Submissions by Medlock, Garrett ( 877 items: 541 texts and 336 translations )
[Guest Editor]
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- El sol a plomo. Un hombre
- ¡Quirino/ con su tres!; title: "Quirino"
- I am the mother of sorrows; title: "The Paradox"
- Sun/ Another moment stay; title: "Sunset"
- I've come this far to freedom and I won't turn back; title: "Midway"
- Where have you gone; title: "Where Have You Gone?"
- Life of ages, richly poured; title: "Life of Ages"
- All people of the earth; title: "All People of the Earth"
- Dear Master, in whose life I see; title: "Dear Master In Whose Life"
- It is strange; title: "Tell Me Trees: What Are You Whispering?"
- White rose in the moonlight; title: "Night Truths"
- I took some clay and moulded me a dream; title: "Dreams"
- I am tir'd of tears; title: "Impulse - Impatience"
- If there should come a fairer spring; title: "Rondel"
- Out of the sky; title: "Rain Song"
- If he only walk'd in gardens; title: "If He Only Walked In Gardens"
- Take my hand and lead me into your mind; title: "Love"
- My gostly fader, I me confesse; title: "My gostly fader"
- The seductive mirror flees [translation of: Fuis le miroir séduisant]
- Chaque jour, je la vois, charmante, gracieuse; title: "Le Timide"
- Avec plus de timidité; title: "Couplet"
- Pourquoi montrer ta face blême?; title: "Clair de la Lune"
- Ce qui me plaît en toi, ce que j'admire et j'aime; title: "A Ida"
- Quoi, mon ami doute de toi, ma muse; title: "À un ami qui m'accusait de plagiat"
- Étoile, pure étoile
- De francs amis demandent un rondeau
- The apiary drips ceaselessly; title: "The bees" [translation of: Las abejas | Sin cesar gotea]
- The stubborn bumblebee; title: "The bumblebee" [translation of: El abejorro | El abejorro terco]
- Give back to the naked branch; title: "The moth" [translation of: La mariposa | Devuelve a la desnuda rama]
- At the blow of the sun's gold; title: "Flying fish" [translation of: Peces voladores | Al golpe del oro solar]
- Devuelve a la desnuda rama; title: "La mariposa"
- Do not come, false happiness [translation of: No vengas, falso contento]
- I go by the light of the moon [translation of: Marcho á la luz de la luna]
- Todo es un ajedrez de días, de noches; title: "Todo es un ajedrez"
- Cuándo hayamos muerto no habrá ya rosas; title: "Cuando hayamos muerto..."
- The sun on the sand, oh sleeping fighter; title: "Summer's sadness" [translation of: Tristesse d'été | Le soleil, sur le sable, ô lutteuse endormie]
- Vine al mundo, como el agua que corre ciegamente, sin saber porqué ni de donde; title: "Vine al mundo"
- ¡Ah, llenad las copas!; title: "¡Ah llenad las copas!"
- Everything is a chess game of days, of nights; title: "Everything is a chess game" [translation of: Todo es un ajedrez | Todo es un ajedrez de días, de noches]
- When we die there will no longer be roses; title: "When we are dead..." [translation of: Cuando hayamos muerto... | Cuándo hayamos muerto no habrá ya rosas]
- Ah, let us enjoy avidly all that life can give; title: "Ah, let us enjoy...!" [translation of: ¡Ah, gocemos...! | ¡Ah, gocemos, ávidamente, de todo lo que pueda brindar la vida]
- ¡Ah, gocemos, ávidamente, de todo lo que pueda brindar la vida; title: "¡Ah, gocemos...!"
- I came into the world like water that runs blindly without knowing why nor where; title: "I came into the world" [translation of: Vine al mundo | Vine al mundo, como el agua que corre ciegamente, sin saber porqué ni de donde]
- Ah, fill the cups!; title: "Ah, fill the cups!" [translation of: ¡Ah llenad las copas! | ¡Ah, llenad las copas!]
- Aquí, con un pedazo de pan bajo el follaje; title: "Aquí, con un pedazo de pan"
- ¡Qué mezquino el corazón que no sabe amor!; title: "¡Qué mezquino el corazón...!"
- Rodopis, ocultemos a los curiosos nuestros besos; title: "Rodopis"
- They who have never loved will love tomorrow; title: "They who have never loved" [translation of: Quien no ha amado nunca | Quien no ha amado nunca, amará mañana]
- Beloved, let that veil reveal the beauty of your body; title: "Beloved" [translation of: Bien amada | Bien amada, ese velo deja traslucir la hermosura de tu cuerpo]
- Quien no ha amado nunca, amará mañana; title: "Quien no ha amado nunca"
- Here with a piece of bread underneath the foliage; title: "Here with a piece of bread" [translation of: Aquí, con un pedazo de pan | Aquí, con un pedazo de pan bajo el follaje]
- Bien amada, ese velo deja traslucir la hermosura de tu cuerpo; title: "Bien amada"
- How mean the heart that knows not how to love!; title: "How mean the heart" [translation of: ¡Qué mezquino el corazón...! | ¡Qué mezquino el corazón que no sabe amor!]
- Rhodopis, let us hide our kisses from the onlookers; title: "Rhodopis" [translation of: Rodopis | Rodopis, ocultemos a los curiosos nuestros besos]
- Look within my loving eyes; title: "Love's Mirror"
- O Abyssinian tree; title: "Song of the Nubian Girl"
- Sweet baby butterfly; title: "Sweet baby butterfly"
- The time we like the best of all; title: "Alone with mother"
- Wee brown baby, lookin' upwards; title: "The Stars"
- Fairy Roses, in the noontide; title: "Fairy Roses"
- That day Paris awoke; title: "Memory" [translation of: Souvenir | Ce jour là Paris s'éveillait]
- Be thou mine eyes!; title: "His helmet's blaze; Almona's song of Yussouf to Hassan"
- I hear his footsteps, music sweet; title: "I hear his footsteps, music sweet; Almona's song of delight"
- Ah, my love, but thou art weary; title: "Thou art weary; Almona's song to Yussouf"
- Never forgotten that one day; title: "This is Nirvana; Yussouf's song to Almona"
- Farewell, farewell to all!; title: "Ahmed's song of farewell"
- Almona, Almona, awake!; title: "Almona ; Song of Hassan"
- O night of dream and wonder; title: "O, night of dream and wonder; Almona's song"
- Seigneur,/ donnez-moi d'être la lampe; title: "Prière"
- Quand je mourrai, enterrez; title: "Élégie"
- Que m'arrivera-t-il aujourd'hui, ô mon Dieu ?
- Lord,/ allow me to be the lamp; title: "Prayer" [translation of: Prière | Seigneur,/ donnez-moi d'être la lampe]
- When I am dead, bury; title: "When I am dead" [translation of: Élégie | Quand je mourrai, enterrez]
- What will happen to me today, oh my God; title: "Prayer of Madame Elizabeth in her prison" [translation of: Prière de Madame Élisabeth de France | Prière de Madame Elizabeth à sa prison | Que m'arrivera-t-il aujourd'hui, ô mon Dieu ?]
- More than troubled; title: "More than troubled" [translation of: Le Calmant | Plus qu'ennuyée | Plus qu’ennuyée]
- Plus qu’ennuyée
- I suffer the languor of the day, already faded; title: "Before the setting sun" [translation of: Devant le couchant | Je subis la langueur du jour déjà pâli]
- Je subis la langueur du jour déjà pâli; title: "Devant le couchant"
- Mes larmes font éclore
- Mes larmes font éclore
- You call me fickle, cruel youth; title: "Henry"
- Non mi negate, ohimè; title: "Non mi negate"
- Old woman, old woman, will you go a-shearing?; title: "The old woman's courtship"
- Old woman, old woman, will you go a-shearing?; title: "The deaf woman's courtship"
- At the edge of a palm grove; title: "At the edge of a palm grove" [translation of: A la orilla de un palmar | A la orilla de un palmar]
- The moon was calm and played upon the waters; title: "Moonlight" [translation of: Clair de lune | La lune était sereine et jouait sur les flots. —]
- The mysterious pond shivers, a shroud of white moire; title: "Twilight" [translation of: Crépuscule | L’étang mystérieux, suaire aux blanches moires]
- Here the season weakens; title: "Here the season weakens" [translation of: Voici que la saison décline | Voici que la saison décline]
- How long? Not long; title: "How Long? Not Long!"
- Send me a dream from the Dream Tree; title: "Send me a dream"
- A tender light lights the night; title: "Alone..."
