Texts by T. Moore set in Art Songs and Choral Works
Text Collections:
- Epistles, Odes, and Other Poems
- Irish Melodies
- Lalla Rookh
- Melodies, Songs, and Sacred Songs
- National Airs
- Odes of Anacreon
- Sacred Songs
- The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq.
- The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore
Texts set in art song or choral works (not necessarily comprehensive):
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Special notes: All titles and first lines are included in this index, including those used by composers.
Titles used by the text author appear in boldface. First lines appear in italics.
A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
- Abend am Meere (Wenn Abendschatten sinken) - C. Banck
- Abendgeläut (Du Abendklang! Wieviel erzählt mir dein Gesang) - R. Herman FRE RUS POL (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Abendglocken, Abendglocken FRE RUS POL - S. Stocker
- Abendglocken, wie die süssen Stimmen locken (Abendglocken, Abendglocken) - S. Stocker FRE RUS POL
- Abendglocken (Beim Abendgang der Glockenklang) FRE RUS POL
- Abendklang (Du Abendklang! Wieviel erzählt mir dein Gesang) - H. Marx FRE RUS POL (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Abendlied (Du Abendklang! Wieviel erzählt mir dein Gesang) - E. Taubert FRE RUS POL (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- A Canadian Boat-Song (Faintly as tolls the evening chime) - A. Beach
- A Child's Song (I have a garden of my own) - P. Warlock
- Ack, när jag ser en blick så öm GER (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x] - F. Hertzman
- Acuérdate de mí (Vé do la gloria te llama) (from Traducciones poéticas) FRE GER GER GER
- Adieu Bessy (Loin de toi, Bessy, mes amours) - H. Berlioz GER
- A dream (I thought this heart enkindled lay) (from The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq.) - A. Rubinstein GER RUS
- A Finland love song (I saw the moon rise clear) - M. White
- Ah ! restez encore (Ah ! restez, restez encore) - G. Alary
- Ah ! restez, restez encore - G. Alary
- All things fair & bright are Thine (Thou art, O God, the life and light) (from Sacred Songs) - O. Shaw FRE
- A lottery, a Lottery - H. Gál (Cupid's Lottery)
- Alt lægger for din Fod jeg ned GER (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) - H. Kjerulf
- Amis, la coupe écume! - H. Berlioz
- Anacreontic Ode (Fill me, boy, as deep a draught) (from Odes of Anacreon) - E. Walker GER
- Anacreontic Ode (I care not for the idle state) (from Odes of Anacreon) - E. Walker
- Anacreontique (Friend of my soul, this goblet sip) (from The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq.)
- An Celia's Baum in stiller Nacht CAT DUT ENG LIT - F. Mendelssohn
- An dich, allein an dich (Wenn der Morgen erglüht, wenn die Sonne sich senkt) - W. Eckardt (Text: M. F. after Thomas Moore)
- An dich allein (Wenn der Morgen erglüht, wenn die Sonne sich senkt) - G. Vierling (Text: M. F. after Thomas Moore)
- An dich, an dich, allein an dich (Wenn der Morgen erglüht, wenn die Sonne sich senkt) (Text: M. F. after Thomas Moore)
- An dich (Wenn der Morgen erglüht, wenn die Sonne sich senkt) - A. Fesca (Text: M. F. after Thomas Moore)
- A night song (The young May moon is beaming; love) (from Irish Melodies) - D. Gilliam, C. Ives FRE GER GER FRE
- A night thought (How oft a cloud, with envious veil) (from The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq.) - C. Ives
- Arranmore (O Arranmore, loved Arranmore) (from Irish Melodies) SWE
- As a beam o'er the face of the waters may glow SWE
- As down in the sunless retreats of the Ocean (from Sacred Songs) - S. Jervis, O. Shaw (As down in the sunless retreats)
- As down in the sunless retreats (As down in the sunless retreats of the Ocean) (from Sacred Songs) - O. Shaw
- As down the sunless retreats (As down in the sunless retreats of the Ocean) (from Sacred Songs) - S. Jervis
- Ask not if still I love (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore) - F. Barry (Ask not if still I love)
- Ask not (Ask not if still I love) (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore) - F. Barry
- As o'er her loom the Lesbian maid FRE GER GER RUS GER POL - H. Pontet, C. Wood
- As o'er her loom (As o'er her loom the Lesbian maid) - C. Wood FRE GER GER RUS GER POL
- A Spirit there is, whose fragrant sigh (from Lalla Rookh - The Veiled Prophet of Khorassan) - H. Pontet
- A spirit there is (A Spirit there is, whose fragrant sigh) (from Lalla Rookh - The Veiled Prophet of Khorassan) - H. Pontet
- As slow our ship her foamy track (from Irish Melodies) (As slow our ship) -
- As slow our ship (As slow our ship her foamy track) (from Irish Melodies)
- At morn, beside yon summer sea - H. Bishop
- At morning, when the earth and sky GER (To the Fire-Fly) -
- At night, when all is still around (At night, when all is still around) (from Epistles, Odes, and Other Poems) - A. McKillop
- At night, when all is still around (from Epistles, Odes, and Other Poems) - A. McKillop (At night)
- At night (At night, when all is still around) (from Epistles, Odes, and Other Poems)
- At the mid hour of night, when stars are weeping, I fly (from Irish Melodies) CAT FRE - H. Bath, M. Blower, H. Brearly, B. Britten, F. Cowen, E. Ivimey, G. Kosteck, E. Lawrence, H. MacCunn, J. Raynor, F. Scott, J. Tatton, C. Wood (At the mid hour of night)
- At the mid hour of night (At the mid hour of night, when stars are weeping, I fly) (from Irish Melodies) - H. Bath, M. Blower, H. Brearly, B. Britten, F. Cowen, E. Ivimey, E. Lawrence, H. MacCunn, J. Raynor, F. Scott, J. Tatton, C. Wood CAT FRE
- At the mid-hour (At the mid hour of night, when stars are weeping, I fly) (from Irish Melodies) - G. Kosteck CAT FRE
- Aus dem Englischen (Das Schiff zog eine Feuerspur)
- Autumn leaves (Go where glory waits thee) (from Irish Melodies) - R. Ascham FRE GER GER SPA GER
- Aux bords de Bendemir est un berceau de roses GER ITA - G. Alary, A. Catalani
- Aux morts (N'oublions pas le champ de bataille où périrent) (from Les Amours des Anges et Les Mélodies Irlandaises - Mélodies Irlandaises)
- Avenging and bright fall the swift sword of Erin (from Irish Melodies) CAT FRE - B. Britten (Avenging and bright)
- Avenging and bright (Avenging and bright fall the swift sword of Erin) (from Irish Melodies) - B. Britten CAT FRE
- Away, away, ye men of rules (from Odes of Anacreon) - C. Parry (Ode LII)
- Away, away, you men of rules (Away, away, ye men of rules) (from Odes of Anacreon) - C. Parry
- Bald, wenn die Biene hier summt (Bald, wenn die Biene hier) - C. Loewe DUT
- Bald, wenn die Biene hier DUT - C. Loewe (When the first summer bee)
- Beauty and Song (Down in yon summer vale) - S. Coleridge-Taylor
- Beim Abendgang der Glockenklang FRE RUS POL - A. Becker (Abendglocken)
- Bei Tage, als im Sonnenlicht (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) - W. Hill
- Believe me if all those endearing young charms (Believe me, if all those endearing young charms) - V. Herbert, R. Quilter, J. Stevenson GER
- Believe me, if all those endearing young charms GER - V. Herbert, R. Quilter, J. Stevenson
- Bendemeer's Stream (There's a bower of roses) (from Lalla Rookh - The Veiled Prophet of Khorassan) - C. Marshall FRE FRE GER ITA
- Bist du mir nah (Bist du mir nah) - F. Abt, F. Bendel, P. Richter, J. Witt
- Bright be thy dreams -- may all thy weeping (from National Airs) FRE GER (Bright be thy dreams) -
- Bright be thy dreams (Bright be thy dreams -- may all thy weeping) (from National Airs) FRE GER
- Bright be thy dreams (Licht sei dein Traum - mag all dein Weinen) FRE
- Buds of roses, virgin flowers - F. Arkwright
- By Celia's arbour all the night GER
- Canadian Boat-Song (Faintly as tolls the evening chime) - M. Arnold, P. Judd, H. Procter-Gregg
- Canon (Oh, the days are gone, when beauty bright) (from Irish Melodies) - C. Ives FRE
- Ce monde entier n'est qu'une ombre fugitive - H. Berlioz
- Cette Harpe chérie, à te chanter fidèle DAN GER RUS - H. Berlioz
- Chanson à boire (Amis, la coupe écume!) - H. Berlioz
- Chant d'une jeune esclave (Il est un bosquet sombre où se cache la rose) - E. Michotte GER ITA
- Chant guerrier (N'oublions pas ces champs dont la poussière) - H. Berlioz
- Chant sacré (Dieu tout-puissant, Dieu de l'aurore) - H. Berlioz
- Child's song () - J. Ireland [x]
- Cloches du soir, votre douce harmonie (from Foi, espérance et charité, poésies religieuses et morales) GER GER GER GER RUS GER GER POL - L. Fortin, A. Miroir (Les cloches du soir)
- Come o'er the sea (from Irish Melodies) GER GER GER FRE
- Come, rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer (from Irish Melodies) DAN GER SPA (Come, rest in this bosom) -
- Come, rest in this bosom (Come, rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer) (from Irish Melodies) DAN GER SPA
- Come, send round the wine, and leave points of belief FRE (Come, send round the wine) -
