Texts by E. Cummings set in Art Songs and Choral Works
Text Collections:
- & [AND]
- 1 x 1
- 50 Poems
- 73 Poems
- 95 Poems
- Collected Poems
- Early Poems
- is 5
- Late Poems
- No Thanks
- Tulips and Chimneys
- W [ViVa]
- XLI Poems
Texts set in art song or choral works (not necessarily comprehensive):
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Special notes: All titles and first lines are included in this index, including those used by composers.
Titles used by the text author appear in boldface. First lines appear in italics.
A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
- A Chorus Girl (When thou hast taken thy last applause, and when) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 1. Sonnets - Realities) - G. Bachlund
- A definition (love is more thicker than forget) (from 50 Poems) - E. George *
- ADHUC SUB JUDICE LIS (when mack smacked phyllis on the snout) (from 95 Poems) *
- a great (a great) (from 73 Poems) - E. Ballou [x] *
- a great (from 73 Poems) [x] * - E. Ballou
- a grin without a face (a grin without a) - J. Philips *
- a grin without a * - J. Philips
- air (air) - M. Feldman [x] *
- air [x] * - M. Feldman
- All in green went my love riding (All in green went my love riding) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 1. Songs) - H. Badings, D. Diamond, B. Holmes, N. Keyes, E. Mandel, P. Schickele, B. Ulman, D. Welcher
- All in green went my love riding (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 1. Songs) - H. Badings, D. Diamond, B. Holmes, N. Keyes, E. Mandel, P. Schickele, B. Ulman, D. Welcher
- all nearness pauses, while a star can grow (from 95 Poems) [x] * - M. Wright
- all the girls (jake hates all the girls(the) (from XAIPE) - G. Bachlund [x] *
- all which isn't singing is mere talking (all which isn't singing is mere talking) (from 73 Poems) - E. Ballou [x] *
- all which isn't singing is mere talking (from 73 Poems) [x] * - E. Ballou
- always, it's Spring (who knows if the moon's) (from & [AND] - 2. N - 1. &:Seven Poems) - L. Hoiby
- And viva sweet love (sweet spring is your) (from 1 x 1) - G. Binkerd *
- Another Comes (Tumbling-hair) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 2. Chansons innocentes) - J. Cage
- anyone lived in a pretty how town (anyone lived in a pretty how town) (from 50 Poems) - J. Alexander, G. Bachlund, M. Bargreen, C. Hamm, D. Keats, D. Martino, B. Orr, J. Zaimont *
- anyone lived in a pretty how town (from 50 Poems) * - J. Alexander, G. Bachlund, M. Bargreen, C. Hamm, D. Keats, D. Martino, B. Orr, J. Zaimont
- a politician is an arse upon (a politician is an arse upon) (from 1 x 1) - G. Bachlund [x] *
- a politician is an arse upon (from 1 x 1) [x] * - G. Bachlund, V. Persichetti
- A politician (a politician is an arse upon) (from 1 x 1) - V. Persichetti [x] *
- a pretty a day (a pretty a day) - K. Rathaus [x] *
- a pretty a day [x] * - K. Rathaus
- a salesman is an it that stinks Excuse (a salesman is an it that stinks Excuse) (from 1 x 1) - G. Bachlund [x] *
- a salesman is an it that stinks Excuse (from 1 x 1) [x] * - G. Bachlund
- as freedom is a breakfastfood (as freedom is a breakfastfood) (from 50 Poems) - G. Bachlund *
- as freedom is a breakfastfood (from 50 Poems) * - G. Bachlund
- As is the sea marvelous (as is the sea marvelous) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 4. Amores) - J. Musto
- as is the sea marvelous (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 4. Amores) - J. Musto
- as joe gould says in (from 95 Poems) * - G. Bachlund (as joe gould says in)
- as joe gould says (as joe gould says in) (from 95 Poems) - G. Bachlund *
- A sword-great story (Thou in whose sword-great story shine the deeds) (from XLI Poems - 5. Sonnets) - G. Bachlund
- a total stranger one black day () - J. Hall [x] *
- a wind has blown the rain away and blown (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 2. Sonnets - Unrealities) - M. Garwood, A. Imbrie, J. King, E. Mandel, E. Roxburgh, C. Ung
- A wind has blown the rain away (a wind has blown the rain away and blown) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 2. Sonnets - Unrealities) - M. Garwood, A. Imbrie, J. King, E. Mandel, E. Roxburgh
- Beautiful (Beautiful) (from 95 Poems) - B. Fennelly [x] *
- Beautiful (from 95 Poems) [x] * - B. Fennelly
- Because it's and (listen) (because it's spring) (from 73 Poems) - P. Harrex [x] *
- Because it's spring (because it's spring) (from 73 Poems) - E. Siegmeister [x] *
- because it's spring (from 73 Poems) [x] * - J. Fortner, E. Harper, P. Harrex, E. Siegmeister
- because it's (because it's spring) (from 73 Poems) - J. Fortner [x] *
- being to timelessness as it's to time (being to timelessness as it's to time) - J. Hall [x] *