- God go with me; from my side never part; title: "Advocation"
- Sleep, baby, sleep
- Ich bin so froh geworden; title: "Ich bin so froh geworden"
- I have become so happy; title: "I have become so happy" [translation of: Ich bin so froh geworden | Ich bin so froh geworden]
- Lieb’ ist die Perle, die im Meeresgrunde; title: "Lieb' ist die Perle"
- Love is the pearl which waits on the seafloor; title: "Love is the pearl" [translation of: Lieb' ist die Perle | Lieb’ ist die Perle, die im Meeresgrunde]
- I asked her [translation of: Le domandai]
- In the middle of the garden the flower that I desire; title: "In the middle of the garden" [translation of: Au milieu du jardin | Au milieu du jardin la fleur que je désire]
- In sleep among the specters; title: "Indian serenade" [translation of: Serenata indiana | Del sonno tra i fantasimi]
- I do not hear my footsteps in the silent alley; title: "A dream" [translation of: Un sogno | Io non odo i miei passi nel viale muto]
- Stay, I beg you, stay here [translation of: Rimanete, vi prego, rimanete qui]
- Do our words (listen, listen); title: "On an old air" [translation of: Sopra un'aria antica | Non sorgono (ascolta ascolta)]
- Rocking your white cradle; title: "Cradle song" [translation of: Canción de cuna | Al mecer tu blanca cuna]
- My mother-in-law is dying; title: "Chacarera" [translation of: Chacarera | Mi suegra se está muriendo]
- If you offer me your heart; title: "Gato" [translation of: Gato | Si tu corazón me ofreces]
- Si tu corazón me ofreces; title: "Gato"
- Después de verte estrellita; title: "Vidala"
- Al mecer tu blanca cuna; title: "Canción de cuna"
- Mi suegra se está muriendo; title: "Chacarera"
- When my heart is sad; title: "The shadow (Yaraví)" [translation of: La sombra (Yaraví) | Cuando triste el corazón]
- Let it be beautiful when I sing the last song
- Cuando triste el corazón; title: "La sombra (Yaraví)"
- Al dolce canto
- At the sweet singing [translation of: Al dolce canto]
- Blow, thou wintry wind!; title: "Two Folk-songs of Little Russia"
- Sleep, darling, go to sleep; title: "Sleep, my darling"
- God give me mountains; title: "Mountains"
- In the sky is a carousel; title: "The great carousel" [translation of: Das große Karussell | Im Himmel ist ein Karussell]
- Je connais un berger discret; title: "Je connais un berger discret"
- The happy sound of [translation of: Deiner hellen Stimme | Deiner hellen Stimme]
- Den evige Sne, den evige Sne; title: "Den evige sne"
- Deiner hellen Stimme
- I shall be beautiful when you come back; title: "Transformation"
- Listen, children, listen, won't you come into the night?; title: "Who calls?"
- My Lady Lo-Fu sits in a golden hall; title: "Lady Lo-Fu"
- Little taper set tonight
- Here in the twilight; title: "By the fountain"
- Down in the glen; title: "Down in the glen"
- All my life long I had longed to see heather; title: "Heather"
- In this our world we two shall walk together; title: "We two"
- I saw them plunging through the foam
- Schlaf' holdes Kind; title: "Schlaf ein, holdes Kind"
- Sleep sweet child; title: "Go to sleep, sweet child" [translation of: Schlaf ein, holdes Kind | Schlaf' holdes Kind]
- In meiner Heimat wird es jetzt Frühling
- Evening has fallen and you have not come; title: "The futile wait" [translation of: L'attesa vana | La sera è scesa e tu non sei venuta]
- Ah! che assorta in dolce incanto, ah!; title: "Ah! che assorta"
- Ah! how enraptured in sweet enchantment, ah!; title: "Ah! how enraptured" [translation of: Ah! che assorta | Ah! che assorta in dolce incanto, ah!]
- Fingo per mio diletto; title: "Fingo per mio diletto"
- Dites, que faut-il faire; title: "Dites, que faut-il faire ?"
- Tell me, what should one do [translation of: Dites, que faut-il faire ? | Dites, que faut-il faire]
- God save you, Virgin of Macarena; title: "Saeta in the form of a Hail Mary to the Virgin of Hope" [translation of: Saeta en forma de Salve a la Virgen de la Esperanza | ¡Dios te salve, Macarena]
- The days are all such heavy days; title: "Values"
- At the beginning of the night that day; title: "The two fears" [translation of: Los dos miedos | Al comenzar la noche de aquel día]
- I saw you, a spot, and floating before my eyes; title: "Poem" [translation of: Rima | Te vi un punto, y, flotando ante mis ojos]
- The spirit of glorious Seville; title: "The Giralda" [translation of: La Giralda | De la glorioso Sevilla]
- Your image which I admire [translation of: Está tu imágen, que admiro]
- Blessedly lovely woman, blissfully lovely woman; title: "Mary" [translation of: Maria | Holdselige, Holdselige]
- Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr!; title: "Ach Herr, lass deine lieben Engelein"
- The sun declines, the shades increase
- Mary, the last star; title: "Morning" [translation of: Mattinata | Mary, tremando]
- In my homeland it is now becoming spring [translation of: In meiner Heimat... | In meiner Heimat | In meiner Heimat wird es jetzt Frühling]
- I go through the green wood, green wood; title: "The bird in the woods" [translation of: Der Vogel im Walde | Ich gehe durch den grünen Wald, grünen Wald]
- In early youth to fear a stranger
- The rose complained [translation of: Es hat die Rose sich beklagt | Es hat die Rose sich beklagt]
- The wandering river returns
- Dans les jardins d’Hebé quel Dieu guide mes pas; title: "Hebé"
- In Hebe's gardens what God guides my steps; title: "Hebe" [translation of: Hebé | Dans les jardins d’Hebé quel Dieu guide mes pas]
- The linnet is tuning her flute
- Deep in the heart of heaven the stars now wake; title: "Ishtar"
- The silent hour; title: "The silent hour" [translation of: L'heure silencieuse | L'heure silencieuse]
- L'heure silencieuse; title: "L'heure silencieuse"
- O bimba, bimbetta; title: "O bimba, bimbetta"
- Oh maiden, little maiden; title: "Oh maiden, little maiden," [translation of: O bimba, bimbetta | O bimba, bimbetta]
- O bocca dolorosa; title: "O bocca dolorosa"
- Oh anguished mouth; title: "Oh anguished mouth" [translation of: O bocca dolorosa | O bocca dolorosa]
- The wild geese flew to the South last night; title: "Wild geese"
- And the angel said unto them; title: "Angels, roll the rock away"
- How fresh, oh Lord, how sweet and clean; title: "The Flower"
- Lullay, my beloved, my dear son; title: "Lullay of the Nativity"
- Soy la linda violetera; title: "La violetera"
- I am the lovely flower girl; title: "The flower girl" [translation of: La violetera | Soy la linda violetera]
- Last night as I laid on the prairie; title: "The Cowboy's Dream"
- Oh! it's up along and down along, and all along the Quay; title: "Five and twenty Sailormen"
- Roses breathe in the night; title: "Roses Breathe in the Night"
- Night in the woods, -- night
- I am afraid of a kiss [translation of: A poor young shepherd | J'ai peur d'un baiser]
- Each encrusted seashell; title: "The seashells" [translation of: Les coquillages | Chaque coquillage incrusté]
- See how much I still love you, ungrateful one [translation of: Vedi quanto adoro | Vedi quanto t'adoro ancora, ingrato]
- Man enters, at the hour he is born; title: "Man enters, at the hour he is born" [translation of: Entra l'uomo, allor che nasce | Entra l'uomo, allor che nasce]
- See how the moonbeams; title: "The moonlit night" [translation of: Die Mondnacht | Siehe wie die Mondesstrahlen]
- Once upon a time, first at the very beginning; title: "The modest little wish" [translation of: Das bescheidene Wünschlein | Damals, ganz zuerst am Anfang]
- Distant, distant [translation of: Mein Frieden | Ferne, ferne]
- La fortuna di Roma; title: "La fortuna di Roma"
- Rome's fortune; title: "Rome's fortune" [translation of: La fortuna di Roma | La fortuna di Roma]
- La tua pena mi dispiace; title: "La tua pena mi dispiace"
- Labbra gradite; title: "Labbra gradite"
- Appreciated lips; title: "Appreciated lips" [translation of: Labbra gradite | Labbra gradite]
- Quanto è dolce quel velen
- How sweet is that venom; title: "How sweet is that venom" [translation of: Quanto è dolce quel velen | Quanto è dolce quel velen]
- Cara e dolce rimembranza; title: "Cara e dolce rimembranza"
- Beloved and sweet memory; title: "Beloved and sweet memory" [translation of: Cara e dolce rimembranza | Cara e dolce rimembranza]
- Col dire a me così; title: "Col dire a me così"
- Speaking to me thusly; title: "Speaking to my thusly" [translation of: Col dire a me così | Col dire a me così]
- Già mai la lontananza; title: "Già mai la lontananza"
- Never will separation; title: "Never will separation" [translation of: Già mai la lontananza | Già mai la lontananza]
- Near the pond, upon the horsetail; title: "The dragonfly" [translation of: La libellule | Près de l'étang, sur la prêle]
- Oh! bei riflessi di Sole!; title: "Riflessi"
- Oh! beautiful reflections of sun!; title: "Reflections" [translation of: Riflessi | Oh! bei riflessi di Sole!]
- Solitudini amene; title: "Solitudini amene, apriche colli,"
- Pleasant wildernesses; title: "Pleasant wildernesses, open hills" [translation of: Solitudini amene, apriche colli, | Solitudini amene]
- May! The trees of the orchard; title: "May" [translation of: Mai | Mai ! Les arbres du verger]
- Era la vo (che beddu stu nomu; title: "Era la vo"
- Fa la nanna (bello codesto tuo nome
- Go beddy-bye (lovely this your name [translation of: Fa la nanna (bello codesto tuo nome]
- Fa la nana, bambin; title: "Fa la nana bambin"
- Go beddy-bye, little baby; title: "Go beddy-bye little baby" [translation of: Fa la nana bambin | Fa la nana, bambin]
- Bella fautel’ a dove vai?; title: "I battitori di grano"
- Bella fanciulla dove vai?
- Lovely girl where are you going? [translation of: Bella fanciulla dove vai?]
