Clamandae
- no. 16. A divine image (Text: William Blake)
- Songs of Innocence
- no. 1. Introduction (Text: William Blake) RUS
- no. 2. The echoing green (Text: William Blake) DUT
- no. 3. The lamb (Text: William Blake) CAT GER GER RUS
- no. 4. The shepherd (Text: William Blake) CAT
- no. 5. Infant Joy (Text: William Blake) RUS
- no. 6. The little black boy (Text: William Blake)
- no. 7. Laughing song (Text: William Blake) CHI RUS
- no. 8. Spring (Text: William Blake) GER
- no. 9. A cradle song (Text: William Blake)
- no. 10. Nurse's song (Text: William Blake)
- no. 11. Holy Thursday (Text: William Blake)
- no. 12. The blossom (Text: William Blake)
- no. 13. Interlude
- no. 14. The chimney sweeper (Text: William Blake)
- no. 15. The divine image (Text: William Blake) GER RUS
- no. 16. Nocturne
- no. 17. Night (Text: William Blake)
- no. 18. A Dream (Text: William Blake) CHI RUS
- no. 19. On another's sorrow (Text: William Blake)
- no. 20. The little boy lost (Text: William Blake)
- no. 21. The little boy found (Text: William Blake)
- no. 22. Coda
- The AIDS Quilt Songbook [multi-composer]
- no. 1. Fury, composed by David Wheelock (Text: Susan Snively) [x]*
- no. 2. Blues for an imaginary valentine, composed by Fred Hersch (Text: Fred Hersch) [x]*
- no. 3. Heartbeats, composed by John Musto (Text: Melvin Dixon) [x]*
- no. 4. A dream of nightingales, composed by Ned Rorem (Text: David Bergman) [x]*
- no. 5. Walt Whitman in 1989, composed by Chris DeBlasio (Text: Perry Brass) [x]*
- no. 6. The 80's miracle diet, composed by David Krakauer (Text: Melvin Dixon) [x]*
- no. 7. For Richard, composed by Annea Lockwood (Text: Eve Ensler) [x]*
- no. 8. Fairy book lines, composed by Donald St. Pierre (Text: Charles Barber) [x]*
- no. 9. Vaslav's song, composed by William Bolcom (Text: Ethyl Eichelberger) [x]
- no. 10. AIDS anxiety, composed by Richard Pearson Thomas (Text: Richard Pearson Thomas) [x]*
- no. 11. The flute of interior time, composed by John H. Harbison (Text: Robert Bly after Kabir) *
- no. 12. The birds of sorrow, composed by Carl Byron (Text: Ron Schreiber) [x]*
- no. 13. Investiture at Cecconi's, composed by Lee Hoiby (Text: James Ingram Merrill) [x]*
- no. 14. A certain light, composed by Elizabeth C. Brown (Text: Marie Howe) [x]*
- no. 15. I never knew, composed by Ricky Ian Gordon (Text: Ricky Ian Gordon) [x]*
- no. 16. The second law, composed by Richard Wilson (Text: Stephen Sandy) [x]*
- no. 17. Perineo, composed by Libby Larsen (Text: Roberto Echavarren) [x]*
- no. 18. The enticing lane, composed by Steven Houtz (Text: Christopher Hewitt) [x]*
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- A cradle song (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake)
- A divine image (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake)
- A Dream (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake) CHI RUS
- Africa (in Old Addresses) (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- Ah! Sun-flower! (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE SPA
- Ailey, Baldwin, Floyd, Killens, and Mayfield (in Let Evening Come) (Text: Maya Angelou) *
- A little boy lost (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake)
- A little girl lost (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake)
- Amor (in Cabaret songs) (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- A poison tree (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE GER
- At the last lousy moments of love (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- Ballad of the Landlord (in Old Addresses) (Text: Langston Hughes)
- Briefly it enters, and briefly speaks (in Briefly It Enters) (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- Coda (in Songs of Innocence)
- Earth's answer (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake)
- February: Thinking of flowers (in Briefly It Enters) (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- First meditation (in Open House) (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- Fur (Murray the Furrier) (in Cabaret songs) (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- George (in Cabaret songs) (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- Give way, ye gates (in Open House) (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- Hear the voice of the Bard (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake)
- Histrion (in Old Addresses) (Text: Ezra Pound) *
- Holy Thursday (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake)
- Holy Thursday (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake)
- How to swing those obbligatos around (in I Will Breath a Mountain: A Song Cycle from American Women Poets) (Text: Alice Fulton) *
- I fear'd the fury of my wind (in Morning and Evening Poems) (Text: William Blake)
- I heard an angel singing (in Morning and Evening Poems) (Text: William Blake)
- I knew a woman (in Open House) (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- Infant Joy (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake) RUS
- Infant sorrow (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake)
- Interlude (viola and piano) (in Let Evening Come)
- Interlude -- Voces Clamandae (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two)
- Interlude (in Songs of Innocence)
- Interlude (in Songs of Experience, Volume One)
- In the Southern Clime (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake)
- Introduction to Part 5 (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two)
- Introduction (in Songs of Experience, Volume One)
- Introduction (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake) RUS
- I saw Eternity (in I Will Breath a Mountain: A Song Cycle from American Women Poets) (Text: Louise Bogan)
- I thought love lived in the hot sunshine (in Morning and Evening Poems) (Text: William Blake)