- Come, send round the wine (Come, send round the wine, and leave points of belief) FRE
- Contigo (Cuando estoy á par contigo) (from Traducciones poéticas)
- Cuando estoy á par contigo (from Traducciones poéticas) (Contigo) -
- Cupid armed (Place the helm on thy brow) - A. Foerster
- Cupid's Lottery (A lottery, a Lottery) - H. Gál
- Das Echo (Wie schön das Echo Antwort giebt) - H. Engels FRE DAN (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Das Schiff zog eine Feuerspur - C. Decker, C. Evers, L. Le Beau (Aus dem Englischen)
- Dear Harp of my Country! in darkness I found thee (from Irish Melodies) FRE - B. Britten (Dear Harp of my Country)
- Dear Harp of my Country! (Dear Harp of my Country! in darkness I found thee) (from Irish Melodies) - B. Britten FRE
- De l'été la dernière rose DUT GER SWE - G. Alary
- Den unge Barden i kriget går (from Irländska Melodier af Thomas Moore) FRE GER - I. Hallström (Den unge Barden)
- Den unge Barden No. 1 (Den unge Barden i kriget går) (from Irländska Melodier af Thomas Moore) - I. Hallström FRE GER
- Den unge Barden (Den unge Barden i kriget går) (from Irländska Melodier af Thomas Moore) FRE GER
- Der Augenstern (Der junge Maimond schimmert, mein Lieb) - I. Brüll ENG FRE FRE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- Der Blumenkranz (An Celia's Baum in stiller Nacht) - F. Mendelssohn CAT DUT ENG LIT
- Der Gondolier (Sanft rud're hier) - F. Klose
- Der Heimath Bild (Wer fühlte nicht, wie süß und weh) - F. Abt (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- Der Heimathstraum (Wem stahl sich nicht mit süßem Schmerz) (from Liederklänge aus England und Spanien - 1. Nach Thomas Moore) - A. Dietrich
- Der Heimat Traum (Wer weiss es nicht, wie schwermuthreich) - J. Raff (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Der junge Maimond schimmert, mein Lieb ENG FRE FRE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) - I. Brüll
- Der junge Maimond schimmert ENG FRE FRE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- Der Leuchtkäfer (Bei Tage, als im Sonnenlicht) - W. Hill (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- Der Mondstrahl schläft (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x] - C. Mangold
- Der russische Liebhaber (Hurtig bei des Mondlichts Scheine) - W. Heiser
- Der Sängerknab' (Es zog zum Kampfe der Sängerknab') (from In Moll und Dur - 3. Dritte Abtheilung) FRE SWE
- Det komma skall en sorgens tid (Det komma skall en sorgestund) - E. Sjögren FRE
- Det komma skall en sorgestund FRE - E. Sjögren
- De tvenne källorna (En gång jag ur ett dystert) - C. Ridderstolpe (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Did not ('Twas a new feeling - something more) - S. Barab
- Die Abendglocken (Beim Abendgang der Glockenklang) - A. Becker FRE RUS POL
- Die Bowle fort! und schäume sie noch so glänzend heut! (Take hence the bowl!) - A. Jensen
- Die Bowle fort! und schäume - A. Jensen (Take hence the bowl!)
- Die Bowle fort (Die Bowle fort! und schäume) - A. Jensen
- Die Harfe, die für dich erklungen (Man glaubt, die Harfe, die für dich erklungen) - I. Brüll DAN ENG FRE FRE RUS (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- Die Höhle des Trophonius (Ich sah aus stiller Höhle Innern) - B. Scholz
- Die junge Rose (Dir geb' ich die Rose) - E. Vollmer, A. Winterberger (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Die letzte Rose (Es ist die letzte Rose) - E. Zumsteeg DUT FRE FRE SWE
- Die Thräne (Der Mondstrahl schläft) - C. Mangold (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Die Thräne (Zum Friedhof schien der Mond herab) - F. Abt
- Die Träne (Zum Friedhof schien der Mond herab) - A. Rubinstein
- Dieu tout-puissant, Dieu de l'aurore - H. Berlioz
- Dir geb' ich alles was ich habe NOR (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x] - J. Raff, G. Vierling
- Dir geb' ich Alles (Dir geb' ich alles was ich habe) - G. Vierling NOR (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Dir geb' ich die Rose (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x] - E. Vollmer, A. Winterberger
- Does the harp of Rosa slumber? (Does the harp of Rosa slumber?) - L. Godowsky
- Does the harp of Rosa slumber? - L. Godowsky (To Rosa)
- Do not say that life is waning (Do not say that life is waning) SWE
- Dost thou not hear the silver bell - H. Bishop
- Dost thou remember that place so lonely DAN (Dost thou remember) -
- Dost thou remember (Dost thou remember that place so lonely) DAN
- Down in yon summer vale - S. Coleridge-Taylor (Beauty and Song)
- Dreaming for ever, vainly dreaming - S. Coleridge-Taylor (Dreaming for ever)
- Dreaming for ever (Dreaming for ever, vainly dreaming) - S. Coleridge-Taylor
- Du Abendgruss, du Glockenklang (from Gedichte - 6. Übersetzungen) FRE RUS POL (Those evening bells) -
- Du Abendklang! Wieviel erzählt mir dein Gesang FRE RUS POL (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x] - R. Herman, H. Marx, E. Taubert
- Du Kindlein der Erde mit goldenem Haar (from Rose und Distel, Poesien aus England und Schottland) ENG - J. Raff, N. von Wilm (Feenruf)
- Echoes (How sweet the answer Echo makes) (from Irish Melodies) - K. Bassett, E. Coolidge, F. Cowen, W. Duncan, K. Finlay, C. Harris, F. Haworth, O. King, J. Longmire, J. Raynor, A. Sullivan FRE GER DAN GER
- Echo (How sweet the answer Echo makes) (from Irish Melodies) - A. Bax, M. Blower, H. Gál, P. Hindemith, G. Victory FRE GER DAN GER
- Echo (Hvor toner sødt dog Echos Svar) - P. Heise FRE GER GER [x]
- Ein Traum (Ich träumt' mein Herz in Flammen läg') - A. Rubinstein RUS
- Élégie en prose (Quand celui qui t'adore n'aura laissé derrière lui) - H. Berlioz
- Élégie (Oh ! ne murmurez pas son nom ! Qu'il dorme dans l'ombre) - H. Duparc, J. Smallman DUT
- Elegy (Oh! breathe not his name, let it sleep in the shade) FRE
- Elle s'en va seulette; l'or brille à son bandeau SPA - H. Berlioz
- En gång jag ur ett dystert (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x] - C. Ridderstolpe
- Entführung (Wenn durch die Piazetta) - A. Bungert CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA ITA LIT SWE
- Erinnerung (Im Blumenhaine am Bendemir kosen) - F. Commer FRE FRE ITA
- Es ist die letzte Rose DUT FRE FRE SWE - E. Zumsteeg
- Es kommt eine Zeit, eine trübe Zeit (Es kommt eine Zeit, eine trübe Zeit) - A. Jensen
- Es kommt eine Zeit, eine trübe Zeit - A. Jensen (There comes a time)
- Es zog zum Kampfe der Sängerknab' (from In Moll und Dur - 3. Dritte Abtheilung) FRE SWE (Der Sängerknab') -
- Ett minne (Som en stråle sitt sken öfver vågorna slår) (from Irländska Melodier af Thomas Moore) - I. Hallström, F. Hertzman
- Fahr zu fahr zu mein kühnes Boot CHI FRE
- Fahr zu, mein kühnes Boot (Treib zu, treib zu, mein kühnes Boot) - J. Rheinberger CHI FRE
- Faintly as tolls the evening chime - M. Arnold, A. Beach, P. Judd, H. Procter-Gregg, E. Sweeting (A Canadian Boat-Song)
- Fairy bark (Who comes so gracefully) - H. Ware
- Farewell, Theresa! that cloud which over GER (Farewell, Theresa) -
- Farewell, Theresa (Farewell, Theresa! that cloud which over) GER
- Farewell, Theresa (Leb' wohl, Therese! Die Wolke drüben) - H. Marschner ENG
- Feenruf (Du Kindlein der Erde mit goldenem Haar) (from Rose und Distel, Poesien aus England und Schottland) - J. Raff, N. von Wilm ENG
- Fill me, boy, as deep a draught (Fill me, boy, as deep a draught) (from Odes of Anacreon) - C. Parry GER
- Fill me, boy, as deep a draught (from Odes of Anacreon) GER - C. Parry, E. Walker (Ode LXII)
- Finland Love Song (I saw the moon rise clear) - D. Bright, A. Foerster, C. Hawley
- Fleetly o'er the moonlight snows (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore - Unpublished Songs) GER (The Russian lover) -
- Fly not thus my brow of snow (from Odes of Anacreon) FRE FRE GER RUS (Ode LI) -
- Fly not yet, 'tis just the hour (from Irish Melodies) FRE
- Fly to the desert, fly with me (from Lalla Rookh) - S. Coleridge-Taylor, H. Feilding
- Förgängligt (Ack, när jag ser en blick så öm) - F. Hertzman GER (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Forget not the field where they perish'd (from Irish Melodies) FRE FRE (Forget not the field) -
- Forget not the field (Forget not the field where they perish'd) (from Irish Melodies) FRE FRE
- For thee alone I brave the boundless deep (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore - Ballads and songs) GER (For thee alone) -
- For thee alone (For thee alone I brave the boundless deep) (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore - Ballads and songs) GER
- Forudgangne, varmt begrædte GER GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) - H. Kjerulf
- Friede den Schlummerern! Friede! (Friede den Schlummerern!) - C. Grädener FRE
- Friede den Schlummerern! sie liegen auf der blutgen Flur FRE (Peace to the slumberers!) - M. Bruch, C. Grädener, A. Jensen
- Friede den Schlummerern! (Friede den Schlummerern!) - M. Bruch FRE
- Friede den Schlummerern! FRE - M. Bruch, C. Grädener, A. Jensen (Peace to the slumberers!)