- A little gray-blue dove; title: "The little gray dove"
- The Ragpicker sits and sorts her rags; title: "The Ragpicker"
- The setting sun is so beautiful among; title: "Autumn night" [translation of: Nuit d'automne | Le couchant est si beau, parmi]
- If you cry sometimes [translation of: Présence | Si quelquefois tu pleures | Si quelquefois tu pleures]
- So that the night may be sweet, the roses of the perfumed garden [translation of: Invocation | Pour que la nuit soit douce il faudra que les roses]
- A nasty bee once stung Eros; title: "The wax thief (?)" [translation of: Le kérioklépte | Une méchante abeille piqua une fois Eros]
- With flowers on the ground like embroidery spread
- Knowing, fair sir, my matrimonial thrall
- You are tall, a body all charming; title: "Lyric madrigal" [translation of: Madrigal lyrique | Vous êtes grande de tout un corps charmant]
- Oh good wine, good wine, good wine; title: "Oh good wine, where did you grow?" [translation of: O bon vin, où as-tu crû | O bon vin, bon vin, bon vin]
- I bring nothing with me, across the sea without return; title: "The departure" [translation of: Le départ | Je n'emporte avec moi sur la mer sans retour]
- I would like for your eyes the plain; title: "Wish" [translation of: Vœu | Je voudrais pour tes yeux la plaine]
- Awake! awake! and hearken to the breeze; title: "Daybreak"
- Sweet is the golden sunshine; title: "Morning"
- Goodnight, fair rose, goodnight!; title: "Evening"
- Now that I no longer follow; title: "Now that I no longer follow" [translation of: Or ch'io non seguo più | Or ch'io non seguo più]
- O lovely night!; title: "O lovely night!"
- Down in the forest something stirred; title: "Down in the forest (Spring)"
- Love, I have won you and held you; title: "Love I have won you (Summer)"
- The winds are calling, calling; title: "The winds are calling (Autumn)"
- Drift down, drift down from the skies; title: "Drift down, drift down (Winter)"
- Life, with here a smile, with there a tear; title: "Prelude"
- With a laugh and a dance; title: "A heart that's free"
- I have lulled my little child to sleep; title: "With roses strewn" [translation of: Mit Rosen bestreut | Ich habe mein Kindlein in Schlaf gewiegt]
- When you were born, the rose said; title: "When you were born" [translation of: Quando nasceste voi | Quando nasceste voi, disse la rosa]
- The water crawls through the opaque forest and gently; title: "The naiad" [translation of: La naiade | Pullula ne l’opaco bosco e lene]
- Quand l’enfant s’endort dans son berceau blanc; title: "Berceuse"
- When the child falls asleep in his white cradle; title: "Lullaby" [translation of: Berceuse | Quand l’enfant s’endort dans son berceau blanc]
- At the corner of the fireplace, where I am stoking it; title: "The cricket" [translation of: Le grillon | Au coin de l’âtre où je tisonne]
- Tes yeux, tes jolis yeux aux longs regards si doux; title: "Tes yeux!"
- Your eyes, your lovely eyes, with long looks so sweet; title: "Your eyes" [translation of: Tes yeux! | Tes yeux, tes jolis yeux aux longs regards si doux]
- Little doll dancing so gently; title: "Dancing doll" [translation of: Poupée valsante | Petite poupée valsant si gentiment]
- Sleep, little Jesus; title: "The Vigils of Mary"
- Ils étaient trois petits chats blancs; title: "Ils étaient trois petits chats blancs"
- There were three little white cats; title: "There were three little white cats" [translation of: Ils étaient trois petits chats blancs | Ils étaient trois petits chats blancs]
- Petite poupée valsant si gentiment; title: "Poupée valsante"
- Tock! tock! tock! tock! he hammers with hurried blows [translation of: Nocturne | Toc, toc, toc toc, - il cloue à coups pressés]
- No more among algae-covered stones [translation of: Già la notte s'avvicina | Già la notte s'avvicina]
- Let’s dance the jig! [translation of: Dansons la gigue! | Dansons la gigue!]
- Gesù ti guarda, Gesù ti culla; title: "Ninna-nanna di S. Uliva"
- Jesus I look at you, Jesus I cradle you; title: "Saint Olivia's lullaby" [translation of: Ninna-nanna di S. Uliva | Gesù ti guarda, Gesù ti culla]
- In the old Alhambra garden; title: "A gipsy maiden, I"
- Ses yeux pâles, ses yeux en fleur; title: "Comme l'eau"
- Her pale eyes, her eyes in bloom; title: "Like water" [translation of: Comme l'eau | Ses yeux pâles, ses yeux en fleur]
- The earth is cold and the sky dark; title: "Winter" [translation of: L'hiver | La terre est froide et le ciel sombre]
- If you think I am going to say [translation of: Chanson de Fortunio | Si vous croyez que je vais dire]
- A virgin with sweet eyes; title: "The seasons" [translation of: Les saisons | Une vierge aux doux yeux]
- Poor flower that in the alley; title: "The trampled rose" [translation of: La rose foulée | Pauvre fleur que dans l’allée]
- If I had a ribbon bow to bind my hair; title: "Ribbon Bow"
- When I left Marbella; title: "Malagueña" [translation of: Malagueña | Cuando salí de Marbella]
- Brauner Wald, süßes Haar; title: "Kleine Fuge"
- Weckt mich nicht auf!
- Gicks und Gacks, Gacks und Gicks; title: "Klarinette"
- So you betray me thusly; title: "So you betray thusly... Harsh, terrible remorse" [translation of: Così dunque tradisci . . . Aspri rimorsi atroci | Così dunque tradisci]
- No, you are not capable; title: "No, you are not capable" [translation of: No, che non sei capace | No che non sei capace]
- Please, for pity's sake, do not search for; title: "Please, for pity's sake, do not search" [translation of: Per pietà, non ricercate | Per pietà, non ricercate]
- Miserable! do I dream, or am I awake?; title: "Miserable! do I dream, or am I awake?" [translation of: Misero! O sogno . . . Aura, che intorno spiri | Misero! o sogno, o son desto?]
- Partridge call and bell’s sound; title: "You and I" [translation of: Ich und du | Rebhahnruf und Glockenlaut]
- And if I could have woken you with the sunlight; title: "Sleep, ah, sleep" [translation of: Schlafe, ach, schlafe | Und dürft' ich dich wecken zum Sonnenlicht]
- When the linden blooms [translation of: Polnisches Volkslied | Wenn die Linde blüht, wenn die Linde blüht]
- È la luna che veleggia; title: "Al chiaro di luna"
- The dark green leaves eavesdropped; title: "The dark green leaves eavesdropped" [translation of: Es lauschte das Laub so dunkelgrün | Es lauschte das Laub so dunkelgrün]
- Awakened in new strength; title: "Morning song" [translation of: Morgenlied | Erwacht in neuer Stärke]
- God is in the gentle wind; title: "God is in everything"
- In springtime comes the gentle rain; title: "Isaac Greentree (An Epitaph)"
- Per i tuoi riccioli biondi; title: "Ondina"
- Do they call you this; title: "Wavelet" [translation of: Ondina | Per i tuoi riccioli biondi]
- I once lay in grief and pain [translation of: Wohl lag' ich einst in Gram und Schmerz | Wohl lag' ich einst in Gram und Schmerz]
- Una triste sonrisa; title: "Despedida"
- Un homme est mort; title: "Hosanna"
- A man is dead; title: "Hosanna" [translation of: Hosanna | Un homme est mort]
- It is a Spring night, O my Beloved!; title: "It is a spring night"
- My love for you has grown to a beauty beyond comparing; title: "My love for you has grown"
- The sun had set a glory of red and gold; title: "The sun had set"
- Life is a swift, deep river; title: "Life"
- Shadows, a breath upon the glass of Fate!; title: "Shadows"
- Present and Past are One; title: "Eternity"
- If I had known, beloved, If I had known; title: "If I had known"
- ¿Por qué en aquella noche triste y serena; title: "¿Por qué?"
- Why on that night, sad and serene; title: "Why?" [translation of: ¿Por qué? | ¿Por qué en aquella noche triste y serena]
- No espero nada de ti; title: "No espero nada de ti"
- I expect nothing from you; title: "I expect nothing from you" [translation of: No espero nada de ti | No espero nada de ti]
- A sad smile; title: "Farewell" [translation of: Despedida | Una triste sonrisa]
- ¿De dónde vendría el amor; title: "¿De dónde?"
