Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by M. Blitzstein
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- From Marion's Book
- no. 1. o by the by (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 2. when life is quite through with (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- no. 3. what if a much of a which of a wind (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]*
- no. 4. silent unday by silently not night (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]
- no. 5. until and I heard (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]*
- no. 6. yes is a pleasant country (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]*
- no. 7. open your heart (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]*
- Six Elizabethan Songs
- no. 1. Sweet is the rose (Text: Edmund Spenser)
- no. 2. Shepherd's song (Text: William Shakespeare) CHI FRE GER
- no. 3. Song of the glove (Text: Ben Jonson) [x]
- no. 4. Court song [x]
- no. 5. Lullaby (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT FRE
- no. 6. Vendor's song (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- Autolycus-Dorcas-Mopsa Trio (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE
- Be with me (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- Blues (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- Court song (in Six Elizabethan Songs) [x]
- Displaced (Song of the D. P.) (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- Emily (The Ballad of the Bombardier) (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- Expatriate (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- Few Little English (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- Fool's song (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE
- Fraught (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- How I met my new grandfather (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- In the clear (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- I wish it so (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- Jimmie's got a goil (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Joe Worker (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- Lullaby (in Six Elizabethan Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT FRE
- Modest maid (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- o by the by (in From Marion's Book) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- open your heart (in From Marion's Book) (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]*
- Orpheus (Lucius's Song) (Text: John Fletcher) DUT FIN FRE GER GER GER SWE
- Penny candy (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- Purest kind of a guy (Joe's Birthday Song) (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- Shepherd's song (in Six Elizabethan Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) CHI FRE GER
- silent unday by silently not night (in From Marion's Book) (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]
- Song of the glove (in Six Elizabethan Songs) (Text: Ben Jonson) [x]
- Such a little while (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- Sweet is the rose (in Six Elizabethan Songs) (Text: Edmund Spenser)
- The best thing of all (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- The cradle will rock (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- The new suit (Zipperfly) (Text: Marc Blitzstein) *
- The nickel under the foot (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- Then (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- The rose song (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- until and I heard (in From Marion's Book) (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]*
- Vendor's song (in Six Elizabethan Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE
- what if a much of a which of a wind (in From Marion's Book) (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]*
- What will it be? (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- when life is quite through with (in From Marion's Book) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Whilst youthful sports (Text: Thomas Weelkes)
- With a woman to be (Text: Marc Blitzstein) [x]*
- yes is a pleasant country (in From Marion's Book) (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]*
Last update: 2024-09-12 22:01:02