- being to timelessness as it's to time [x] * - J. Hall
- between green mountains (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs)
- between green (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - E. Kaplan
- birds(here,inven (from No Thanks) [x] * - P. Boulez, M. Peyton
- !blac (!blac) (from 50 Poems) - M. Feldman [x] *
- !blac (from 50 Poems) [x] * - M. Feldman
- Buffalo Bill's Defunct (Buffalo Bill 's) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits) - W. Clark, E. Mandel, R. Sowash
- Buffalo Bill 's defunct (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits)
- Buffalo Bill's (Buffalo Bill 's) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits) - G. Bachlund, J. Yannatos
- Buffalo Bill 's (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits) - G. Bachlund, W. Clark, D. Healey, E. Mandel, R. Sowash, J. Yannatos
- Buffalo Bill (Buffalo Bill 's) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits) - D. Healey
- but the other (but the other) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits) - G. Bachlund, J. Hall
- but the other (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits) - G. Bachlund, J. Hall
- but why should (from 95 Poems) [x] * - M. Wright
- buy me an ounce and i'll sell you a pound (buy me an ounce and i'll sell you a pound) (from 50 Poems) - G. Bachlund, A. Blank *
- buy me an ounce and i'll sell you a pound (from 50 Poems) * - G. Bachlund, A. Blank
- christ but they're few (from 73 Poems) *
- Christmas Tree (little tree) (from XLI Poems - 2. Chansons innocentes) - D. Diamond
- crazy jay blue (crazy jay blue)) (from 95 Poems) - G. Bachlund, B. Fennelly, R. Manno, J. Roosevelt *
- cruelly, love, walk the autumn long (cruelly,love) (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - D. Welcher
- cruelly, love (cruelly,love) (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - M. Garwood
- cruelly,love (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - M. Garwood, D. Welcher
- Cummings ist der Dichter (birds(here,inven) (from No Thanks) - P. Boulez [x] *
- Curtains part (curtains part)) (from is 5) - J. Beckwith [x] *
- curtains part) (from is 5) [x] * - J. Beckwith
- Diffraction (stinging/ gold swarms) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 6. Impressions) - A. Silsbee
- Dim i nu tiv e, I love you much (dim/ i) - H. Badings
- Dim.i.nu.tiv (dim/ i) - C. Muylaert
- dim/ i - H. Badings, C. Muylaert
- Dim/l(a (l(a) (from 95 Poems) - P. Schickele [x] *
- Doll's boy's asleep (Doll's boy's asleep) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 1. Songs) - G. Bachlund, W. Bergsma, P. Nordoff, D. Welcher *
- Doll's boy's asleep (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 1. Songs) * - G. Bachlund, W. Bergsma, P. Nordoff, N. Rorem, D. Welcher
- Doll's boy (Doll's boy's asleep) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 1. Songs) - N. Rorem *
- dominic has a doll wired to the radiator (from 95 Poems) * (dominic has) - G. Bachlund, V. Persichetti, P. Schickele
- dominic has a doll (dominic/) (from 95 Poems) - G. Bachlund, V. Persichetti, P. Schickele *
- dominic has (dominic/) (from 95 Poems) *
- dominic/ (from 95 Poems) * - G. Bachlund, V. Persichetti, P. Schickele (dominic has)
- dying is fine)but Death (dying is fine)but Death) - G. Bachlund [x] *
- dying is fine)but Death [x] * - G. Bachlund
- enter no(silence is the blood whose flesh (from 73 Poems) * - R. Bakke, E. Harper
- Enter no silence (enter no(silence is the blood whose flesh) (from 73 Poems) - R. Bakke *
- Eruptive lightnings flutter to and fro - G. Bachlund (Summer silence)
- everybody happy? () - J. Hall [x] *
- ev erythingex Cept: () - J. Hall [x] *
- Finis (Over silent water)
- first robin the (first robin the) (from 95 Poems) - J. Fortner [x] *
- first robin the (from 95 Poems) [x] * - J. Fortner
- for any ruffian of the sky *
- Forever And Sunsmell (wherelings whenlings) (from 50 Poems) - J. Cage *
- For my lady (if i have made, my lady, intricate) (from is 5) - E. Helm [x] *
- Four uncles (my uncle) (from is 5) - D. Diamond [x] *
- from spiralling ecstatically this (from 95 Poems) [x] * - M. Wright
- here's a little mouse)and (here's a little mouse)and) - J. Hall [x] *
- here's a little mouse)and [x] * - J. Hall
- hist whist/ little ghostthings (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 2. Chansons innocentes) - G. Bachlund, W. Bergsma, J. Cage, C. De Jong, J. Duke, A. Engel, R. Jones, E. Kaplan, S. Martirano, W. Mayer, R. Myers, V. Persichetti, R. Pollock
- hist whist (hist whist/ little ghostthings) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 2. Chansons innocentes) - G. Bachlund, W. Bergsma, J. Cage, C. De Jong, J. Duke, R. Jones, W. Mayer, V. Persichetti