- Where would love come from; title: "From where?" [translation of: ¿De dónde? | ¿De dónde vendría el amor]
- Fué en una linda tarde; title: "Atardecer en España"
- It was a beautiful afternoon; title: "Twilight in Spain" [translation of: Atardecer en España | Fué en una linda tarde]
- Con esa Chamaca me quiero casar; title: "Qué bonita"
- I want to marry that girl; title: "How lovely" [translation of: Qué bonita | Con esa Chamaca me quiero casar]
- The moonlight falls upon my window sill; title: "Moonlight"
- A white beach, and a sail; title: "Sea dream"
- Down on the beach, where the tide comes in; title: "Waiting"
- Oh, it's aye; title: "Song of the Albatross"
- A fan may talk when a virtuous girl must remain silent; title: "The Fan Song"
- I shall think of you now, in a garden among white roses; title: "I shall think of you"
- A little street in a little town; title: "Little girl in blue"
- Into my youth's fair garden; title: "Love"
- Our lips have met, our eyes have spoken; title: "Parting"
- Far above the purple hills, where the pines are sleeping; title: "Far above the purple hills"
- The crescent moon goes drifting by; title: "Crescent Moon"
- Clouds adrift in the summer sky; title: "Clouds"
- Bright shower of lambent butterflies
- I have a house on the top of a hill; title: "The house on a hill"
- When thru the leaves the sunlight falls; title: "Longing"
- There were two Swans; title: "There were two swans"
- I reach out my arms, O Love, you are not there; title: "Heart cry"
- Comme un éclair la flateuse espérance; title: "Comme un éclair"
- Like a flash of lightning, flattering hope; title: "Like a flash of lightning" [translation of: Comme un éclair | Comme un éclair la flateuse espérance]
- The Pigeon/ Is of humble origin; title: "The pigeon"
- Some bird-lovers have thought; title: "The vulture"
- Sing to my heart a song; title: "Sing to my heart a song"
- I only know the stars will shine again; title: "I only know"
- I did not know I loved you with a love as true; title: "I did not know"
- Be still, my heart! For all thy care and sorrow; title: "Be still, my heart"
- His parents always shove; title: "The dove"
- The Child of the Great Condor; title: "The condor"
- The viewpoint of the Sparrow; title: "The sparrow"
- On the wall hangs a brown wooden clock; title: "The cuck-coo clock"
- Heaven has visited earth; title: "Heaven has visited earth" [translation of: Le ciel a visité la terre | Le ciel a visité la terre]
- Love was with me yesterday
- Quelle est l’ardeur qui se révèle; title: "Printemps"
- What is the warmth which reveals itself; title: "Spring" [translation of: Printemps | Quelle est l’ardeur qui se révèle]
- Life is not all in vain; title: "Sweet song of long ago"
- Far beyond the moon, beyond the stars; title: "Desire"
- There are the dearest little birds; title: "Bird songs"
- When time has come for you to put to sea; title: "Bon voyage"
- Mai non intesi per altro sguardo
- Never meant for another gaze; title: "Never meant for another gaze" [translation of: Mai non intesi per altro sguardo | Mai non intesi per altro sguardo]
- Wind is to show; title: "Wind"
- Sleep is not something you worry about; title: "Sleep"
- Husbands and wives!; title: "One of Us"
- Lonely, I watch at my darkened window; title: "Dreams"
- You do not know it, but I have dreamed; title: "To you" [translation of: A tí | Tú no lo sabes, más yo he soñado]
- Strike free, oh Time; title: "Glory"
- And the whole multitude arose, and led Jesus unto Pilate; title: "The Crucifixion"
- Dawn has come; title: "Dawn"
- Del beso aquel nació el amor; title: "Aquel beso que me diste"
- Love was born from that kiss; title: "That kiss which you gave me" [translation of: Aquel beso que me diste | Del beso aquel nació el amor]
- El tierno amor que me juraste ayer; title: "Si lo quisiera Dios"
- The tender love you swore to me yesterday; title: "If God willed it" [translation of: Si lo quisiera Dios | El tierno amor que me juraste ayer]
- Te quiero por tu cara de rosa; title: "Por eso te quiero..."
- I love you for your rosy face; title: "That is why I love you..." [translation of: Por eso te quiero... | Te quiero por tu cara de rosa]
- En noches de luna yo soñé; title: "En noches de luna"
- On moonlit nights I dreamed; title: "On moonlit nights" [translation of: En noches de luna | En noches de luna yo soñé]
- Yo compadezco los corazones; title: "Yo compadezco"
- I took pity on the hearts; title: "I took pity" [translation of: Yo compadezco | Yo compadezco los corazones]
- I took pity on the hearts; title: "I took pity" [translation of: Yo compadezco | Yo compadezco los corazones]
- Es un tormento amar como te amo!; title: "Tu ausencia"
- It is torment to love as I love you!; title: "Your absence" [translation of: Tu ausencia | Es un tormento amar como te amo!]
- Yo esperaba un amor en mi agonía; title: "Yo esperaba un amor"
- I waited for a love in my agony; title: "I waited for a love" [translation of: Yo esperaba un amor | Yo esperaba un amor en mi agonía]
- I never saw the sun so bright; title: "Joy"
- Oh, why do I remember when rememb'ring is in vain?; title: "Remembrance"
- The night is full of mystery; title: "Night"
- Do not make me suffer any longer in doubt; title: "Speak" [translation of: Parla | Più nel dubbio non farmi penare]
- I have gathered my heart as a rose
- I been in de storm so long; title: "I been in de storm so long"
- Ah, si j'avais des diamants, des couronnes; title: "Vieille chanson de chasse"
- Oh, if I had diamonds and crowns
- Ah!/ Tus cabellos negros morena; title: "El clavelito en tus lindos cabellos"
- But what did poor Dirce do to you; title: "But what did poor Dirce do to you, oh stars," [translation of: Ma, che vi fece, o stelle | Ma che vi fece, o stelle]
- Ah!/ I love your black hair, dark-haired girl; title: "The carnation in your beautiful hair" [translation of: El clavelito en tus lindos cabellos | Ah!/ Tus cabellos negros morena]
- ¿Recuerdas el instante?; title: "Desengaño"
- Do you remember the moment?; title: "Disillusionment" [translation of: Desengaño | ¿Recuerdas el instante?]
- With deference, with respect; title: "With deference, with respect" [translation of: Con ossequio, con rispetto | Con ossequio, con rispetto]
- Happy shadows! I will return to see you again; title: "Happy shadows... I leave you" [translation of: Ombra felice... Io ti lascio | Ombra felice! tornerò a rivederti]
- We muse on miracles who look; title: "Miracle"
- Within my heart there is a feeling; title: "My friend"
- It was an old, old, old, old lady; title: "One, two, three"
- Fate shows itself; title: "Fate shows itself" [translation of: Si mostra la sorte | Si mostra la sorte]
- Sleep, my little one, try to sleep; title: "Among the living"
- If now you're gay, and then you're sad; title: "C'est l'amour"
- I see the light of heaven in your eyes, Mother dear; title: "For my Mother"
- Au bord du lac, j’ai mis mon âme
- At the bank of the lake, I placed my soul; title: "The lotus" [translation of: Le Nid | Le nélumbo | Au bord du lac, j’ai mis mon âme]
- If my languid glances; title: "If my languid glances" [translation of: Se i languidi miei sguardi | Se i languidi miei sguardi]
- O Lord our God we turn to Thee in hope as did our fathers; title: "Hebrew Prayer"
- The night is turned into day!; title: "The Street Fair"
- When shadows fall I wander thro' the gardens; title: "In the Luxembourg Gardens"
- Old Gustave in the café; title: "Absinthe"
- City of charm; title: "Paris"
- Spring came and went; title: "Spring Came"
- Gentle Mary, see a star is shining bright!; title: "Gentle Mary"
- Hush Thee Child, Thy crying cease; title: "The Holy Mother Sings"
- The hills of Gruzia are hid in haze of night; title: "The Hills of Gruzia"
- Whiter far than falling snow in winter; title: "White clouds"
- Haste thee, nymph, and bring with thee
- O Signor chi sarà mai che giunger possa colà; title: "O Signor chi sarà mai"
- O Lord, who will there ever be who can arrive there; title: "Oh Lord who will there ever be" [translation of: O Signor chi sarà mai | O Signor chi sarà mai che giunger possa colà]
- What are you doing, Echo, while I am calling you?; title: "The echo" [translation of: L'eco | Che fai tu, Eco, mentre io ti chiamo?]
- Along the quays the riverboats are gliding; title: "River-Boats"
- When the night falls I hear a voice, a song; title: "The Lamplighter"
- Away in a manger, no crib for a bed
- Sweet little Jesus Boy; title: "Sweet little Jesus boy"
- Welcome into nature! [translation of: Im Grünen | Willkommen im Grünen!]
- Ah thou beloved one; title: "Ah, thou beloved one"
- N’avoir jamais qu’une pensée; title: "Le doux mal"
- To have but one thought; title: "The sweet ache" [translation of: Le doux mal | N’avoir jamais qu’une pensée]
- Un guardo volgi a me; title: "Un guardo volgi a me"
- A glance turn toward me; title: "A glance turn toward me" [translation of: Un guardo volgi a me | Un guardo volgi a me]
- Like a shining ray; title: "Enchantment!" [translation of: Enchantement ! | Comme un rayon qui luit]
- Sweetheart, April is here! [translation of: Voici l'Avril | Mignonne, voici l'Avril !]
- C’est un calme qu’on ne peut dire; title: "C'est un calme qu'on ne peut dire"
- Et je lui donnerai sa vigne désormais; title: "La porte d'espoir"
- And henceforth I will give her back her vineyard; title: "The door of hope" [translation of: La porte d'espoir | Et je lui donnerai sa vigne désormais]
- It is a calm that no one can name; title: "It is a calm that no one can name" [translation of: C'est un calme qu'on ne peut dire | C’est un calme qu’on ne peut dire]
- Viens, mon aimée, viens; title: "Villanelle"
- Come, my beloved, come; title: "Villanelle" [translation of: Villanelle | Viens, mon aimée, viens]
- A nodding bluebell; title: "Idyl"
- Boquita como la grana; title: "¡Sevillana!"