- Friede den Schlummernden (Friede den Schlummernden!) - A. Dietrich FRE
- Friede den Schlummernden! FRE - A. Dietrich
- Friede den Schlümmern! (Friede den Schlummerern!) - A. Jensen FRE
- Friend of my soul, this goblet sip (from The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq.) - J. Hewitt, T. May, S. Owenson (Anacreontique)
- Friend of my soul (Friend of my soul, this goblet sip) (from The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq.) - J. Hewitt, T. May, S. Owenson
- Fröhlich schallt die Castagnette (from Liederklänge aus England und Spanien - 2. National-Arien nach Thomas Moore) (Maltesische Arie) - W. Heiser
- Gayly sounds the Castanet (from National Airs) GER (Maltese Air) -
- Gedenke mein (Geh auf Ruhmeswegen) (from In Moll und Dur - 3. Dritte Abtheilung) FRE SPA
- Geh auf Ruhmeswegen (from In Moll und Dur - 3. Dritte Abtheilung) FRE SPA (Gedenke mein) -
- Geh, wo Ruhm dir winket (Geh, wo Ruhm dir winket) - M. Bruch, H. Grädener FRE SPA (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- Geh, wo Ruhm dir winket FRE SPA (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) - M. Bruch, H. Grädener
- Geh' zu Ruhm und Kranze (Geh' zu Ruhm und Kranze) - F. Silcher FRE SPA [x]
- Geh' zu Ruhm und Kranze FRE SPA [x] - F. Silcher
- Golden hues of life are fled (Golden hues of youth are fled) - C. Parry
- Golden hues of life are fled (Ode LXI) - C. Parry
- Golden hues of youth are fled - C. Parry (Ode LXI)
- Gondelfahrer (Leis' rudern hier) - A. Winterberger CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA
- Gondellied (Leis' rudern hier) - C. Hruby, B. Ramann CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA
- Gondellied (O komm zu mir, wenn durch die Nacht) (from Jugendgedichte - 2. Zweites Buch - Berlin) - F. Hensel, J. Stritzko DUT ENG FRE ITA SPA ENG SWE
- Gondellied (O komm zu mir, wenn durch die Nacht) - J. Kinkel, F. Kücken ENG
- Gondoliera (Oh! come with me) - M. Carmichael DUT FRE GER GER GER ITA SPA SWE [x]
- Gondoliera (O komm zu mir, wenn durch die Nacht) (from Jugendgedichte - 2. Zweites Buch - Berlin) - H. Freiherr von Bach, G. Bartel, S. Bohrer, J. Bruhns, I. Brüll, M. Capllonch, K. Collan, R. Emmerich, H. Esser, F. Franke, P. Gast, J. Grimm, de Hartog, G. Hasse, A. Holländer, O. Jaritz, J. Kalliwoda, A. Kern, K. Kern, R. Kleinmichel, C. Machts, H. Marschner, E. Meyer-Helmund, E. Nauwerk, W. Niemann, H. Nürnberg, E. Petzold, J. Raff, K. Reinecke, F. Ries, G. Rijken, C. Schumann, J. Staehle, E. Tschiderer, M. Vogrich, S. Warteresiewicz DUT ENG FRE ITA SPA ENG SWE
- Gondoliera (O komm zu mir, wenn durch die Nacht) - F. Gumbert, F. Kirchner, K. Krall, K. Reissiger, L. Schlottmann, R. Thiele ENG
- Gondoliera (O! kom till mig ) - T. von Sachsen-Altenburg DUT ENG FRE GER GER GER ITA SPA ENG (Text: Anonymous after Emanuel von Geibel) [x]
- Good night! good night!" -- And is it so? GER - A. Rubinstein, E. Sjögren (Rondeau)
- Good night (Good night! good night!" -- And is it so?) - A. Rubinstein, E. Sjögren GER
- Go where glory waits thee (Go where glory waits thee) (from Irish Melodies) - R. Ascham, H. Kjerulf, A. Terschak FRE GER GER SPA GER
- Gut' Nacht! gut' Nacht! es muß gescheh'n - A. Rubinstein
- Gut' Nacht! (Gut' Nacht! gut' Nacht! es muß gescheh'n) - A. Rubinstein
- Hark! the vesper hymn is stealing (from National Airs) DAN GER GER GER - H. Kjerulf, F. Mori, J. Stevenson (Hark! the vesper hymn is stealing)
- Hark! the vesper hymn is stealing! (Horch! wie über's Wasser hallend) DAN
- Hark! the vesper hymn (Hark! the vesper hymn is stealing) (from National Airs) - F. Mori DAN GER GER GER
- Harpens Oprindelse (Man vil vide, at Harpen, jeg slaaer for min Møe) - V. Henriques FRE FRE GER RUS
- Hélène (Qui se souvient d'Hélène) - H. Berlioz
- Hennes skål! (Låt oss för henne dricka) - F. Hertzman (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Herz und Laute (Dir geb' ich alles was ich habe) - J. Raff NOR (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Horch! Die Vesperhymne klingt (Horch! wie über's Wasser hallend) - F. Lachner DAN
- Horch! wie über's Wasser hallend DAN - J. Gelbke, H. Kaun, F. Lachner, K. Reinecke, F. von Woyrsch (Hark! the vesper hymn is stealing!)