- Hokku (I care not greatly) - G. Bachlund
- home means that (home means that) - J. Hall [x] *
- home means that [x] * - J. Hall
- !hope (!hope) (from 73 Poems) - E. Ballou [x] *
- !hope (from 73 Poems) [x] * - E. Ballou
- i am a little church(no great cathedral) * - E. Mandel, M. Singer
- i am a little church (i am a little church(no great cathedral)) - E. Mandel, M. Singer *
- I am so glad and very (i am so glad and very) (from 50 Poems) - T. Hoekman, V. Persichetti *
- i am so glad and very (from 50 Poems) * - T. Hoekman, V. Persichetti
- I care not greatly - G. Bachlund
- i carry your heart with me (i carry it in * - J. Duke, E. Harper, D. Mathew, W. Ruiter, D. Sisco
- i carry your heart (i carry your heart with me (i carry it in) - J. Duke, D. Mathew, W. Ruiter, D. Sisco *
- I dreamed () - S. Gendel [x] *
- If freckles were lovely, and day was night - G. Bachlund
- If freckles were lovely (If freckles were lovely, and day was night) - G. Bachlund
- if i believe (if i believe) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 4. Amores) - G. Bachlund
- if i believe (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 4. Amores) - G. Bachlund
- if i have made, my lady, intricate (from is 5) [x] * - H. Badings, E. Helm
- if i have made, my lady (if i have made, my lady, intricate) (from is 5) - H. Badings [x] *
- if night's mostness(and whom did merely day (from No Thanks) [x] * - M. Peyton
- If the green (if the green) (from XAIPE) - V. Persichetti [x] *
- if the green (from XAIPE) [x] * - V. Persichetti
- if the Lovestar grows most big (if the Lovestar grows most big) - J. Hall [x] *
- if the Lovestar grows most big [x] * - J. Hall
- If you can't eat you got to (If you can't eat you got to) (from 50 Poems) - L. Bernstein, J. Hall [x] *
- If you can't eat you got to (from 50 Poems) [x] * - L. Bernstein, D. Diamond, J. Hall
- If you can't (If you can't eat you got to) (from 50 Poems) - D. Diamond [x] *
- i had an uncle named (from is 5 - 1. One) - G. Bachlund
- I love you much(most beautiful darling (I love you much(most beautiful darling) (from 95 Poems) - G. Malipiero [x] *
- I love you much(most beautiful darling (from 95 Poems) [x] * - G. Malipiero
- Improvisation on a poem by E. E. Cummings (somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond) (from W [ViVa]) - J. Randall [x] *
- i'm so drunGk, dear (the/ nimble) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits) - G. Bachlund
- i'm very fond of black bean soup (I'm very fond of) - G. Bachlund *
- I'm very fond of black bean soup *
- I'm very fond of * - G. Bachlund
- in Just-/spring when the world is mud-/luscious (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 2. Chansons innocentes)
- in Just-/ spring when the world is mud (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 2. Chansons innocentes) - D. Argento, G. Bachlund, A. Blank, J. Cage, W. Clark, J. Duke, A. Engel, J. Fortner, J. Hall, P. Harrex, E. Mandel, V. Persichetti, M. Tubb, V. Weigl, J. Yannatos
- In Just-spring (in Just-/ spring when the world is mud) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 2. Chansons innocentes) - D. Argento, W. Clark, E. Mandel, M. Tubb, V. Weigl
- In Just- (in Just-/ spring when the world is mud) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 2. Chansons innocentes) - G. Bachlund, A. Blank, J. Cage, A. Engel, J. Fortner, J. Hall, P. Harrex, V. Persichetti, J. Yannatos
- In spite of everything (in spite of ev'rything) (from is 5) - E. Siegmeister *
- in spite of ev'rything (from is 5) * - A. Copland, E. Kaplan, E. Siegmeister
- in/ Spring comes (no (from XAIPE) * - D. Argento
- in Spring comes (in/ Spring comes (no) (from XAIPE) - D. Argento *
- in Spring comes (from XAIPE) *
- in the rain (in the rain) (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - N. Rorem
- in the rain (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - N. Rorem
- in time of daffodils(who know (from 95 Poems) * - G. Bachlund, G. Malipiero, R. Manno, N. Meehan, W. Ruiter (in time of daffoldils(who know)
- in time of daffodils (in time of daffodils(who know) (from 95 Poems) - G. Bachlund, G. Malipiero, R. Manno, N. Meehan, W. Ruiter *
- in time of daffoldils(who know (in time of daffodils(who know) (from 95 Poems) *
- into the strenuous briefness (into the strenuous briefness) - G. Bachlund
- into the strenuous briefness - G. Bachlund
- I shall imagine life (i shall imagine life) (from 95 Poems) - D. Diamond *
- i shall imagine life (from 95 Poems) * - D. Diamond
- i sing of Olaf glad and big (i sing of Olaf glad and big) (from W [ViVa]) - G. Bachlund *