- Little mouth like a little deep red seed; title: "Sevillian girl!" [translation of: ¡Sevillana! | Boquita como la grana]
- In far off sunny Spain’s Castilian moonlight; title: "Castilian Moonlight"
- Lejano de mi España, tierra adorada
- Water, how you go downhill; title: "If you find him" [translation of: Si lo hallas | Aguita que vas p'abajo]
- The princess traveled toward the woods; title: "The noble falcon" [translation of: Der Falk | Der Edelfalk | Die Fürstin zog zu Walde]
- In the night there are naturally seven wonders; title: "The spaces of sleep" [translation of: Les espaces du sommeil | Dans la nuit il y a naturellement les sept merveilles]
- Joseph was a young man
- The old rocking chair is baby's boat
- On dit que le plus fier c’est moi; title: "Chanson de Marie Antoinette"
- They say that I am the most proud; title: "Marie Antoinette's song" [translation of: Chanson de Marie Antoinette | On dit que le plus fier c’est moi]
- By the light of the moon [translation of: Au clair de la lune | Au clair de la lune]
- I am the white daughter of the sea; title: "The pearl" [translation of: La perla | Sono del mare bianca la figlia]
- I have lost my strength and my life [translation of: Tristesse | J'ai perdu ma force et ma vie]
- Oh! Why then, while on their ways; title: "The tears of women" [translation of: Les pleurs des femmes | Oh ! Pourquoi donc, lorsqu'à leurs routes]
- La Fontaine de Caraouet; title: "La Fontaine de Caraouet"
- The fountain of Caraouet; title: "The fountain of Caraouet" [translation of: La Fontaine de Caraouet | La Fontaine de Caraouet]
- Mother dear, please let me go with Hans; title: "Mother dear"
- O bid your faithful Ariel fly; title: "O bid your faithful Ariel fly"
- Granada tierra soñada por mí; title: "Granada"
- Bella moro per te; title: "Bella moro per te"
- Beauty, I die for you; title: "Beauty, I die for you" [translation of: Bella moro per te | Bella moro per te]
- Whither dost thou hide from the magic of my flute-call?; title: "The Snake-Charmer"
- The waters of the Nile, all pale, flow [translation of: Sur le Nil | Etouffez-moi sous des tas de murailles]
- The pearl merchant said to me [translation of: Délire | Le marchand de perles m'a dit]
- When Medjnoun went into the deserts [translation of: Gazelles et Lions | Gazelles | Quand Medjnoun, loin de Léïla]
- Sous un délicieux ombrage; title: "Sous un délicieux ombrage"
- Under a lovely shade; title: "Under a lovely shade" [translation of: Sous un délicieux ombrage | Sous un délicieux ombrage]
- Caché dans l’épaisseur d’un bosquet favorable; title: "Caché dans l'épaisseur d'un bosquet favorable"
- Hidden in the denseness of a favorable thicket; title: "Hidden in the denseness of a favorable thicket" [translation of: Caché dans l'épaisseur d'un bosquet favorable | Caché dans l’épaisseur d’un bosquet favorable]
- I am the cry of joy [translation of: La chanson de l'alouette | Je suis, je suis le cri de joie]
- Le bonheur est dans le pré. Cours-y vite, cours-y vite
- Niña, sur un fond de rêve; title: "Lettre à une Espagnole"
- If the Kaiser Bill and Us; title: "Get Behind the Man Behind the Gun!"
- Der Kuckuck rief die ganze Nacht; title: "Der Kuckuck"
- Der Vollmond scheint in mein Fenster
- The full moon shines in my window; title: "The full moon shines" [translation of: Der Vollmond scheint | Der Vollmond scheint in mein Fenster]
- I have known loveliness that broke my heart; title: "I have known loveliness"
- Yet the days pass like frightened ghosts. We too; title: "Yet the days pass"
- In the deep hush of a star-jeweled night; title: "In the deep hush of a star-jeweled night"
- They gather in the morning and at noon; title: "Clouds"
- I saw a stranger yester-e'en; title: "The Stranger"
- I saw the brown deer feeding; title: "Tapestry"
- O joy of creation; title: "What the Bullet sang"
- Come to me and mourn not, I am the jasmine; title: "The Song of the Jasmine"
- A star was His nightlight; title: "The first Christmas"
- Thro' meadows green I wander'd, in the dusk; title: "Green meadows"
- A cold and passionless white mist; title: "Night Mist"
- I thought I saw a moonsprite; title: "Illusion"
- Little Jack Horner; title: "A medley"
- The wind that comes, the wind that goes; title: "Dunce's Song"
- They call them pussywillows; title: "The willow cats"
- Little dew on a leaf; title: "Answer"
- When awakens the Morning; title: "The morning" [translation of: Le matin | Lorsque s'éveille le Matin]
- Within my hand I held a crystal sphere; title: "The crystal gazer"
- The blazing gemstones; title: "The gemstones" [translation of: Les pierreries | Les flamboyantes Pierreries]
- Quite unexpectedly as Vasserot; title: "The end of the world"
- Auf dem Berge da wehet der Wind [translation of: Maria auf dem Berge | Uf' m Berg, da giht der Wind]
- On the mountains where blows the wind [translation of: Maria auf dem Berge | Uf' m Berg, da giht der Wind]
- Ach Schwester, liebe Schwester; title: "Der Spuk"
- Ich hab mir einen Kranz gepflückt; title: "Liebessuche"
- I heard a sound in the night; title: "Sounds"
- Sylvia the fair, in the bloom of fifteen; title: "Cupid's counsel"
- Mo chridhe fo lèon, ochoin, nach fhaod mi bhi ann!; title: "Eilean mo Chridh"
- As down by the shore I wander early at morn; title: "Isle of My Heart"
- It's Eilean mochree, youth's isle, it's Eilean mochree
- Land o' Heart's Desire; title: "Land of Heart's Desire"
- On the bank of the river [translation of: Am Manzanares | Am Ufer des Flusses]
- He is a tiny bird; title: "The blue bird" [translation of: L'oiseau bleu | II est un tout petit oiseau]
- My darling's heart is little, so little; title: "Swiss French song" [translation of: Le cœur de ma mie | Le cœur de m'amie est petit, tout petit petit]
- Si tu meurs, les oiseaux se tairont pour toujours; title: "La chanson de Tessa"
- If you die, the birds will be silent forever; title: "Tessa's song" [translation of: La chanson de Tessa | Si tu meurs, les oiseaux se tairont pour toujours]
- Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!; title: "Christ is risen!"
- How slowly pass the hours [translation of: Que lentement passent les heures | Que lentement passent heures]
- Open the dure softly
- If your eternal glory; title: "To the Unknown Soldier"
- Faith must never be corrupted; title: "Faith" [translation of: La fède | La fède mai non debbe esser corrotta]
- Come unto Me, ye weary; title: "Come unto Me"
- Eili, Eili lomo asavtoni?; title: "Eili, Eili"
- Eili, Eili lomo asavtoni?
- When I left Havana; title: "The dove" [translation of: La paloma | Cuando salí de la Habana]
- Sous le gibet de Montfaucon; title: "Le Grand Étang"
- Before I slept I thought of thee; title: "The Dream"
- As sunshine to the dew; title: "To you"
- Behind Murcia in bloom [translation of: Derrière Murcie en fleurs | Derrière Murcie en fleurs]
- O baby, the chair some day will be
- Hey, diddle, diddle!
- Hör Nachbar, ach sag mir; title: "Hör Nachbar, ach sag mir"
- Hörst Nachbar, ha sag ma; title: "Hörst Nachbar, ha sag ma"
- Ei wer hätt ihm das Ding gedenkt
- I do not send you a vase or roses this evening; title: "The white donkey" [translation of: L'âne blanc | Je ne t’envoie ni vase, ni roses ce soir]
- When I died in Berners Street
- Je ne t’envoie ni vase, ni roses ce soir; title: "L'âne blanc"
- My beautiful cousin, I am leaving on a journey; title: "The passerby" [translation of: Le passant | Ma belle cousine, je pars en voyage]
- This is the house that Jack built; title: "The house that Jack built"
- Softly waft, ye southern breezes
- Gin a body meet a body; title: "Gin a body meet a body"
- Hearing my little Karen sing; title: "To Karen, singing"
- What! Lisette, is that you? [translation of: Ce n’est plus Lisette | Ce n'est plus Lisette | Quoi ! Lisette, est-ce vous ?]
- A voice is on the morning breeze; title: "I love you"
- Mary stood at the manger-side; title: "The holy infant"
- Quoi ! Lisette, est-ce vous ?
- Knew not the Sun, sweet Violet; title: "Brotherhood"
- Were all the heavens an overladen bough; title: "Content"
- Il lunedì voi mi parete bella
- On Monday you appear beautiful to me; title: "On Monday" [translation of: Il lunedì | Il lunedì voi mi parete bella]
- När kväll i själens himmel skymmer; title: "Ljus"
- Min själ, vak upp ur dina tunga drömmar
- The fields were not black at all, the skies were not gloomy [translation of: Tristesse d'Olympio | Les champs n'étaient point noirs, les cieux n'étaient pas mornes]
- Quietly I called your name [translation of: Der erste Kuß | Leiser nannt' ich deinen Namen]
- Do you think of me lover so faithful; title: "Do you think of me lover so faithful" [translation of: Pensi a me sì fido amante | Pensi a me sì fido amante]
- There was a gentle hostler; title: "Christmas Eve"
- To the holy Saviour’s tomb; title: "Easter Song"
- Al tuo seno fortunato; title: "Al tuo seno fortunato"
- To your fortunate breast; title: "To your fortunate breast" [translation of: Al tuo seno fortunato | Al tuo seno fortunato]
- Nel mirar quel sasso amato
- In te s’affida e spera
- In you trusts and hopes; title: "In you trusts and hopes" [translation of: In te s'affida e spera | In te s’affida e spera]
- Christ went up into the hills alone; title: "Christ went up into the hills"
- Ah.../ Voyez-vous toute en dentelles; title: "Passepied"
- Ah…/ Do you see, all in lace; title: "Passepied" [translation of: Passepied | Ah.../ Voyez-vous toute en dentelles]
- Mary to her Saviour’s tomb
- Is it indeed your voice that whispers here; title: "Is it you?"