- Hör' das Abendlied erklingen (Hör' das Abendlied erklingen) - J. Brambach DAN [x]
- Hör' das Abendlied erklingen DAN [x] - J. Brambach
- How dear to me the hour when daylight dies (from Irish Melodies) FRE FRE GER SWE CZE - A. Galbraith, J. Raynor (How dear to me the hour)
- How dear to me the hour (How dear to me the hour when daylight dies) (from Irish Melodies) - A. Galbraith, J. Raynor FRE FRE GER SWE CZE
- How I do love the festive boy (How I love the festive boy) (from Odes of Anacreon) - A. MacKenzie FRE GER
- How I love the festive boy (from Odes of Anacreon) FRE GER - A. MacKenzie (Ode XXXIX)
- How oft a cloud, with envious veil (from The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq.) - C. Ives (A night thought)
- How oft, when watching stars (Oft, when the watching stars grow pale) (from National Airs) FRE GER
- How oft, when watching stars (Wie manchmal, wenn des Mondes Strahl) FRE
- How sweet the answer Echo makes (from Irish Melodies) FRE GER DAN GER - K. Bassett, A. Bax, M. Blower, B. Britten, P. Cartwright, E. Coolidge, A. Cooper, F. Cowen, J. Duke, W. Duncan, K. Finlay, H. Gál, C. Harris, F. Haworth, P. Hindemith, O. King, J. Longmire, C. Parry, T. Pasatieri, J. Raynor, A. Sullivan, G. Victory (Echo)
- How sweet the answer Echo makes (How sweet the answer Echo makes) (from Irish Melodies) - P. Cartwright FRE GER DAN GER
- How sweet the answer (How sweet the answer Echo makes) (from Irish Melodies) - B. Britten, J. Duke, C. Parry, T. Pasatieri FRE GER DAN GER
- Hur ljuf den stund när det mot afton lider FRE FRE GER CZE - I. Hallström (Om qvällen)
- Hur ljuv den stund, när det mot afton lider FRE FRE GER CZE - E. Sjögren
- Hur ljuv den stund (Hur ljuv den stund, när det mot afton lider) - E. Sjögren FRE FRE GER CZE
- Hurtig bei des Mondlichts Scheine - W. Heiser (Der rüssische Liebhaber)
- Hvor toner sødt dog Echos Svar FRE GER GER [x] - P. Heise
- Hymen, late, his love-knots selling - H. Pontet (Who'll buy my love-knots? (Portuguese Air))
- I cannot weave as once I wove (As o'er her loom the Lesbian maid) - H. Pontet FRE GER GER RUS GER POL
- I care not for the idle state (from Odes of Anacreon) - E. Walker (Ode VIII)
- Ich sah aus stiller Höhle Innern - B. Scholz (Lied)
- Ich träumt' mein Herz in Flammen läg' RUS - A. Rubinstein
- If I Speak to Thee in Friendship's Name (If I speak to thee in friendship's name) - H. Bishop
- If I speak to thee in friendship's name - H. Bishop
- If thou'lt be mine, the treasures of air GER GER (If thou'lt be mine) -
- If thou'lt be mine (If thou'lt be mine, the treasures of air) GER GER
- I give thee all -- I can no more NOR GER - H. Bishop, F. Brandeis, A. Trickett (My heart and lute)
- I give thee all (I give thee all -- I can no more) - A. Trickett NOR GER
- I have a garden of my own - P. Warlock
- I Have a Garden (I have a garden of my own) - P. Warlock
- Il est un bosquet sombre où se cache la rose GER ITA - C. Martainville, E. Michotte (Chant d'une jeune esclave)
- Il est un vert bosquet où se cache la rose GER ITA (Chant d'une jeune esclave) - C. Martainville, E. Michotte
- Ils sont passés, les songes pleins de charmes [x] - G. Alary
- Il vient un temps, un triste temps (Il vient un temps, un triste temps) SWE
- Im Blumenhaine am Bendemir kosen FRE FRE ITA - F. Commer, J. D'Alquen
- In Distrust of Merits (Strengthened to live, strengthened to die for)
- I often wish this languid lyre (from Odes of Anacreon) CHI DUT FRE GER GER GER (Ode XXIII) -
- I pray thee, by the gods above (from Odes of Anacreon) FRE FRE (Ode IX) -
- I saw from the beach, when the morning was shining - J. Raynor (I Saw From The Beach)
- I Saw From The Beach (I saw from the beach, when the morning was shining) - J. Raynor
- I saw, from yonder silent cave (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore - Evenings in Greece - 1. First Evening) GER (Song) -
- I saw the moon rise clear - D. Bright, A. Foerster, C. Hawley, J. Slatter, M. White (I saw the moon rise clear)
- I thought this heart consuming lay (from The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq.) GER RUS (A dream) - A. Rubinstein
- I thought this heart enkindled lay (from The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq.) GER RUS - A. Rubinstein (A dream)
- I Wish I Was by That Dim Lake (I wish I was by that dim Lake) - H. Bishop
- I wish I was by that dim Lake - H. Bishop
- Jak milý čas () - B. Martinů FRE FRE GER SWE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Jest' tikhaja roshcha v rodnoj storone = Есть тихая роща в родной стороне - A. Rubinstein (Приютная роща)
- Jubilate, amen (Hark! the vesper hymn is stealing) (from National Airs) - H. Kjerulf DAN GER GER GER
- Jubilate Amen (Horch! wie über's Wasser hallend) - J. Gelbke DAN
- Jubilate-Amen () - M. Bruch DAN (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Jubilate (Forudgangne, varmt begrædte) - H. Kjerulf GER GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- Kan du erindre, bag grønne Grene (Kan du erindre, bag grønne Grene) - V. Henriques
- Keep those eyes still purely mine - S. Coleridge-Taylor
- Keep those eyes (Keep those eyes still purely mine) - S. Coleridge-Taylor
- Komm' auf die See (Mädchen! komm', geh') (from Britannia) - E. Vollmer FRE
- Komm', ruh' mir am Busen, mein arm' flüchtig Thier (from Gedichte (1864) - 3. Drittes Buch. Die Stimmen des Meeres) DAN SPA - G. Bergmann (Komm', ruh' mir am Busen)
- Komm', ruh' mir am Busen (Komm', ruh' mir am Busen, mein arm' flüchtig Thier) (from Gedichte (1864) - 3. Drittes Buch. Die Stimmen des Meeres) - G. Bergmann DAN SPA
- Komm über das Meer (O komme geschwind) (from Irische Melodien von Thomas Moore) - G. Bergmann FRE
- Kom og hvil ved mit Bryst, Du, min anskudte Hind! (from Digte og Sange ved Caralis) GER SPA - A. Backer-Grøndahl (Kom og hvil ved mit Bryst)
- Kom og hvil ved mit Bryst (Kom og hvil ved mit Bryst, Du, min anskudte Hind!) (from Digte og Sange ved Caralis) - A. Backer-Grøndahl GER SPA
- Könnt'st du lächeln noch einmal () - A. Winterberger (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- La belle voyageuse (Elle s'en va seulette; l'or brille à son bandeau) - H. Berlioz SPA
- La dernière rose de l'été (De l'été la dernière rose) - G. Alary DUT GER SWE
- Laggiú, del Bendemir in su la vaga sponda FRE FRE GER - A. Catalani
- La lune de mai s'est levée GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x] - Paladilhe
- La lune de mai (La lune de mai s'est levée) - Paladilhe GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Låt oss för henne dricka (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x] - F. Hertzman
- Le Bateau (Viens sur la mer, jeune fille) - M. Dentu, A. Georges GER GER GER [x]
- Leb' wohl, Therese! Die Wolke drüben ENG - H. Marschner (Leb wohl, Therese)
- Leb wohl, Therese (Leb' wohl, Therese! Die Wolke drüben) ENG
- Le coucher du soleil (Que j'aime cette heure rêveuse, où l'horizon devient vermeil) - H. Berlioz GER SWE CZE
- Le fleuve Bendémir (Il est un bosquet sombre où se cache la rose) - C. Martainville GER ITA
- Leicht sei dein Traum (Licht sei dein Traum - mag all dein Weinen) - A. Jensen FRE
- Leis rudern hier, mein Gondolier (Leis' rudern hier) - A. Jensen CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA
- Leis' rudern hier CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA - R. Emmerich, C. Hruby, A. Jensen, B. Ramann, R. Schumann, A. Winterberger (Row gently here)