- i sing of Olaf glad and big (from W [ViVa]) * - G. Bachlund
- i spoke to thee (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 3. Orientale) - E. Mandel
- i thank You God for most this amazing (i thank You God for most this amazing) (from XAIPE) - R. Sowash *
- i thank You God for most this amazing (from XAIPE) * - J. Avshalomov, P. Dickinson, J. King, E. Mandel, D. McKay, D. Moe, M. Peyton, L. Pfautsch, R. Sowash, C. Tipton
- I thank You God (i thank You God for most this amazing) (from XAIPE) - J. Avshalomov, P. Dickinson, J. King, E. Mandel, D. McKay, L. Pfautsch, C. Tipton *
- it is at moments after i have dreamed (it is at moments after i have dreamed) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 2. Sonnets - Unrealities) - G. Bachlund
- it is at moments after i have dreamed (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 2. Sonnets - Unrealities) - G. Bachlund
- it is so long since my heart has been with yours (from is 5) [x] * - E. Helm
- It is so long (it is so long since my heart has been with yours) (from is 5) - E. Helm [x] *
- it may not always be so; and i say (it may not always be so;and i say) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 2. Sonnets - Unrealities) - G. Bachlund, B. Mehldau
- it may not always be so;and i say (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 2. Sonnets - Unrealities) - G. Bachlund, H. Badings, W. Bergsma, M. Garwood, B. Mehldau
- It may not always be so (it may not always be so;and i say) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 2. Sonnets - Unrealities) - H. Badings, W. Bergsma, M. Garwood
- I will wade out (I will wade out) - M. Pintscher *
- I will wade out * - M. Pintscher
- jack’s white horse(up () - J. Hall [x] *
- jake hates all the girls(the (from XAIPE) [x] * - G. Bachlund, V. Persichetti
- Jake hates all the girls (jake hates all the girls(the) (from XAIPE) - V. Persichetti [x] *
- Jimmie's got a goil (Jimmie's got a goil) (from is 5) - G. Bachlund, W. Bergsma, M. Blitzstein, E. Mandel, V. Persichetti *
- Jimmie's got a goil (from is 5) * - G. Bachlund, W. Bergsma, M. Blitzstein, E. Mandel, V. Persichetti
- Just-spring (in Just-/ spring when the world is mud) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 2. Chansons innocentes) - J. Duke
- (kiss me) (up into the silence the green) (from 50 Poems) - A. Thomas *
- lady of silence (Lady of Silence) (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - R. Manno
- lady will you come with me into (lady will you come with me into) (from W [ViVa]) - J. Gruen [x] *
- lady will you come with me into (from W [ViVa]) [x] * - J. Gruen
- L(a (l(a/) - C. Muylaert
- l(a (from 95 Poems) [x] * - P. Schickele, M. Wright
- Learn how to sing (you shall above all things be glad and young) (from Collected Poems - New Poems) - L. Pfautsch [x] *
- (listen) (from 73 Poems) [x] * - E. Harper
- Little Christmas Tree (little tree) (from XLI Poems - 2. Chansons innocentes) - J. Cage
- Little Four Paws (why did you go) (from XLI Poems - 2. Chansons innocentes) - J. Cage, C. Dougherty
- little ladies more than dead (little ladies more than dead) - E. Mandel [x] *
- little ladies more than dead [x] * - E. Mandel
- little man (in a hurry (from No Thanks) * - G. Bachlund, E. Mandel, V. Persichetti (little man)
- little man (little man (in a hurry) (from No Thanks) - G. Bachlund, E. Mandel, V. Persichetti *
- little tree (little tree) (from XLI Poems - 2. Chansons innocentes) - G. Bachlund, P. Nordoff, W. Rogers
- little tree (from XLI Poems - 2. Chansons innocentes) - G. Bachlund, J. Cage, D. Diamond, P. Nordoff, W. Rogers
- love is more thicker than forget (love is more thicker than forget) (from 50 Poems) - G. Bachlund, C. Brook, D. Diamond, P. Dickinson, E. George, B. Orr, B. Phillips, I. Wiener *
- love is more thicker (love is more thicker than forget) (from 50 Poems) - P. Dickinson *
- Love is more (love is more thicker than forget) (from 50 Poems) - D. Diamond *
- love is the every only god (love is the every only god) (from 50 Poems) - G. Bachlund, P. Dickinson, J. Hall *
- love is the every only god (from 50 Poems) * - G. Bachlund, P. Dickinson, J. Hall
- love our so right (from XAIPE) [x] - M. Peyton
- Love (love is more thicker than forget) (from 50 Poems) - B. Phillips *
- Maggie and Millie and Molly and May (maggy and milly and molly and may) (from 95 Poems) - H. Badings *
- maggie and milly and molly and may (maggy and milly and molly and may) (from 95 Poems) - J. Musto, W. Ruiter, B. Ulman *
- maggy and milly and molly and may (maggy and milly and molly and may) (from 95 Poems) - J. Fuller, B. Orr, V. Persichetti, P. Schickele *