- It is not raining rain for me; title: "Rain song"
- My soul, yes, only you are; title: "My soul, yes, only you are" [translation of: Alma mia, sì, sol tu sei | Alma mia, sì, sol tu sei]
- Parolette, vezzi e sguardi; title: "Parolette, vezzi e sguardi"
- Little words, charms, and looks; title: "Little words, charms, and looks" [translation of: Parolette, vezzi e sguardi | Parolette, vezzi e sguardi]
- Qual farfalletta gira a quel lume; title: "Qual farfalletta gira a quel lume"
- As the little butterfly turns to the light; title: "As the little butterfly turns to the light" [translation of: Qual farfalletta gira a quel lume | Qual farfalletta gira a quel lume]
- The fisherman emptying his nets; title: "Fishing" [translation of: La pêche | Le pêcheur vidant ses filets]
- The memory of having sung; title: "The memory of having sung" [translation of: Il pense qu'il se consolera lorsque Mésange se sera envolée | Le souvenir d'avoir chanté]
- O gracious Father, with Thy heav’nly blessing; title: "A wedding prayer"
- I place myself at your mercy [translation of: Chanson LXVII | Je me metz en vostre mercy]
- Peace, in the middle of the harvest; title: "Peace" [translation of: La paix | La Paix, au milieu des moissons]
- You gave me a cushion of silk; title: "The most beautiful gift" [translation of: Le plus beau présent | Tu m'as donné un coussin de soie]
- This flower, once given; title: "Wilted flower" [translation of: Fleur fanée | Cette fleur, autrefois donnée]
- My youth, always broken; title: "My youth" [translation of: Toujours brisée | Ma jeunesse | Ma jeunesse, toujours brisée]
- Il est revenu, le marchand; title: "Le Marchand de Marrons"
- There is no need for a stone; title: "To our unknown dead" [translation of: À nos morts ignorés | Il n'est pas besoin d'une pierre]
- They questioned in vain; title: "Cradle Song"
- Morn will dawn, maidens will ponder; title: "After the Tryst"
- Today is a happy day; title: "Adolescence"
- Lady of the amber wheat; title: "Lady of the amber wheat"
- Do you remember, Nina, those years; title: "What a shame!" [translation of: Che pecà! | Te recordistu, Nina, quei ani]
- Hyacinths and violets; title: "The spring" [translation of: La primavera | Giacinti, e violete]
- Happy ones, who with Wisdom [translation of: Cantique sur le bonheur des justes et sur le malheur des réprouvés | Heureux, qui de la Sagesse]
- As from an open breast the hand tears a weapon [translation of: La chère blessure | Ma fierté s'abusait : j'avais cru qu'offensée]
- In the sky is raised the ancient oak; title: "In the sky is raised the ancient oak" [translation of: Dans le ciel est dressé le chêne séculaire | Dans le ciel est dressé le chêne séculaire]
- Once again on the pavement sounds my nocturnal step; title: "Once again on the pavement sounds my nocturnal step" [translation of: Encor sur le pavé sonne mon pas nocturne | Encor sur le pavé sonne mon pas nocturne]
- When the autumn returns with its dead leaves [translation of: Quand reviendra l'automne | Quand reviendra l'automne avec ses feuilles mortes]
- Beautiful silver moon; title: "Beautiful silver moon" [translation of: Belle lune d'argent | Belle lune d'argent]
- Springtime water, rain harmonious and sweet; title: "Springtime water" [translation of: Eau printanière | Eau printanière, pluie harmonieuse et douce]
- Then you will bloom again charming flowerbeds; title: "So you will bloom again" [translation of: Donc, vous allez fleurir encor | Donc, vous allez fleurir encor, charmants parterres]
- While I contemplate agitatedly the thoughts; title: "While I contemplate" [translation of: Pendant que je médite | Pendant que je médite agitant les pensées]
- Roses in a bracelet around the trunk of the tree; title: "Roses in a bracelet" [translation of: Roses en bracelet | Roses, en bracelet autour du tronc de l'arbre]
- In the rays of sunset along this rut; title: "In the rays of sunset" [translation of: Aux rayons du couchant | Aux rayons du couchant, le long de cette ornière]
- The grape-blue hills are ripe; title: "Song for autumn"
- Sax mute,/ Sax crying; title: "Pianissimo"
- With melancholy thoughts; title: "Above the sleeping water" [translation of: Sopra l'acqua indormenzada | Coi pensieri malinconici]
- The night is beautiful; title: "The little boat" [translation of: La barcheta | La note è bela]
- These are things that pass too soon; title: "Passage"
- Do not run, young men; title: "The warning" [translation of: L'avertimento | No corè, puti]
- At sixteen years she knew no care; title: "Butterflies"
- Warum trieb das Schicksal mich hierher?; title: "Ich bin verliebt"
- Why did fate drive me here?; title: "I am in love" [translation of: Ich bin verliebt | Warum trieb das Schicksal mich hierher?]
- Dis-moi, jeune captive; title: "Chant de l'almée"
- Par les bois embaumés; title: "Valse de Coppélia"
- By the scented woods; title: "Waltz from Coppélia" [translation of: Valse de Coppélia | Par les bois embaumés]
- Myrto knows nothing of songs; title: "Myrto" [translation of: Myrto | Myrto ne sait pas de chansons]
- Myrto ne sait pas de chansons
- Three hazelnuts in the wood [translation of: Les noisettes | Trois noisettes dans le bois]
- Tell me, young captive; title: "Song of the almah" [translation of: Chant de l'almée | Dis-moi, jeune captive]
- Tidinges, tidinges that be true
- Joseph was an old man; title: "The Cherry-Tree Carol"
- Mary took her young son
- Nowell, I thank it a maiden every del; title: "The First Day when Christ was Born"
- I was cutting the ears of wheat; title: "The magic chamber" [translation of: La chambre magique | Je fauchais l'Épi de froment]
- When going the road to sweet Athy
- Mais la nuit vient. Au fond de la voûte azurée
- La divine
- Diane
- Une lueur d'argent enveloppe l'air bleu
- Il y avait les deux enfants du roi Galant; title: "Les enfants du Roi Galant"
- Sans bas, cuir ni semelle; title: "Les pieds nus"
- Quand j’étais bergère; title: "Noces dans l'or"
- On a mis la graine en terre; title: "Semailles"
- Le vent siffle… au dehors étincelle le givre; title: "L'hiver"
- Par les ceps déjà noirs la grive a pris carrière; title: "L'automne"
- Le soleil, de ses feux, embrase leur visage; title: "L'été"
- Asomate a la ventana, ay, ay, ay; title: "¡Ay, ay, ay!"
- The sun, with its fire, ignites their faces; title: "Summer" [translation of: L'été | Le soleil, de ses feux, embrase leur visage]
- By the vines already black the thrush has taken quarry; title: "Autumn" [translation of: L'automne | Par les ceps déjà noirs la grive a pris carrière]
- The wind whistles… outside sparkles the frost; title: "Winter" [translation of: L'hiver | Le vent siffle… au dehors étincelle le givre]
- If you return again where one day I wandered; title: "Return!" [translation of: Torna! | Se torni ancora dove un di vagammo]
- Appear at the window, ay, ay, ay; title: "Ay, ay, ay!" [translation of: ¡Ay, ay, ay! | Asomate a la ventana, ay, ay, ay]
- Falling loves, favorable to my heart; title: "Cruel beauty" [translation of: Beltà crudele | Amori scendete propizii al mio core]
- Among my colors, ah; title: "Little Spanish song" [translation of: Canzonetta spagnuola | En medio a mis colores, ay]
- Whoever listens to my secondhand song; title: "The Troubadour" [translation of: Il Trovatore | Chi m'ascolta il canto usato]
- Odia la pastorella quanto bramò la rosa; title: "La pastorella"
- Hates the shepherdess how much she yearned for the rose; title: "The shepherdess" [translation of: La pastorella | Odia la pastorella quanto bramò la rosa]
- Volava la gondola nera; title: "La gondola nera"
- The black gondola was flying; title: "The black gondola" [translation of: La gondola nera | Volava la gondola nera]
- M’hanno detto che Beppe va soldato; title: "Mia sposa sarà la mia bandiera"
- They told me that Beppe is going to be a soldier; title: "My bride shall be my flag" [translation of: Mia sposa sarà la mia bandiera | M’hanno detto che Beppe va soldato]
- J’aime la petite jonquille; title: "Celle que je préfère"
- I love the little daffodil; title: "The one whom I prefer" [translation of: Celle que je préfère | J’aime la petite jonquille]
- I go by the paths; title: "L'heureux vagabond" [translation of: L'heureux vagabond | Je m'en vais par les chemins]
- The little beauties dance two by two; title: "The round of the little beauties" [translation of: La ronde des petites belles | Les petites belles dansent deux par deux]
- At Saint John the New; title: "The devil at Saint John the New" [translation of: Le Diable à Saint-Jean-le-Neuf | À Saint-Jean-le-Neuf]
- My lover is returning from war; title: "The return of the handsome soldier" [translation of: Le retour du beau soldat | Mon amant revient de guerre]
- Whoever will fill my ash-wood shoe; title: "The ash-wood shoe" [translation of: Le sabot de frêne | Qui remplira mon sabot de frêne]
- At the light of day; title: "The faithful lovers, or The altar candle in heaven" [translation of: Les amants fidèles ou Le cierge dans le Paradis | Dès le clair du jour]
- Les petites belles dansent deux par deux; title: "La ronde des petites belles"
- À Saint-Jean-le-Neuf; title: "Le Diable à Saint-Jean-le-Neuf"
- Mon amant revient de guerre; title: "Le retour du beau soldat"
- Qui remplira mon sabot de frêne; title: "Le sabot de frêne"
- Dès le clair du jour; title: "Les amants fidèles ou Le cierge dans le Paradis"
- There were two children of the Gallant king; title: "The children of the Gallant king" [translation of: Les enfants du Roi Galant | Il y avait les deux enfants du roi Galant]
- Without stockings, leather nor sole; title: "Bare feet" [translation of: Les pieds nus | Sans bas, cuir ni semelle]
- When I was a shepherdess; title: "Weddings amid the gold" [translation of: Noces dans l'or | Quand j’étais bergère]
- We place the seed in the ground; title: "Sowing" [translation of: Semailles | On a mis la graine en terre]
- Morenito de mi corazón; title: "El morenito"
- Morenito of my heart; title: "The dark-eyed man" [translation of: El morenito | Morenito de mi corazón]
- Aprite tutte le finestre al sole; title: "Canto di primavera"
- Open all of the windows to the sun; title: "Song of spring" [translation of: Canto di primavera | Aprite tutte le finestre al sole]
- Faithful moon, you call [translation of: Ballatella | Luna fedel tu chiama]
- Occhi turchini, color del mare; title: "Occhi turchini!"