- Les Cloches du soir (Cloches du soir, votre douce harmonie) (from Foi, espérance et charité, poésies religieuses et morales) - L. Fortin, A. Miroir GER GER GER GER RUS GER GER POL
- Les jeunes rêves d'amour (Ils sont passés, les songes pleins de charmes) - G. Alary [x]
- Let us drain the nectared bowl (from Odes of Anacreon) (Ode XXXVIII) -
- Licht sei dein Traum - mag all dein Weinen FRE - A. Jensen (Bright be thy dreams)
- Liebchens Nähe (Bist du mir nah) - F. Bendel, J. Witt
- Lied (Ich sah aus stiller Höhle Innern)
- Lied (Wenn Abendschatten sinken)
- Life's Voyage () - A. Mounsey [x]
- L'Indienne (Aux bords de Bendemir est un berceau de roses) - G. Alary GER ITA
- L'odalisca (Laggiú, del Bendemir in su la vaga sponda) - A. Catalani FRE FRE GER
- L'odalisque (Aux bords de Bendemir est un berceau de roses) - A. Catalani GER ITA
- Loin de toi, Bessy, mes amours GER - H. Berlioz
- L'origine de la harpe (Cette Harpe chérie, à te chanter fidèle) - H. Berlioz DAN GER RUS
- Love analysed (To sigh, yet feel no pain)
- Love and Hope (At morn, beside yon summer sea) - H. Bishop
- Love hath a language of his own - J. Raynor (Mute Courtship)
- Love Hath a Language (Love hath a language of his own) - J. Raynor
- Love's light summer cloud (Pain and sorrow shall vanish before us) - M. Carmichael
- Love's young dream (Oh, the days are gone, when beauty bright) (from Irish Melodies) FRE
- Lustig tönt die Castagnette (from Liederklänge aus England und Spanien - 2. National-Arien nach Thomas Moore) - W. Heiser (Maltesische Arie)
- Mädchen! komm', geh' (from Britannia) FRE - E. Vollmer (Komm' auf die See)
- Madrigal (Horch! wie über's Wasser hallend) - F. von Woyrsch DAN
- Maltese Air (Gayly sounds the Castanet) (from National Airs) GER
- Maltesische Arie (Lustig tönt die Castagnette) (from Liederklänge aus England und Spanien - 2. National-Arien nach Thomas Moore)
- Maltesisches Lied (Lustig tönt die Castagnette) (from Liederklänge aus England und Spanien - 2. National-Arien nach Thomas Moore) - W. Heiser
- Man glaubt, die Harfe, die für dich erklungen DAN ENG FRE FRE RUS (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) - I. Brüll
- Man vil vide, at Harpen, jeg slaaer for min Møe FRE FRE GER RUS - V. Henriques (Harpens Oprindelse)
- Méditation religieuse (Ce monde entier n'est qu'une ombre fugitive) - H. Berlioz
- Minstrel Boy (The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone) (from Irish Melodies) - C. Scott FRE GER SWE
- Mit Hjerte og min lyre (Alt lægger for din Fod jeg ned) - H. Kjerulf GER (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- Munster. Remember the Glories of Brien the Brave (Remember the glories of Brien the brave)
- Mute Courtship (Love hath a language of his own)
- My heart and lute (I give thee all -- I can no more) - H. Bishop, F. Brandeis NOR GER
- När öfver Piazetta en aftonvind går,/ så vet du, Ninetta, jag väntande står GER (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x] - I. Hallström
- Nej, tag igen din bok (from Irländska Melodier af Thomas Moore) - I. Hallström (Till en Flicka)
- Nights of music, nights of loving (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore) - W. Baines, A. Foerster, H. Pontet, J. Wilson, C. Wood (Nights of music)
- Nights of music (Nights of music, nights of loving) (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore) - W. Baines, A. Foerster, H. Pontet, J. Wilson, C. Wood
- Ninetta (Venetianisches Gondellied) (Wenn durch die Piazetta) - G. Stigelli CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA ITA LIT SWE
- Ninetta (Wenn durch die Piazetta) - H. Pierson CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA ITA LIT SWE
- N'oublions pas ces champs dont la poussière - H. Berlioz
- N'oublions pas le champ de bataille où périrent (from Les Amours des Anges et Les Mélodies Irlandaises - Mélodies Irlandaises) (Aux morts) -
- Nourmahal's Song (Fly to the desert, fly with me) (from Lalla Rookh) - S. Coleridge-Taylor
- Nubian Girl's Song (Oh! Abyssinian tree) - A. Foerster
- O Abendglocken, Abendhall (O Abendglocken, Abendhall) - H. Pierson FRE RUS POL [x]
- O Abendglocken, Abendhall FRE RUS POL [x] - H. Pierson
- O Abendlied, o Glockenklang FRE RUS POL (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- O Abyssinian tree - S. Coleridge-Taylor (Song of the Nubian Girl)
- O Arranmore, loved Arranmore (from Irish Melodies) SWE (Arranmore) -
- O, Arranmore, skön Arranmore! (from Irländska Melodier af Thomas Moore) - I. Hallström (O, Arranmore!)
- O, Arranmore! (O, Arranmore, skön Arranmore!) (from Irländska Melodier af Thomas Moore) - I. Hallström
- Ode VIII (I care not for the idle state) (from Odes of Anacreon)
- Ode IX (I pray thee, by the gods above) (from Odes of Anacreon) FRE FRE
- Ode XXIII (I often wish this languid lyre) (from Odes of Anacreon) CHI DUT FRE GER GER GER
- Ode XXIV (To all that breathe the air of heaven) (from Odes of Anacreon)
- Ode XXV (Once in each revolving year) (from Odes of Anacreon)
- Ode XXXII (Strew me a fragrant bed of leaves) (from Odes of Anacreon) GER GER
- Ode XXXVIII (Let us drain the nectared bowl) (from Odes of Anacreon)
- Ode XXXIX (How I love the festive boy) (from Odes of Anacreon) FRE GER
- Ode XLI (When Spring adorns the dewy scene) (from Odes of Anacreon) FRE
- Ode LI (Fly not thus my brow of snow) (from Odes of Anacreon) FRE FRE GER RUS
- Ode LII (Away, away, ye men of rules) (from Odes of Anacreon)
- Ode LXI (Golden hues of youth are fled)
- Ode LXII (Fill me, boy, as deep a draught) (from Odes of Anacreon) GER
- Odno ja chudesnoje znaju predan'e = Одно я чудесное знаю преданье (from Irlandskikh Melodij) DAN FRE FRE GER - S. Taneyev
- O Fair, O Pure! (Oh fair! oh purest! be thou the dove) - A. Foerster
- Oft in der stillen Nacht (Oft in der stillen Nacht) - F. Silcher FRE
- Oft in der stillen Nacht (Oft in der stillen Nacht) - H. Genzmer FRE [x]
- Oft in der stillen Nacht (Oft in der stillen Nacht) - J. Dessauer FRE
- Oft in der stillen Nacht FRE - J. Dessauer, F. Hinrichs (Oft in the still night)
- Oft in der stillen Nacht FRE [x] - H. Genzmer
- Oft in the still night (Oft in der stillen Nacht) FRE
- Oft in the stilly night (Oft in the stilly night) (from National Airs) - B. Britten, C. Gibbs, D. Nyvall, C. Parry, W. Potter, J. Raynor, J. Stevenson, R. Werther FRE GER GER GER
- Oft, when the watching stars grow pale (from National Airs) FRE GER (How oft, when watching stars) -
- O glaub', wenn von deiner Huldgestalt (O glaub', wenn von deiner Huldgestalt) - I. Brüll ENG (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- O glaub', wenn von deiner Huldgestalt ENG (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) - I. Brüll
- Oh! Abyssinian tree - A. Foerster
- Oh! Bird of Love ('Tis Love that murmurs in my breast) - A. Goetz
- Oh! breathe not his name, let it sleep in the shade FRE - H. Hughes (Elegy)
- Oh, Breathe Not His Name (Oh! breathe not his name, let it sleep in the shade) - H. Hughes FRE
- Oh, call it by some better name (Oh, call it by some better name) - W. Watts
- Oh, call it by some better name - W. Watts
- Oh, come to me when daylight sets (from National Airs) GER GER GER - G. Lonasil (Oh, come to me when daylight sets)
- Oh! come with me DUT FRE GER GER GER ITA SPA SWE [x] - M. Carmichael
- Oh, days of youth and joy, long clouded GER (Oh, days of youth) -
- Oh, days of youth (Oh, days of youth and joy, long clouded) GER
- Oh fair! oh purest! be thou the dove - S. Barab, A. Foerster (Oh fair! oh purest!)