- maggy and milly and molly and may (from 95 Poems) * - H. Badings, J. Fuller, R. Hundley, J. Musto, B. Orr, V. Persichetti, W. Ruiter, P. Schickele, B. Ulman
- mary green/ cheerful and generous (from Late Poems) * - G. Bachlund
- mary green (mary green/ cheerful and generous) (from Late Poems) - G. Bachlund *
- maybe god (maybe god) (from XAIPE) - V. Persichetti [x] *
- maybe god (from XAIPE) [x] * - V. Persichetti
- may-everywhere's here () - H. Badings [x] *
- may i be gay (may i be gay) (from W [ViVa]) - E. Ballou [x] *
- may i be gay (from W [ViVa]) [x] * - E. Ballou, E. Harper
- may i feel said he (may i feel said he) (from No Thanks) - G. Bachlund *
- may i feel said he (from No Thanks) * - G. Bachlund
- may my heart always be open to little * - G. Bachlund, S. de Gastyne
- May My Heart (may my heart always be open to little) - S. de Gastyne *
- moan (moan) (from 50 Poems) - M. Feldman [x] *
- moan (from 50 Poems) [x] * - M. Feldman
- most people (most people) - J. Zaimont [x] *
- most people [x] * - J. Zaimont
- mr youse needn't be so spry (mr youse needn't be so spry) (from is 5) - G. Bachlund *
- mr youse needn't be so spry (from is 5) * - G. Bachlund
- my father moved through dooms of love (from 50 Poems) [x] * - R. Prendergast
- My father moved through dooms (my father moved through dooms of love) (from 50 Poems) - R. Prendergast [x] *
- my sweet old etcetera (my sweet old etcetera) (from is 5) - R. Starer, H. Weisgall [x] *
- my sweet old etcetera (from is 5) [x] * - R. Starer, H. Weisgall
- my uncle (from is 5) [x] * - D. Diamond, V. Persichetti
- next to of course god america i (next to of course god america i) (from is 5) - W. Clark *
- next to of course god america i (from is 5) * - R. Brooks, W. Clark
- Next to, of course, God (next to of course god america i) (from is 5) - R. Brooks *
- nobody loses all the time (i had an uncle named) (from is 5 - 1. One) - G. Bachlund
- Nobody wears a yellow flower in his button hole (Nobody wears a yellow flower in his button hole) (from is 5) - J. Beckwith [x] *
- Nobody wears a yellow flower in his button hole (from is 5) [x] * - J. Beckwith, E. Mandel
- Nobody wears a yellow flower (Nobody wears a yellow flower in his button hole) (from is 5) - E. Mandel [x] *
- n ot eth eold almos (from 95 Poems) *
- Not even the rain () - T. Picker [x] *
- notice the convulsed orange inch of moon (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 3. Sonnets - Actualities) - J. King
- notice the moon (notice the convulsed orange inch of moon) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 3. Sonnets - Actualities) - J. King
- no time ago (no time ago) (from XAIPE) - P. Dickinson [x] *
- no time ago (from XAIPE) [x] * - P. Dickinson
- nouns to nouns (nouns to nouns) (from 50 Poems) - V. Persichetti [x] *
- nouns to nouns (from 50 Poems) [x] * - V. Persichetti
- now all the fingers of this tree(darling)have (from XAIPE) [x] * - M. Garwood
- Now all the fingers of this tree (now all the fingers of this tree(darling)have) (from XAIPE) - M. Garwood [x] *
- Now i lay (with everywhere around) (from 73 Poems) * - J. Fortner, B. Kolb, J. Philips
- Now i lay (Now i lay (with everywhere around)) (from 73 Poems) - J. Fortner, B. Kolb, J. Philips *
- now is a ship () - J. Hall [x] *
- Now (more near ourselves than we) (now(more near ourselves than we)) (from 95 Poems) - H. Badings, J. Fuller, J. Gruen [x] *
- now(more near ourselves than we) (from 95 Poems) [x] * - H. Badings, J. Fuller, J. Gruen
- now that,more nearest even than your fate (from 73 Poems) [x] * - A. Blank
- n(o)w/ the [x] * - L. Berio
- n (n /) (from 95 Poems) - J. Hall *
- n / (from 95 Poems) * - G. Bachlund, J. Hall, E. Harper
- o by the by has anybody seen (from 1 x 1) *
- O by the by (o by the by) (from 1 x 1) - G. Bachlund, M. Blitzstein, H. Boatwright, C. Dougherty *
- o by the by (from 1 x 1) * - G. Bachlund, M. Blitzstein, H. Boatwright, C. Dougherty
- off a pane)the (off a pane)the) (from 95 Poems) - B. Fennelly [x] *
- off a pane)the (from 95 Poems) [x] * - B. Fennelly
- oil tel duh woil doi sez (oil tel duh woil doi sez) (from W [ViVa]) - G. Bachlund *
- oil tel duh woil doi sez (from W [ViVa]) * - G. Bachlund
- old age sticks () - J. Hall [x] *
- One winter afternoon (one winter afternoon) - B. Ulman *
- one winter afternoon * - B. Ulman
- open your heart () (from 1 x 1) - M. Blitzstein [x] *
- Orientale I: i spoke to thee (i spoke to thee) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 3. Orientale) - E. Mandel
- O sweet spontaneous earth (O sweet spontaneous) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 5. La Guerre) - G. Bachlund, D. Morrill
- O sweet spontaneous (O sweet spontaneous) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 5. La Guerre) - J. Hall