- Eyes of turquoise, color of the sea; title: "Eyes of turquoise!" [translation of: Occhi turchini! | Occhi turchini, color del mare]
- Elle est douairière et puis faunesse; title: "La gavotte"
- Lents saluts et spirale exquise; title: "Le menuet"
- Les pieds sont moins beaux; title: "La bourrée"
- Splendeur dorée et rose et bleue; title: "La pavane"
- Qui la dansait, le mollet bien fourni?; title: "La sarabande"
- C’est pour la bouche; title: "Le passe-pied"
- Sara, beauty of indolence; title: "Sara the bather" [translation of: Sara la baigneuse | Sara, belle d'indolence]
- When all the birds are gone to sleep; title: "The Fairy Pipers"
- Van pel grano le lucciole col vento; title: "Le lucciole"
- Through the wheat go the fireflies with the wind; title: "The fireflies" [translation of: Le lucciole | Van pel grano le lucciole col vento]
- Large heaps of roses; title: "Venetian vision" [translation of: Visione Veneziana | Grandi cumuli di rose]
- Slow salutes and an exquisite spiral; title: "The minuet" [translation of: Le menuet | Lents saluts et spirale exquise]
- It is a dowager and then a faun; title: "The gavotte" [translation of: La gavotte | Elle est douairière et puis faunesse]
- The feet are less beautiful; title: "The bourree" [translation of: La bourrée | Les pieds sont moins beaux]
- Splendor golden and pink and blue; title: "The pavane" [translation of: La pavane | Splendeur dorée et rose et bleue]
- Who danced it, his calf good and thick?; title: "The sarabande" [translation of: La sarabande | Qui la dansait, le mollet bien fourni?]
- It is for your mouth; title: "The passepied" [translation of: Le passe-pied | C’est pour la bouche]
- Costeando la acequia; title: "Silueta"
- Las acacias blancas son; title: "Las acacias"
- Aun guardan las violetas que te envío; title: "Mensaje"
- Serrana que vas cantando; title: "Serrana"
- Mirame muy hondo con tus ojos; title: "Ruego"
- Far from the eyes of the world; title: "Swells, palms, sands" [translation of: Flots, palmes, sables | Loin des yeux du monde]
- Melodious singers, bush dwellers; title: "Eclogue" [translation of: Églogue | Chanteurs mélodieux, habitants des buissons]
- The blonde girl in the little gondola [translation of: La gondoletta | La Biondina in gondoleta]
- The Tirana embarks; title: "The little Spanish tyrant" [translation of: Tiranilla Española | La Tirana se embarca]
- The wine’s spirit began in the barrel to sing; title: "The wine's soul" [translation of: Die Seele des Weines | Des weines geist begann im fass zu singen]
- Splendid is today the expanse; title: "The lovers' wine" [translation of: Der Wein der Liebenden | Prächtig ist heute die weite ·]
- The strange expression of the slight women; title: "The strange expression of the slight women" [translation of: Der Wein des Einsamen | Der sonderbare blick der leichten frauen]
- Close to me, Colette; title: "Cry, poor Colette" [translation of: Pleure, pauvre Colette | Auprés de moi Colette]
- The night with its thick veil; title: "Free canon at the fifth" [translation of: Canon libre à la quinte | La nuit de son voile épais]
- Far from the wild countryside; title: "The exiled Montagnard" [translation of: Le Montagnard exilé | Loin de la sauvage campagne]
- From my fickle shepherd; title: "The chagrin of the shepherdess" [translation of: Le Dépit de la bergère | De mon berger volage]
- Still they keep the violets that I sent you; title: "Message" [translation of: Mensaje | Aun guardan las violetas que te envío]
- Serrana, how you go singing; title: "Serrana" [translation of: Serrana | Serrana que vas cantando]
- Look at me very deeply with your eyes; title: "Plea" [translation of: Ruego | Mirame muy hondo con tus ojos]
- The white acacias are; title: "The acacias" [translation of: Las acacias | Las acacias blancas son]
- Avoiding the ditch; title: "Silhouette" [translation of: Silueta | Costeando la acequia]
- To us was born; title: "Underneath the blooming shade" [translation of: Sous l'ombre fleurie | Il nous vient de naître]
- The king had the drum beaten [translation of: Le roi a fait battre tambour | Le roi a fait battre tambour]
- Lison revenait au village; title: "La Peureuse"
- Lison was returning to the village; title: "The fearful girl" [translation of: La Peureuse | Lison revenait au village]
- Javotte enfin, vous grandissez; title: "Les belles manières"
- Javotte at last, you are growing up; title: "The polite manners" [translation of: Les belles manières | Javotte enfin, vous grandissez]
- When on your carriage; title: "Speak to me of love" [translation of: Háblame de amores | Cuando en tu calesa]
- Parte il piè, ma resta il core; title: "Parte il piè"
- The foot departs, but the heart remains; title: "The foot departs" [translation of: Parte il piè | Parte il piè, ma resta il core]
- Ah, love, you’ve found me at last; title: "L'amour toujours l'amour"
- The moon is going to sleep [translation of: Heimlicher Gruß | Ständchen | Der Mond ist schlafen gangen]
- Oh anxious dream, why do you flutter [translation of: Erinnerung | Vergessen | O banger Traum, was flatterst du]
- The heights and forests already climb [translation of: Gute Nacht | Die Höh'n und Wälder schon steigen]
- In the grass I lie for some hours [translation of: Frühlingsdämmerung | Im Frühling | Im Grase lieg' ich manche Stunde]
- Auf! auf! zu Gottes Lob, ihr holde Cherubim!; title: "Auf! auf! zu Gottes Lob"
- Cheerful butterfly, golden butterfly; title: "The butterfly" [translation of: Le papillon | Gai papillon, papillon d'or]
- Up! up! to God’s praise, ye lovely cherubim!; title: "Up! up! to God's praise" [translation of: Auf! auf! zu Gottes Lob | Auf! auf! zu Gottes Lob, ihr holde Cherubim!]
- And the roses which shine [translation of: Einsame Trauer | Und die Rosen, die prangen | Und die Rosen die prangen]
- In the heart of the burning desert; title: "The oasis" [translation of: L'oasis | Au sein du désert enflammé]
- And for my good horse too; title: "Cossack ride" [translation of: Chevauchée cosaque | Et pour mon bon cheval aussi]
- Oh vanishing springtimes, enchanting memory; title: "The springtime" [translation of: Le printemps | Ô des printemps enfuis mémoire enchanteresse]
- Ô des printemps enfuis mémoire enchanteresse; title: "Le printemps"
- In the light of your beautiful eyes; title: "The old tale" [translation of: A velha história | Na luz dos lindos olhos teus]
- Un dia en tus hermosos hojos
- The poore soule sate sighinge by a Sickamore tree; title: "Willow song"
- The poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree; title: "Willow song"
- Mon père veut me marier; title: "Je saute, je danse"
- My father wishes me to marry; title: "I jump, I dance" [translation of: Je saute, je danse | Mon père veut me marier]
- Qui veut ouïr chanson; title: "Qui veut ouïr chanson?"
- Who wants to hear a song; title: "Who wants to hear a song?" [translation of: Qui veut ouïr chanson? | Qui veut ouïr chanson]
- Ah, lullee, lullay, lullee, lullay; title: "The faucon"
- Je sais au bord du Rhin; title: "Le moulin"
- I know on the bank of the Rhine; title: "The watermill" [translation of: Le moulin | Je sais au bord du Rhin]
- Ma belle Marianne, où t’en vas-tu donc?; title: "Ma belle Marianne"
- My lovely Marianne, where are going, then?; title: "My lovely Marianne" [translation of: Ma belle Marianne | Ma belle Marianne, où t’en vas-tu donc?]
- Quand je vais au jardin, au jardin d’amour
- When I go to the garden, to the garden of love; title: "The garden of love" [translation of: Le jardin d'amour | Quand je vais au jardin, au jardin d’amour]
- Où est mon amant, à l’heure de maintenant?; title: "Le rosier d'argent"
- Where is my lover now?; title: "The silver rosebush" [translation of: Le rosier d'argent | Où est mon amant, à l’heure de maintenant?]