- Just once (in I Will Breath a Mountain: A Song Cycle from American Women Poets) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- Lady Death (in Old Addresses) (Text: Allan Davis Winans) *
- Laughing song (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake) CHI RUS
- Let evening come (in Let Evening Come) (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- London (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE
- Man eating (in Briefly It Enters) (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- My pretty rose tree (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake)
- Never more will the wind (in I Will Breath a Mountain: A Song Cycle from American Women Poets) (Text: Hilda Doolittle)
- Night practice (in I Will Breath a Mountain: A Song Cycle from American Women Poets) (Text: Anna Thilda May "May" Swenson) *
- Night (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake)
- Nocturne (in Songs of Innocence)
- Nurse's song (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake) CAT
- Nurse's song (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake)
- Oh close the curtain (in Cabaret songs) (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- On another's sorrow (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake)
- Open house (in Open House) (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- Otherwise (in Briefly It Enters) (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- O to be a dragon (in I Will Breath a Mountain: A Song Cycle from American Women Poets) (Text: Marianne Moore) *
- Over the Piano (in Cabaret songs) (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- Peonies at dusk (in Briefly It Enters) (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- Pity me not because the light of day (in I Will Breath a Mountain: A Song Cycle from American Women Poets) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Song of Black Max (As Told by the de Kooning Boys) (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- Spring (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake) GER
- The angel (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake)
- The blossom (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake)
- The bustle in a house (in I Will Breath a Mountain: A Song Cycle from American Women Poets) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- The chimney sweeper (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE
- The chimney sweeper (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake)
- The clearing (in Briefly It Enters) (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- The clod and the pebble (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake) RUS
- The crazy woman (in I Will Breath a Mountain: A Song Cycle from American Women Poets) (Text: Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks) *
- The divine image (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake) GER RUS
- The echoing green (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake) DUT
- The embrace (in Old Addresses) (Text: Mark Doty) *
- The fish (in I Will Breath a Mountain: A Song Cycle from American Women Poets) (Text: Elizabeth Bishop) *
- The fly (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE RUS
- The Garden of Love (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake) GER
- The Human Abstract (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake)
- The Junction, on a warm afternoon (Text: Howard Nemerov) *
- The lamb (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake) CAT GER GER RUS
- The lily (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake)
- The little black boy (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake)
- The little boy found (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake)
- The little boy lost (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake)
- The little girl found (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake)
- The little girl lost (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake)
- The Little Vagabond (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake)
- The next table (in Old Addresses) (Text: Avi Sharon after Constantine P. Cavafy) * FRE
- The right thing (in Open House) (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- The sage (in I Will Breath a Mountain: A Song Cycle from American Women Poets) (Text: Denise Levertov) *
- The school boy (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake)
- The serpent (in Open House) (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- The shepherd (in Songs of Innocence) (Text: William Blake) CAT
- The sick rose (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE GER GER IRI NYN RUS SPA
- The sick wife (in Briefly It Enters) (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- The Tyger (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake) CAT CHI FRE GER GER RUS
- The Voice of the Ancient Bard (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two) (Text: William Blake)
- The waking (in Open House) (Text: Theodore Roethke) *
- 'Tis not that Dying hurts us so (in Let Evening Come) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- To Morning (in Morning and Evening Poems) (Text: William Blake) CZE
- To my old addresses (in Old Addresses) (Text: Kenneth Koch) *
- Toothbrush Time (Text: Arnold Weinstein) *
- To Tirzah (in Songs of Experience, Volume One) (Text: William Blake)
- Twilight: After haying (in Briefly It Enters) (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
- Vaslav's song (in The AIDS Quilt Songbook) (Text: Ethyl Eichelberger) [x]
- Vocalise (in Songs of Experience, Volume Two)
- Who (in Briefly It Enters) (Text: Jane Kenyon) *
Last update: 2024-11-30 04:32:02