- O sweet spontaneous (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 5. La Guerre) - G. Bachlund, J. Hall, D. Morrill
- o the sun comes up-up-up in the opening sky (O the sun comes up-up-up in the opening) (from 73 Poems) - R. Manno *
- O the sun comes up-up-up in the opening sky (from 73 Poems) *
- O the sun comes up-up-up in the opening (O the sun comes up-up-up in the opening) (from 73 Poems) - E. Ballou *
- O the sun comes up-up-up in the opening (from 73 Poems) * - E. Ballou, R. Manno
- O Thou to whom the musical white spring (from XLI Poems - 5. Sonnets) - J. Cloud
- out of the lie of no rises a truth of yes [x] * - W. Ruiter
- out of the lie of no (out of the lie of no rises a truth of yes) - W. Ruiter [x] *
- Over silent waters (Over silent water) - G. Bachlund
- Over silent water - G. Bachlund (Finis)
- pity this busy monster,manunkind () (from 1 x 1) - R. Caviani, B. Fennelly [x] *
- plant Magic dust () - J. Hall [x] *
- plato told him: he couldn't believe it (from 1 x 1) *
- plato told him (plato told/) (from 1 x 1) - G. Bachlund *
- plato told/ (from 1 x 1) * - G. Bachlund
- Poem (now that,more nearest even than your fate) (from 73 Poems) - A. Blank [x] *
- Poet's song (in spite of ev'rything) (from is 5) - A. Copland *
- Post Impressions II (the moon is hiding in) (from Tulips and Chimneys) *
- purer than purest pure (from XAIPE) [x] * - V. Persichetti
- rain or hail (from 1 x 1) [x] * - P. Nordoff, V. Persichetti
- raise the shade will youse dearie? (raise the shade) (from & [AND] - 1. A - 2. Portraits) - G. Bachlund
- raise the shade (raise the shade) (from & [AND] - 1. A - 2. Portraits) - E. Siegmeister
- raise the shade (from & [AND] - 1. A - 2. Portraits) - G. Bachlund, E. Siegmeister
- red-rag and pink-flag (red-rag and pink-flag) (from 50 Poems) - G. Bachlund *
- riverly is a flower (from & [AND] - 1. A - 1. Post Impressions) - L. Berio
- Sam was a man (rain or hail) (from 1 x 1) - V. Persichetti [x] *
- Sam (rain or hail) (from 1 x 1) - P. Nordoff [x] *
- says ol man no body - (says ol man no body) (from Late Poems) - G. Bachlund *
- says ol man no body (from Late Poems) * - G. Bachlund
- Seashore Girls (maggy and milly and molly and may) (from 95 Poems) - R. Hundley *
- seeker of truth (seeker of truth) (from 73 Poems) - G. Bachlund, J. Hall *
- seeker of truth (from 73 Poems) * - G. Bachlund, J. Hall
- silence/ .is (from 95 Poems) * - G. Malipiero
- silence (silence/ .is) (from 95 Poems) - G. Malipiero *
- silence (from 95 Poems) *
- silent unday by silently not night () (from No Thanks) - M. Blitzstein [x]
- (sitting in a tree) ((sitting in a tree)) - M. Feldman, P. Nordoff, B. Orr [x] *
- (sitting in a tree) [x] * - M. Feldman, P. Nordoff, B. Orr
- somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond (from W [ViVa]) [x] * - G. Binkerd, A. Blank, J. Randall
- Somewhere I have never travelled (somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond) (from W [ViVa]) - G. Binkerd, A. Blank [x] *
- spoke joe to jack (spoke joe to jack) (from 50 Poems) - G. Bachlund *
- Spring is like a perhaps hand (Spring is like a perhaps hand) - D. Argento, J. Gruen, V. Persichetti *
- Spring is like a perhaps hand * - D. Argento, J. Gruen, V. Persichetti
- spring!may (from 95 Poems) [x] * - J. Roosevelt
- spring omnipotent goddess Thou (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits) - G. Bachlund
- spring omnipotent goddess (spring omnipotent goddess Thou) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits) - G. Bachlund
- Spring () - H. Badings [x] *
- stand with your lover on the ending earth (from 95 Poems) [x] * - M. Wright
- Star (purer than purest pure) (from XAIPE) - V. Persichetti [x] *
- stinging/ gold swarms (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 6. Impressions) - L. Berio, E. Mandel, A. Silsbee, L. Spratlan, C. Ung
- stinging gold (stinging/ gold swarms) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 6. Impressions) - E. Mandel
- Summer silence (Eruptive lightnings flutter to and fro) - G. Bachlund
- supposing i dreamed this (supposing i dreamed this)) - E. Mandel *
- supposing i dreamed this) * - E. Mandel
- Sweet spring is your time is my time is our time (sweet spring is your) (from 1 x 1) - J. Beckwith *
- Sweet spring is your time (sweet spring is your) (from 1 x 1) - C. Dougherty *
- Sweet spring is your (sweet spring is your) (from 1 x 1) - B. Orr *
- sweet spring is your (from 1 x 1) * - J. Beckwith, G. Binkerd, C. Dougherty, S. de Gastyne, E. Mandel, P. Nordoff, B. Orr
- Sweet spring (sweet spring is your) (from 1 x 1) - S. de Gastyne, E. Mandel, P. Nordoff *
- Theater Piece (hist whist/ little ghostthings) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 2. Chansons innocentes) - R. Pollock