- Oh fair! oh purest! (Oh fair! oh purest! be thou the dove)
- Oh ! ne murmurez pas son nom ! Qu'il dorme dans l'ombre DUT - H. Duparc, J. Smallman
- Oh say, thou best and brightest : Spanish Air (Oh say, thou best and brightest) (from National Airs) SWE
- Oh say, thou best and brightest (from National Airs) SWE - W. Graham (Oh say, thou best and brightest : Spanish Air)
- Oh, Soon Return (Our white sail caught the ev'ning ray) GER
- Oh, the days are gone, when beauty bright (from Irish Melodies) FRE - C. Ives (Love's young dream)
- Oh! 'tis sweet to think, that, where'er we rove - R. Quilter (Oh! 'tis sweet to think)
- Oh! 'tis sweet to think (Oh! 'tis sweet to think, that, where'er we rove) - R. Quilter
- ¡Oh, vén! en el seno mío (from Traducciones poéticas) DAN GER (¡Oh, vén!) -
- ¡Oh, vén! (¡Oh, vén! en el seno mío) (from Traducciones poéticas) DAN GER
- Oh where art thou dreaming? (Oh where art thou dreaming) - F. Abel, H. MacCunn
- Oh where art thou dreaming - F. Abel, H. MacCunn (Song)
- O kehre bald zurück (Das Schiff zog eine Feuerspur) - C. Decker, C. Evers, L. Le Beau
- O komme geschwind (from Irische Melodien von Thomas Moore) FRE - G. Bergmann (Komm' über das Meer)
- O, komm, wenn tief der Tag sich neigt - A. Förster (Venetianische Weise)
- O komm zu mir, wenn durch die Nacht (from Jugendgedichte - 2. Zweites Buch - Berlin) DUT ENG FRE ITA SPA ENG SWE - H. Freiherr von Bach, G. Bartel, S. Bohrer, J. Bruhns, I. Brüll, M. Capllonch, K. Collan, R. Emmerich, H. Esser, F. Franke, P. Gast, E. Gottlieb, J. Grimm, de Hartog, G. Hasse, F. Hensel, A. Holländer, O. Jaritz, J. Kalliwoda, A. Kern, K. Kern, R. Kleinmichel, C. Machts, H. Marschner, E. Meyer-Helmund, E. Nauwerk, W. Niemann, H. Nürnberg, E. Petzold, H. Pierson, J. Raff, K. Reinecke, F. Ries, G. Rijken, C. Schumann, J. Staehle, J. Stritzko, E. Tschiderer, M. Vogrich, S. Warteresiewicz (Gondoliera)
- O komm zu mir, wenn durch die Nacht ENG - C. Bauer, F. Gumbert, J. Kinkel, F. Kirchner, K. Krall, F. Kücken, C. Pohlig, K. Reissiger, L. Schlottmann, R. Thiele (Gondoliera)
- O komm zu mir (O komm zu mir, wenn durch die Nacht) - C. Pohlig ENG
- O! kom till mig DUT ENG FRE GER GER GER ITA SPA ENG (Text: Anonymous after Emanuel von Geibel) [x] - T. von Sachsen-Altenburg
- Old proverb (Young Love lived once in an humble shed) - A. Foerster
- O meiner Jugend sel'ge Stunden (O meiner Jugend sel'ge Stunden) (from Liederklänge aus England und Spanien - 2. National-Arien nach Thomas Moore) - A. Dietrich
- Om qvällen (Hur ljuf den stund när det mot afton lider) - I. Hallström FRE FRE GER CZE
- On beds of snow the moonbeam slept GER GER - F. Hiller, A. Rubinstein (The tear)
- Once in each revolving year (from Odes of Anacreon) (Ode XXV) -
- One morn a Peri at the gate (from Lalla Rookh) (Paradise and the Peri) -
- O säg du enda kära (O säg, du enda kära) - E. Sjögren
- O säg, du enda kära - E. Sjögren
- O say, thou blest and brightest (Oh say, thou best and brightest) (from National Airs) - W. Graham SWE
- O Thou who dry'st the mourner's tear - A. Mounsey (O Thou who dry'st the mourner's tear)
- Our white sail caught the ev'ning ray GER (Oh, Soon Return) -
- Pain and sorrow shall vanish before us - M. Carmichael (Love's light summer-cloud)
- Paradise and the Peri (One morn a Peri at the gate) (from Lalla Rookh)
- Pauvre cœur blessé, pars, adieu ! (from Poésies intimes) - A. Flégier (Poor broken heart)
- Pauvre cœur blessé (Pauvre cœur blessé, pars, adieu !) (from Poésies intimes) - A. Flégier
- Peace be around thee, wherever thou rovest (from National Airs) - F. Cowen, R. Ellicott, A. Needham (Peace be around thee)
- Peace be around thee (Peace be around thee, wherever thou rovest) (from National Airs) - F. Cowen, R. Ellicott, A. Needham
- Peace to the slumberers! (Friede den Schlummerern!) FRE
- Peace to the slumberers! (Peace to the slumb'rers!) (from National Airs) - M. Bruch FRE GER GER
- Peace to the slumb'rers! (from National Airs) FRE GER GER - M. Bruch (Peace to the slumb'rers!)
- Persisches Lied (Im Blumenhaine am Bendemir kosen) - J. D'Alquen FRE FRE ITA
- Place the helm on thy brow - A. Foerster (Cupid armed)
- Pleureras-tu ? (Quand celui qui t'adore n'aura laissé derrière lui que le nom) (from Les Amours des Anges et Les Mélodies Irlandaises - Mélodies Irlandaises)
- Poor broken heart (Pauvre cœur blessé, pars, adieu !) (from Poésies intimes)
- Poor wounded heart, farewell! FRE - H. Pontet (Poor wounded heart)
- Poor wounded heart (Poor wounded heart, farewell!) - H. Pontet FRE
- Prijutnaja roshcha = Приютная роща (Jest' tikhaja roshcha v rodnoj storone = Есть тихая роща в родной стороне)
- Pure (Oh fair! oh purest! be thou the dove) - S. Barab
- Quand celui qui t'adore n'aura laissé derrière lui que le nom (from Les Amours des Anges et Les Mélodies Irlandaises - Mélodies Irlandaises) (Pleureras-tu ?) -
- Quand celui qui t'adore n'aura laissé derrière lui que
- Quand celui qui t'adore n'aura laissé derrière lui - H. Berlioz
- Que j'aime cette heure rêveuse, où l'horizon devient vermeil GER SWE CZE - H. Berlioz
- Quick! We have but a second (Quick! we have but a second) - T. Hoekman
- Quick! we have but a second - T. Hoekman
- Qui se souvient d'Hélène - H. Berlioz
- Remember the glories of Brien the brave - V. Herbert (Munster. Remember the Glories of Brien the Brave)
- Remember the glories of Brien the Brave (Remember the glories of Brien the brave) - V. Herbert
- Rich and rare were the gems she wore (from Irish Melodies) FRE FRE - B. Britten (Rich and rare were the gems she wore)
- Rich and rare (Rich and rare were the gems she wore) (from Irish Melodies) - B. Britten FRE FRE
- Romans = Романс (Jest' tikhaja roshcha v rodnoj storone = Есть тихая роща в родной стороне) - A. Rubinstein
- Rondeau (Good night! good night!" -- And is it so?) GER
- Rose! Thou art the sweetest flower (Buds of roses, virgin flowers) - F. Arkwright
- Rose! Thou art the sweetest flower
- Row gently here (Leis' rudern hier) CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA
- Row gently here (from National Airs) GER GER - B. Carr, E. Hopkins, P. van Katwijk (Row gently here)
- Row gently (Row gently here) (from National Airs) - P. van Katwijk GER GER
- Rozhdenije Arfy = Рождение Арфы (Odno ja chudesnoje znaju predan'e = Одно я чудесное знаю преданье) (from Irlandskikh Melodij) - S. Taneyev DAN FRE FRE GER
- Rückblick (Oft in der stillen Nacht) - F. Hinrichs FRE
- Sacred song () - H. Gál [x]
- Så far då väl! (Säg om all naturen har sin fägring mist?) - E. Sjögren
- Säg ej så, att lifvet mister - L. Aulin
- Säg ej så (Säg ej så, att lifvet mister) - L. Aulin
- Säg om all naturen har sin fägring mist? - E. Sjögren
- Sail on, sail on, thou fearless bark (from Irish Melodies) CHI FRE GER - B. Britten, J. Fernström (Sail on, sail on)
- Sail on, sail on (Sail on, sail on, thou fearless bark) (from Irish Melodies) - B. Britten, J. Fernström CHI FRE GER
- Sanft rud're hier, mein Gondolier (Der Gondolier) - F. Klose
- Sanft rud're hier - F. Klose (Der Gondolier)
- Schifferlied (O komm zu mir, wenn durch die Nacht) - C. Bauer ENG
- Se blommande allena DUT FRE FRE GER - F. Hertzman, E. Sjögren
- See, the dawn from Heaven is breaking (from National Airs) - C. Wood (See, the dawn from Heaven)
- See, the dawn from Heaven (See, the dawn from Heaven is breaking) (from National Airs)
- See the dawn (See, the dawn from Heaven is breaking) (from National Airs) - C. Wood
- Send the bowl round merrily (Send the bowl round merrily) SWE [x]
- Serenade (O komm zu mir, wenn durch die Nacht) (from Jugendgedichte - 2. Zweites Buch - Berlin) - H. Pierson DUT ENG FRE ITA SPA ENG SWE
- She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps (from Irish Melodies) FRE GER - G. Bachlund, F. Lambert (She is Far from the Land)
- She is far from the land (She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps) (from Irish Melodies) - F. Lambert FRE GER
- Silent, oh Moyle, be the roar of thy water (from Irish Melodies) (Silent, oh Moyle) -
- Silent, oh Moyle (Silent, oh Moyle, be the roar of thy water) (from Irish Melodies)
- So fern ist des Liebsten ruhmvolles Grab (So fern ist des Liebsten ruhmvolles Grab) - W. Hill FRE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- So fern ist des Liebsten ruhmvolles Grab FRE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) - W. Hill
- Som en stråle sitt sken öfver vågorna slår (from Irländska Melodier af Thomas Moore) - I. Hallström, F. Hertzman (Ett minne)
- Sommarens sista ros (Se blommande allena) - F. Hertzman, E. Sjögren DUT FRE FRE GER
- Song of the Nubian Girl (O Abyssinian tree) - S. Coleridge-Taylor
- Song (I saw, from yonder silent cave) (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore - Evenings in Greece - 1. First Evening) GER
- Song (Oh where art thou dreaming)
- Song (Sweetest love! I'll not forget thee) (from The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq.) FRE GER
- Song (When evening shades are falling) GER
- Song (Why does azure deck the sky?)