- Mon pèr’ m’envoi-t-à l’herbe; title: "Mon pèr’ m’envoi-t-à l’herbe"
- My father sends me to the field; title: "My father sends me to the field" [translation of: Mon pèr’ m’envoi-t-à l’herbe | Mon pèr’ m’envoi-t-à l’herbe]
- Le beau galant s’en va; title: "Le beau galant"
- The handsome suitor goes; title: "The handsome suitor" [translation of: Le beau galant | Le beau galant s’en va]
- Walking betimes close by a waterside; title: "Milkmaids"
- I am awakened from my quiet dream; title: "In the mountains"
- The moonlight soft, soft like a kiss; title: "June night" [translation of: Noite de junho | O luar macio, macio como um beijo]
- In the slow afternoon, in the cold afternoon; title: "Samaritan of the forest" [translation of: Samaritana da floresta | Na tarde lenta, na tarde fria]
- I will place my two hands over my mouth, to quiet [translation of: Le don silencieux | Je mettrai mes deux mains sur ma bouche, pour taire]
- I know my love by his way of walkin’; title: "I know my love"
- Ho! brother Teague, d’ye hear de decree?; title: "Lilliburlero"
- The night descends from the height of the skies; title: "Noel" [translation of: Noël | La nuit descend du haut des cieux]
- The leaves, the little birds, and I; title: "The little shepherd's song"
- The golden moonlight, the gloam; title: "By the bend of the river"
- Jesus, Jesus, rest your head; title: "Jesus, Jesus, rest your head"
- On top of Old Smokey; title: "On top of Old Smokey"
- What cha gonna do when the river goes dry, O Babe?; title: "The crawfish song"
- Praise we the Lord who made all beauty; title: "Praise we the Lord"
- B” for Barney, C” for Cross; title: "Barney Ross"
- Where have you been all the day, Billy Boy?; title: "Billy Boy"
- Come all you fair and tender ladies; title: "Come all you fair and tender ladies"
- Ev’ry night when the sun goes in; title: "Every night when the sun goes in"
- Ef I had wings like Nora's Dove; title: "Fare you well"
- O bellissimi capelli; title: "O bellissimi capelli"
- Oh beautiful hair; title: "Oh beautiful hair" [translation of: O bellissimi capelli | O bellissimi capelli]
- Ungrateful woman, without love; title: "Ungrateful woman" [translation of: Donn' ingrata | Donn' ingrata, senza amore]
- Because your eyes are traitors; title: "Song" [translation of: Canción | Por traidores, tus ojos]
- Non più d’amore; title: "Villanella"
- No more love; title: "Villanella" [translation of: Villanella | Non più d’amore]
- Nudo arciero che sì altero; title: "Nudo arciero che sì altero"
- Nude archer who is so haughty [translation of: Nudo arciero che sì altero | Nudo arciero che sì altero]
- Mein einz'ger Schatz ist fern, so fern; title: "Er liebt nur mich allein"
- My only treasure is far away, so far away; title: "He loves only me alone" [translation of: Er liebt nur mich allein | Mein einz'ger Schatz ist fern, so fern]
- A white dove; title: "A white dove" [translation of: Una paloma blanca | Una paloma blanca]
- Come on, good Catina; title: "Come on, good Catina" [translation of: Da brava, Catina | Da brava Catina]
- E s’addormentan nelle culle d’oro; title: "Gotine gialle"
- And falling asleep in cradles of gold; title: "Yellow little cheeks" [translation of: Gotine gialle | E s’addormentan nelle culle d’oro]
- Soll ein Schuh nicht drücken; title: "Soll ein Schuh nicht drücken"
- A shoe should not squeeze; title: "A shoe should not squeeze" [translation of: Soll ein Schuh nicht drücken | Soll ein Schuh nicht drücken]
- Four such boys could I force; title: "Four such boys could I force" [translation of: Wer solche Buema afipackt | Wer solche Buema afipackt]
- The beautiful little Columbina; title: "Colombina: Venetian serenade" [translation of: Colombetta: Serenata veneziana | La bella Colombetta]
- Oh what a life, a whole sea; title: "Oh what a life, a whole sea" [translation of: O welch ein Leben, ein ganzes Meer | O welch ein Leben, ein ganzes Meer]
- No, non turbarti, o Nice; io non ritorno
- No, do not be troubled, oh Nice; I do not return [translation of: La tempesta | Ma tu tremi, o mio tesoro | No, non turbarti, o Nice; io non ritorno]
- First love, joy of heaven; title: "First love, joy of heaven" [translation of: Primo amore piacer del ciel | Primo amore, piacer del ciel!]
- With girls we get along; title: "With girls we get along" [translation of: Mit Mädeln sich vertragen | Mit Mädeln sich vertragen]
- O welch ein Leben, ein ganzes Meer; title: "O welch ein Leben, ein ganzes Meer"
- Da voi parto, amate sponde; title: "Addio ai Viennesi"
- I leave you, beloved banks; title: "Farewell to the Viennese" [translation of: Addio ai Viennesi | Da voi parto, amate sponde]
- Joy blooms around you on all paths; title: "To Laura" [translation of: An Laura | Freud' umblühe dich auf allen Wegen]
- Raise your glass with a glad hand; title: "Drinking song" [translation of: Trinklied | Erhebt das Glas mit froher Hand]
- Nei giorni tuoi felici; title: "Nei giorni tuoi felici"
- In your happy days; title: "In your happy days" [translation of: Nei giorni tuoi felici | Nei giorni tuoi felici]
- Madame Eustache has seventeen daughters; title: "We want a little sister" [translation of: Nous voulons une petite sœur | Madame Eustache a dix-sept filles]
- Ah! Seaweed!; title: "Seafaring starling’s song" [translation of: Stornellata marinara | Ah! Alga di mare!]
- Move la paranzella barbaresca; title: "Visione marina"
- The little trawler from Barbary; title: "Marine vision" [translation of: Visione marina | Move la paranzella barbaresca]
- Ah! Alga di mare!; title: "Stornellata marinara"
- What if a day, or a month, or a yeare
- Une vierge aux doux yeux; title: "Les saisons"
- Les flamboyantes Pierreries; title: "Les pierreries"
- A blood-red ring hung round the moon
- A-oo, my brothers, the moon is red; title: "Coyote song"
- Sing a song of sixpence; title: "Sing a song of sixpence"
- Et pour mon bon cheval aussi; title: "Chevauchée cosaque"
- Au sein du désert enflammé; title: "L'oasis"
- Love winged my hopes and taught me how to fly; title: "Love winged my hopes"
- Oh ! Pourquoi donc, lorsqu'à leurs routes; title: "Les pleurs des femmes "
- To look for thee, cry for thee, sigh for thee; title: "Life and death"
- Primo amore, piacer del ciel!; title: "Primo amore piacer del ciel"
- Death, rock me asleep; title: "O Death, rock me asleep"
- Comme un rayon qui luit; title: "Enchantement !"
- O banger Traum, was flatterst du
- In a shady nook one moonlight night
- Cuerpo bueno, alma divina
- Ombra felice! tornerò a rivederti; title: "Ombra felice... Io ti lascio"
- The yellow dusk winds round the city wall
- Une méchante abeille piqua une fois Eros; title: "Le kérioklépte"
- The grey wolf comes again : I had made fast; title: "The grey wolf"
- The lights from the parlour and kitchen shone out
- All the heavy days are over
- I know my love is true; title: "Ballad"
- Come away to dreamin' town
- Es ging einmal ein Wind; title: "Männertreu"
- Mary, tremando; title: "Mattinata"
- Und die Rosen die prangen
- Erhebt das Glas mit froher Hand; title: "Trinklied"
- Im Walde rollt der Wagen
- 'Too late for love, too late for joy
- I went out to the hazel wood
- Più nel dubbio non farmi penare; title: "Parla"
- Wer solche Buema afipackt; title: "Wer solche Buema afipackt"
- La Tirana se embarca; title: "Tiranilla Española"
- Shine! Shine! Shine!
- He that is down needs fear no fall
- Occhietti amati che m'incendete; title: "Occhietti amati"
- Beloved eyes that inflame me; title: "Beloved eyes" [translation of: Occhietti amati | Occhietti amati che m'incendete]
- An angel, robed in spotless white
- He came like a dream in the dawn of life
- No che non sei capace; title: "No, che non sei capace"
- Per pietà, non ricercate; title: "Per pietà, non ricercate"
- Così dunque tradisci; title: "Così dunque tradisci . . . Aspri rimorsi atroci"
- I once loved a boy, just a bold Irish boy
- Summer ended, harvest o'er; title: "Song for Harvest Season"
- Pierrot stands in the garden
- The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea; title: "The Owl and the Pussycat"
- Softly along the road of evening
- Te vi un punto, y, flotando ante mis ojos
- Holdselige, Holdselige; title: "Maria"
- I wonder about the trees; title: "The sound of the trees"
- Lieb' Liebchen, leg's Händchen aufs Herze mein;
- Madame Eustache a dix-sept filles; title: "Nous voulons une petite sœur"
- La Biondina in gondoleta
- Je mettrai mes deux mains sur ma bouche, pour taire
- Mei Mueter mag mi net
- Magdalen at Michael’s gate
- Le roi a fait battre tambour
- Chi m'ascolta il canto usato; title: "Il Trovatore"
- Loin de la sauvage campagne; title: "Le Montagnard exilé"
- In the scented bud of the morning -- O
- Coi pensieri malinconici; title: "Sopra l'acqua indormenzada"
- Pensi a me sì fido amante; title: "Pensi a me sì fido amante"
- Entflieh mit mir und sei mein Weib
- Charm me asleep, and melt me so
- Flow gently, sweet Afton, among thy green braes
- Es fiel ein Reif in der Frühlingsnacht
- Auf ihrem Grab, da steht eine Linde
- O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms
- Withouten you; title: "Little elegy"
- Cuando salí de la Habana
- Qu'il m'irait bien, ce ruban vert!; title: "Qu'il m'irait bien"
- One evening just at sunset we laid him in the grave
- Phantoms of the future, spectres of the past; title: "Omens and Oracles"
- Grove,/ Rove
- Trocknet nicht, trocknet nicht
- Everyone suddenly burst out singing
- thy fingers make early flowers
- Sound the Flute!
- Quand tu chantes, bercée
- Es sungen drei Engel einen süßen Gesang; title: "Armer Kinder Bettlerlied"
- Wherefore should darkness terrify my soul?; title: "Night"
- The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want
- Si vous croyez que je vais dire
- Pullula ne l’opaco bosco e lene
- Vous êtes grande de tout un corps charmant; title: "Madrigal lyrique"
- Je n'emporte avec moi sur la mer sans retour; title: "Le départ"
- Au coin de l’âtre où je tisonne; title: "Le grillon"
- Amor/Mujer de mi vida, ven a mi!; title: "Sin tu amor"
- Suddenly the sky turned gray; title: "Snow towards evening"
- Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white
- Filli, mirando il cielo; title: "Filli, mirando il cielo"
- Early one morning, just as the sun was rising; title: "Early one morning"
- Come to me in my dreams, and then