- the bigness of cannon (the bigness of cannon) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 5. La Guerre) - G. Bachlund
- the bigness of cannon (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 5. La Guerre) - G. Bachlund
- the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 1. Sonnets - Realities) - G. Bachlund
- the Cambridge ladies (the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 1. Sonnets - Realities) - G. Bachlund
- the first of all my dreams was of (from 73 Poems) * - E. Mandel, R. Manno, E. Siegmeister
- the first of all my dreams (the first of all my dreams was of) (from 73 Poems) - E. Mandel, R. Manno, E. Siegmeister *
- The glory is fallen out of the sky (the glory is fallen out of) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 4. Amores) - J. Beckwith, D. Diamond
- the glory is fallen out of (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 4. Amores) - J. Beckwith, D. Diamond
- the great advantage of being alive (from XAIPE) [x] * - M. Peyton
- the hours rise up putting off stars and it is (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 6. Impressions) - E. Mandel, J. Mehrtens
- the hours rise up putting off stars (the hours rise up putting off stars and it is) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 6. Impressions) - E. Mandel
- The hours rise up (the hours rise up putting off stars and it is) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 6. Impressions) - J. Mehrtens
- The moon is hiding in her hair (the moon is hiding in) (from Tulips and Chimneys) - M. Pintscher *
- the moon is hiding in (from Tulips and Chimneys) * - M. Pintscher (Post Impressions II)
- The mountains are dancing (when faces called flowers float out of the ground) (from XAIPE) - J. Duke *
- the/ nimble (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits) - G. Bachlund
- the old almost lady (n /) (from 95 Poems) - G. Bachlund *
- there are possibly 2½ or impossibly 3 (there are possibly 2½ or impossibly 3) (from 50 Poems) - G. Bachlund *
- there are possibly 2½ or impossibly 3 (from 50 Poems) * - G. Bachlund
- the rose is dying the lips of an old man (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits)
- the rose/ is dying the (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits) - J. Yannatos
- the rose (the rose/ is dying the) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 7. Portraits) - J. Yannatos
- these children singing in stone a (from 50 Poems) * - G. Bachlund, P. Nordoff, E. Roxburgh
- these children singing in stone (these children singing in stone a) (from 50 Poems) - G. Bachlund, P. Nordoff *
- these children (these children singing in stone a) (from 50 Poems) - E. Roxburgh *
- the secrets of living (may my heart always be open to little) - G. Bachlund *
- the sky was candy luminous (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs)
- the sky was (the/ sky) (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - G. Bachlund, B. Fennelly, A. Thomas
- the sky (the/ sky) (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - J. Zaimont
- the/ sky (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - G. Bachlund, B. Fennelly, E. Kaplan, A. Thomas, J. Zaimont
- the way to hump a cow is not (the way to hump a cow is not) (from 50 Poems) - G. Bachlund *
- this is the garden:colours come and go (from XLI Poems - 5. Sonnets) - G. Bachlund, R. Bennett, J. Cloud, D. Diamond, P. Glass, E. Mandel, R. Manno, V. Persichetti, E. Roxburgh, R. Zupko
- This is the garden (this is the garden:colours come and go) (from XLI Poems - 5. Sonnets) - G. Bachlund, R. Bennett, D. Diamond, P. Glass, E. Mandel, R. Manno, V. Persichetti, E. Roxburgh, R. Zupko
- Thou in whose sword-great story shine the deeds (from XLI Poems - 5. Sonnets) - G. Bachlund
- Thr(e.e. cummingS)ongs [song cycle] () - P. Siskind [x] *
- three wealthy sisters (three wealthy sisters) - J. Zaimont [x] *
- three wealthy sisters [x] * - J. Zaimont
- t,h;r:u;s,h;e:s (from 73 Poems) [x] * - E. Harper
- Thy fingers make early flowers (thy fingers make early flowers) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 1. Songs) - W. Bergsma, C. Dougherty, D. Welcher
- thy fingers make early flowers (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 1. Songs) - W. Bergsma, J. Cloud, C. Dougherty, D. Welcher
- time, be kind;herself and i (from Late Poems) * - G. Bachlund
- time, be kind (time, be kind;herself and i) (from Late Poems) - G. Bachlund *
- Tumbling-hair (Tumbling-hair) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 2. Chansons innocentes) - G. Bachlund, P. Mennin, P. Nordoff