- So oft ich deine Augen seh' (So oft ich deine Augen seh') - I. Brüll ENG SWE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- So oft ich deine Augen seh' ENG SWE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) - I. Brüll
- Ständchen (Süsses Liebchen, nie vergess ich) - H. Wichmann FRE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Strengthened to live, strengthened to die for (In Distrust of Merits) -
- Strew me a fragrant bed of leaves (from Odes of Anacreon) GER GER (Ode XXXII) -
- Sunset dreams () - M. Ackernley [x]
- Süsses Liebchen, nie vergess ich FRE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x] - H. Wichmann
- Sweet echo (How sweet the answer Echo makes) (from Irish Melodies) - A. Cooper FRE GER DAN GER
- Sweetest love! I'll not forget thee (from The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq.) FRE GER (Song) -
- Take back the virgin page (Take back the virgin page) (from Irish Melodies) SWE
- Take hence the bowl; -- though beaming (from National Airs) GER (Take hence the bowl) -
- Take hence the bowl! (Die Bowle fort! und schäume)
- Take hence the bowl (Take hence the bowl; -- though beaming) (from National Airs) GER
- The Banks of calm Bendemeer (There's a bower of roses) (from Lalla Rookh - The Veiled Prophet of Khorassan) - H. Gardiner FRE FRE GER ITA
- The Broken Heart (She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps) (from Irish Melodies) - G. Bachlund FRE GER
- The Canadian Boat-Song (Faintly as tolls the evening chime) - E. Sweeting
- The dream of home (Who has not felt how sadly sweet) - W. Pearson, E. Thorne, C. Wood GER GER GER
- The dream of those days when first I sung thee is o'er (from Irish Melodies) FRE FRE (The dream of those days) -
- The dream of those days (The dream of those days when first I sung thee is o'er) (from Irish Melodies) FRE FRE
- The Gazelle (Dost thou not hear the silver bell) - H. Bishop
- The gondolier (Row gently here) (from National Airs) - B. Carr GER GER
- The harp that once through Tara's halls (The harp that once through Tara's halls) (from Irish Melodies) - V. Herbert, J. Stevenson, R. Stöhr FRE
- The last rose of summer ('Tis the last rose of summer) (from Irish Melodies) - B. Britten, R. Lalli, H. Nelson, P. Tate DUT FRE FRE GER SWE
- The Legacy (When in death I shall calm recline) (from Irish Melodies) GER
- The light of other days (Oft in the stilly night) (from National Airs) - C. Gibbs, R. Werther FRE GER GER GER
- The Maid of Marlivale (Where is the nymph whose azure eye) - J. Stevenson
- The meeting () - M. White [x]
- The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone (from Irish Melodies) FRE GER SWE - B. Britten, V. Herbert, C. Scott, J. Stevenson (The Minstrel Boy)
- The Minstrel Boy (The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone) (from Irish Melodies) - B. Britten, V. Herbert, J. Stevenson FRE GER SWE
- The mourner's hope (O Thou who dry'st the mourner's tear) - A. Mounsey
- The origin of the harp ('Tis believed that this Harp, which I wake now for thee) (from Irish Melodies) DAN FRE FRE GER RUS
- There came a nymph dancing - S. Coleridge-Taylor (The Young Indian Maid)
- There comes a time, a dreary time GER (There comes a time) -
- There comes a time (Es kommt eine Zeit, eine trübe Zeit)
- There comes a time (There comes a time, a dreary time) GER
- There's a bower of roses (There's a bower of roses) (from Lalla Rookh - The Veiled Prophet of Khorassan) - M. White FRE FRE GER ITA
- There's a bower of roses (from Lalla Rookh - The Veiled Prophet of Khorassan) FRE FRE GER ITA - H. Gardiner, C. Marshall, M. White
- There's nothing true but Heav'n (This world is all a fleeting show) (from Sacred Songs) - O. Shaw FRE
- The Russian lover (Fleetly o'er the moonlight snows) (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore - Unpublished Songs) GER
- The sky is bright; the breeze is fair - H. Bishop
- The song of Nourmahal (Fly to the desert, fly with me) (from Lalla Rookh) - H. Feilding
- The tear (On beds of snow the moonbeam slept) - F. Hiller, A. Rubinstein GER GER
- The time I've lost in wooing (The time I've lost in wooing) (from Lalla Rookh) - C. Scott
- The Young Indian Maid (There came a nymph dancing) - S. Coleridge-Taylor
- The young May moon is beaming; love (from Irish Melodies) FRE GER GER FRE - D. Gilliam, C. Ives (The young May Moon)
- The young May Moon (The young May moon is beaming; love) (from Irish Melodies) FRE GER GER FRE
- The young rose I give thee, so dewy and bright (from Melodies, Songs, and Sacred Songs) GER - A. Foerster, L. Lehmann, H. MacCunn, C. MacPherson, E. Polak, J. Ward (The young rose)
- The young rose which I gave thee, so dewy and light (from Melodies, Songs, and Sacred Songs) GER (The young rose) - A. Foerster, L. Lehmann, H. MacCunn, C. MacPherson, E. Polak, J. Ward
- The young rose (The young rose I give thee, so dewy and bright) (from Melodies, Songs, and Sacred Songs) - A. Foerster, L. Lehmann, H. MacCunn, C. MacPherson, E. Polak, J. Ward GER
- They tell me thou'rt the favored guest - M. Balfe (They tell me thou'rt the favoured guest)
- They tell me thou'rt the favoured guest (They tell me thou'rt the favored guest) - M. Balfe
- This is love (To sigh, yet feel no pain) - H. Pontet
- This world is all a fleeting show (from Sacred Songs) FRE - O. Shaw, S. Waley (This world is all a fleeting show)
- Those evening bells! Those evening bells! (from National Airs) FRE GER GER GER GER RUS GER GER POL - H. Hill, C. Ives, H. Loomis (Those evening bells)
- Those evening bells (Du Abendgruss, du Glockenklang) (from Gedichte - 6. Übersetzungen) FRE RUS POL
- Those evening bells (Those evening bells! Those evening bells!) (from National Airs) - H. Hill, C. Ives, H. Loomis FRE GER GER GER GER RUS GER GER POL
- Tho' the last glimpse of Erin with sorrow I see (from Irish Melodies) FRE GER - V. Herbert, F. May (Tho' the last glimpse of Erin)
- Tho' the last glimpse of Erin (Tho' the last glimpse of Erin with sorrow I see) (from Irish Melodies) - V. Herbert, F. May FRE GER
- Thou art, O God, the life and light (Thou art, O God, the life and light) (from Sacred Songs) - A. Paulsen FRE
- Thou art, O God, the life and light (from Sacred Songs) FRE - A. Paulsen, O. Shaw (Thou art, O God)
- Thou art, O God (Thou art, O God, the life and light) (from Sacred Songs) FRE
- Till en Flicka (Nej, tag igen din bok) (from Irländska Melodier af Thomas Moore) - I. Hallström
- 'Tis believed that this Harp, which I wake now for thee (from Irish Melodies) DAN FRE FRE GER RUS (The origin of the harp) -
- 'Tis Love that murmurs in my breast - A. Goetz ('Tis Love that murmurs in my breast)
- 'Tis the last rose of summer (from Irish Melodies) DUT FRE FRE GER SWE - B. Britten, F. von Flotow, A. Foerster, R. Lalli, H. Nelson, J. Stevenson, P. Tate ('Tis the last rose of summer)
- To all that breathe the air of heaven (from Odes of Anacreon) - T. Attwood (Ode XXIV)
- To all that breathe (To all that breathe the air of heaven) (from Odes of Anacreon) - T. Attwood
- To Greece We Give Our Shining Blades (The sky is bright; the breeze is fair) - H. Bishop
- To Julia on Her Birthday (When time was entwining the garland of years)
- Tom () - S. Barab [x]
- To Rosa (Does the harp of Rosa slumber?)