- Tumbling-hair (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 2. Chansons innocentes) - G. Bachlund, J. Cage, A. Engel, E. Kaplan, S. Martirano, P. Mennin, R. Myers, P. Nordoff
- un(bee)mo (un(bee)mo) (from 95 Poems) - B. Fennelly [x] *
- un(bee)mo (from 95 Poems) [x] * - B. Fennelly
- Uncles (my uncle) (from is 5) - V. Persichetti [x] *
- until and I heard (until and I heard) (from 1 x 1) - M. Blitzstein, C. Dougherty, P. Nordoff [x] *
- until and I heard (from 1 x 1) [x] * - M. Blitzstein, C. Dougherty, P. Nordoff
- un (from Collected Poems - New Poems) [x] * - E. Kaplan
- up into the silence the green (from 50 Poems) * - G. Bachlund, P. Dickinson, P. Nordoff, E. Siegmeister, A. Thomas, J. Wallach
- up into the silence (up into the silence the green) (from 50 Poems) - G. Bachlund, P. Dickinson, P. Nordoff, E. Siegmeister *
- wanta spend six dollars kid (wanta) (from Early Poems) - G. Bachlund
- wanta spendsix dollars kid (from Early Poems)
- wanta (from Early Poems) - G. Bachlund
- what a proud dreamhorse pulling (smoothloomingly) through (from No Thanks) * - M. Garwood
- What a proud dreamhorse (what a proud dreamhorse pulling (smoothloomingly) through) (from No Thanks) - M. Garwood *
- what Got him was Noth () - J. Hall [x] *
- what if a much of a which of a wind (what if a much of a which of a wind) (from 1 x 1) - E. Ballou, M. Blitzstein, J. King, D. Ward-Steinman, R. Wernick [x] *
- what if a much of a which of a wind (from 1 x 1) [x] * - E. Ballou, M. Blitzstein, J. Downey, J. King, D. Ward-Steinman, R. Wernick
- What if? (what if a much of a which of a wind) (from 1 x 1) - J. Downey [x] *
- what the hell (you no/) (from 95 Poems) - G. Bachlund *
- when any mortal(even the most odd) (when any mortal(even the most odd)) (from 95 Poems) - G. Bachlund, H. Clarke *
- when faces called flowers float out of the ground (when faces called flowers float out of the ground) (from XAIPE) - D. Argento *
- when faces called flowers float out of the ground (from XAIPE) * - D. Argento, J. Duke, E. Mandel
- when faces called flowers (when faces called flowers float out of the ground) (from XAIPE) - E. Mandel *
- when god lets my body be (when god lets my body be) (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 1. Songs) - G. Bachlund, W. Bergsma, D. Welcher
- when god lets my body be (from Tulips and Chimneys - 1. Tulips - 1. Songs) - G. Bachlund, W. Bergsma, D. Welcher
- when life is quite through with (when life is quite through with) (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - G. Bachlund, M. Blitzstein, D. Welcher
- when life is quite through with (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - G. Bachlund, M. Blitzstein, D. Welcher
- when mack smacked phyllis on the snout (from 95 Poems) * - G. Bachlund (ADHUC SUB JUDICE LIS)
- when mack smacked phyllis (when mack smacked phyllis on the snout) (from 95 Poems) - G. Bachlund *
- When thou hast taken thy last applause, and when (from Tulips and Chimneys - 2. Chimneys - 1. Sonnets - Realities) - G. Bachlund
- wherelings whenlings (from 50 Poems) * - J. Cage
- Where's Madge then (Where’s Madge then) (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - G. Bachlund, D. Welcher
- Where’s Madge then (from XLI Poems - 1. Songs) - G. Bachlund, D. Welcher
- Which is yes (i thank You God for most this amazing) (from XAIPE) - D. Moe *
- who are you,little i () - J. Hall [x] *
- who(is?are)who (who(is?are)who) (from 95 Poems) - G. Malipiero [x] *
- who(is?are)who (from 95 Poems) [x] * - G. Malipiero
- who is this (who is this) (from 73 Poems) - E. Ballou [x] *
- who is this (from 73 Poems) [x] * - E. Ballou
- who knows if the moon's a balloon (who knows if the moon's) (from & [AND] - 2. N - 1. &:Seven Poems) - D. Argento, M. Garwood
- Who knows if the moon's (who knows if the moon's) (from & [AND] - 2. N - 1. &:Seven Poems) - P. Harrex
- who knows if the moon's (from & [AND] - 2. N - 1. &:Seven Poems) - D. Argento, M. Garwood, P. Harrex, L. Hoiby
- why did you go, little fourpaws? (from XLI Poems - 2. Chansons innocentes)
- why did you go (why did you go) (from XLI Poems - 2. Chansons innocentes) - G. Bachlund, D. Hagen
- why did you go (from XLI Poems - 2. Chansons innocentes) - G. Bachlund, J. Cage, C. Dougherty, D. Hagen
- Why (why) (from 73 Poems) - R. Bakke, J. Hall [x] *
- why (from 73 Poems) [x] * - R. Bakke, J. Hall, G. Malipiero
- will you teach a wretch *
- (will you teach a * - J. Wallach
- yes is a pleasant country () (from 1 x 1) - M. Blitzstein [x] *
- youful/ (from 50 Poems) * - F. Koch
- you no/ (from 95 Poems) * - G. Bachlund, J. Hall (you no)
- you shall above all things be glad and young (from Collected Poems - New Poems) [x] * - L. Pfautsch
Last update: 2024-12-12 04:57:53