- To sigh, yet feel no pain - H. Pontet (Love analysed)
- To the Fire-Fly (At morning, when the earth and sky) GER
- Treib zu, mein kühnes Boot (Treib zu, treib zu, mein kühnes Boot) - J. Rheinberger CHI FRE
- Treib zu, treib zu, mein kühnes Boot CHI FRE - J. Rheinberger
- 'Twas a new feeling - something more - S. Barab (Did not)
- Über der See wogende Höh (Über der See) - F. Otto FRE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- Über der See FRE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) - F. Otto
- Vechernij zvon, vechernij zvon! = Вечерний звон, вечерний звон! FRE GER GER GER GER GER GER POL - A. Aliabev, Y. Arnold, N. Bakhmetyev, Y. Genishta, A. Gretchaninov, A. Rachmaninov, V. Saburova, V. Volkov, P. Vorotnikov, V. Zolotaryov
- Vechernij zvon = Вечерний звон (Vechernij zvon, vechernij zvon! = Вечерний звон, вечерний звон!) - A. Aliabev, Y. Arnold, N. Bakhmetyev, Y. Genishta, A. Gretchaninov, A. Rachmaninov, V. Saburova, V. Volkov, P. Vorotnikov, V. Zolotaryov FRE GER GER GER GER GER GER POL
- Vé do la gloria te llama (from Traducciones poéticas) FRE GER GER GER (Acuérdate de mí) -
- Venetianisches Gondellied (Leis' rudern hier) - R. Emmerich CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA
- Venetianisches Gondellied (Wenn durch die Piazetta) - A. Fesca, R. Fischhof, R. von Gericke, F. Mendelssohn, E. Meyer-Helmund, F. Siebmann CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA ITA LIT SWE
- Venetianisches Liebeslied (O, komm, wenn tief der Tag sich neigt) - A. Förster
- Venetianisches Lied I (Leis' rudern hier) - R. Schumann CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA
- Venetianisches Lied II (Wenn durch die Piazetta) - R. Schumann CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA ITA LIT SWE
- Venetianische Weise (O, komm, wenn tief der Tag sich neigt)
- Venetiansk Gondolvisa (När öfver Piazetta en aftonvind går,/ så vet du, Ninetta, jag väntande står ) - I. Hallström GER (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Vermächtnis (Wenn Tod mich übermannt, dann tragt) (from Irische Melodien von Thomas Moore) - G. Bergmann
- Vesperhymne (Horch! wie über's Wasser hallend) - H. Kaun DAN
- Viens sur la mer, jeune fille GER GER GER [x] - M. Dentu, A. Georges
- Wanneer de eerste zomerbij GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- Weit über dem Meere Erins Schimmer verblich FRE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) - M. Bruch
- Weit über dem Meere (Weit über dem Meere Erins Schimmer verblich) - M. Bruch FRE (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore)
- Wem stahl sich nicht mit süßem Schmerz (from Liederklänge aus England und Spanien - 1. Nach Thomas Moore) - A. Dietrich (Der Heimathstraum)
- Wenn Abendschatten sinken - C. Banck (Lied)
- Wenn der Morgen erglüht, wenn die Sonne sich senkt (Text: M. F. after Thomas Moore) - W. Eckardt, A. Fesca, G. Vierling (An dich, an dich, allein an dich)
- Wenn durch die Piazetta (Wenn durch die Piazetta) - C. Decker, J. Gall, R. von Sporck CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA ITA LIT SWE
- Wenn durch die Piazetta CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA ITA LIT SWE - A. Bungert, C. Decker, A. Fesca, R. Fischhof, J. Gall, R. von Gericke, A. Jensen, F. Mendelssohn, E. Meyer-Helmund, H. Pierson, R. Schumann, F. Siebmann, R. von Sporck, G. Stigelli (When through the Piazetta)
- Wenn durch die Piazzetta (Wenn durch die Piazetta) - A. Jensen CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA ITA LIT SWE
- Wenn ich in der Schwüle () - A. Winterberger (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x]
- Wenn Tod mich übermannt, dann tragt (from Irische Melodien von Thomas Moore) - G. Bergmann (Vermächtnis)
- Wer fühlte nicht, wie süß und weh (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) - F. Abt (Der Heimath Bild)
- Wer weiss es nicht, wie schwermuthreich (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x] - J. Raff
- When daylight sets (Oh, come to me when daylight sets) (from National Airs) - G. Lonasil GER GER GER
- Whene'er I see those smiling eyes GER SWE
- When evening shades are falling GER (Song) -
- When he who adores thee has left but the name (from Irish Melodies) FRE FRE (When he who adores thee) -
- When he who adores thee (When he who adores thee has left but the name) (from Irish Melodies) FRE FRE
- When in death I shall calm recline (from Irish Melodies) GER (The Legacy ) -
- When Love is kind (When Love is kind) - L. Lehmann
- When Spring adorns the dewy scene (from Odes of Anacreon) FRE - A. MacKenzie (Ode XLI)
- When spring begems the dewy scene (When Spring adorns the dewy scene) (from Odes of Anacreon) - A. MacKenzie FRE
- When the first summer bee (Bald, wenn die Biene hier) DUT
- When the first summer bee (When the first summer bee) DUT
- When thou art nigh, it seems SPA - A. Foerster, C. Gounod, C. Harris (When thou art nigh)
- When thou art nigh (When thou art nigh, it seems) - A. Foerster, C. Gounod, C. Harris SPA
- When through life unblessed we rove (When through life unblessed we rove) - H. Hughes
- When through life unblessed we rove - H. Hughes
- When through the Piazetta (Wenn durch die Piazetta) CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA ITA LIT SWE
- When through the Piazzetta (When through the Piazzetta) GER SWE
- When time was entwining the garland of years - J. Callcott (To Julia on Her Birthday)
- When time was entwining (When time was entwining the garland of years) - J. Callcott
- When twilight dews are falling soft (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore) - S. Schlesinger, M. White (When twilight dews)
- When twilight dews are falling (When twilight dews are falling soft) (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore) - S. Schlesinger
- When twilight dews (When twilight dews are falling soft) (from The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore) - M. White
- Where is the nymph whose azure eye - J. Stevenson
- Who comes so gracefully - H. Ware (Who comes so gracefully)
- Who has not felt how sadly sweet GER GER GER - W. Pearson, E. Thorne, C. Wood (The dream of home)
- Who'll buy my love-knots? (Portuguese Air) (Hymen, late, his love-knots selling)
- Who'll buy my love knots? (Hymen, late, his love-knots selling) - H. Pontet
- Why does azure deck the sky? - S. Coleridge-Taylor, C. Parry (Song)
- Why does azure deck the sky? (Why does azure deck the sky?) - S. Coleridge-Taylor, C. Parry
- Why does (s)he so long delay? (Why does she so long delay?) - S. Barab
- Wie manchmal, wenn des Mondes Strahl FRE - C. Evers, A. Jensen (How oft, when watching stars)
- Wie manchmal, wenn des Mondes Strahl (Wie manchmal, wenn des Mondes Strahl) - C. Evers, A. Jensen FRE
- Wie schön das Echo Antwort giebt FRE DAN (Text: Anonymous after Thomas Moore) [x] - H. Engels
- Wie über's Wasser hallend (Horch! wie über's Wasser hallend) - K. Reinecke DAN
- Will jou come to the bower (Willst kommen zur Laube, so schattig und kühl?) - H. Marschner ENG
- Willst du kommen, mein Lieb? (Willst kommen zur Laube, so schattig und kühl?) - K. Reinecke ENG
- Willst du kommen zur Laube (Willst kommen zur Laube, so schattig und kühl?) - W. von Rosen ENG
- Willst du mein sein, so sollen die Schätze der See (from Irische Melodien von Thomas Moore) - I. Brüll, E. Meyer-Helmund (Willst du mein sein)
- Willst du mein sein (Willst du mein sein, so sollen die Schätze der See) (from Irische Melodien von Thomas Moore) - I. Brüll, E. Meyer-Helmund
- Willst kommen zur Laube, so schattig und kühl? ENG - H. Marschner, K. Reinecke, W. von Rosen (Will you come to the bower?)
- Will you come to the bower I have shaded for you? GER (Will you come to the bower?) -
- Will you come to the bower? (Willst kommen zur Laube, so schattig und kühl?) ENG
- Will you come to the bower? (Will you come to the bower I have shaded for you?) GER
- Wind Thy Horn, My Hunter Boy. (Wind thy horn, my hunter boy) - H. Bishop
- With moonlight beaming (With moonlight beaming) - A. Foerster
- Young Love lived once in an humble shed - A. Foerster
- You remember Ellen, our hamlet's pride (from Irish Melodies) FRE FRE (You remember Ellen) -
- You remember Ellen (You remember Ellen, our hamlet's pride) (from Irish Melodies) FRE FRE
- Zum Friedhof schien der Mond herab - F. Abt, A. Rubinstein
Last update: 2024-08-23 05:44:04